The red flags should be the below average PFF grades for Kindley, Cleveland, and Mays pass blocking this year and Hill's below average run blocking grades. This is what happens when people "overhype" something, just like they did this "expected" blowout of Notre Dame. Everybody needs to pump the brakes on this train, although a really good win, there is PLENTY to work on. Go Dawgs!
My red flags were the same, too conservative, and I was surprised we didn't see many, if any new plays.
Notre Dame was ready for our screen's and the run plays. It didn't look like they brought any new plays that weren't already on tape.
Alabama being envious of the Georgia light show is Hilarious! It is also real...
They can blame it on Nick Saban and his lack of scheduling any legit team for a home and away series.
Maybe they will finally get a home night game in the 9th game of the season against LSU.
Either way, Georgia was the first team with the "Light Show" and they always will be. Now Alabama knows how it's supposed to be done....
The Roll Tide complaining about what we got just elevated our light show several notches. Love it!
Every major college program is going to have a light show by next year. Georgia Tech will ask their fans to bring flashlights instead.
Next will be light show drones. My son saw a show this summer and it was pretty amazing.
Then there's Tennessee angst (as in an-G-ST). That's Tennessee's angst about Georgia State.
Alabama is big mad about our lights?
Like we care about that? Guess they should have scheduled an earlier night game maybe. Oh, I forgot; that's not how it works. Did they miss the memo...
Let's see, we were playing Notre Dame, a top ten team. Alabama was playing the Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles. Wonder why we had a night game on tv and they didn't?
I'm not an Alabama hater but this sort of arrogance is why some folks don't care for the Roll Tiders. Oh, one other thing. Didn't they have a night game against Clemson not too long ago. How'd that go for them? As I recall, it was "lights out."
Go, Dawgs!