Ben, I am so glad your coming back for 2020. To steal a line from the late Charles Hardy (North Ga Chevy Dealer) " We love ya and we need Ya!" Go Dawgs!
Thanks Dawggy...Big Country took someone OUT! Whew! Steamrolled is right! So glad he returned to do it all again!!!
Looks like someone got an early case of Senioritis. Been there, done that. Get back in those books, young man. You'll be all right.
I remember the first Ben Cleveland story I read after he, at 17 years old arrived at Athens. A player told DN that the O-line was repping with 225 lbs on the bench. So Ben pressed it 50 times and the coach made him quit. One of his new teammates said it looked like Ben was just getting warmed up lol.
And this little video is from the '17 SECCG. I could watch it all day...
I guess you can read into this that things will change scholastically, at least according to his dad, Derek.
"DawgNation has learned via his father that the rising redshirt senior is enrolled in classes for this semester and is only a few hours away from a degree in sociology at UGA. Derek Cleveland also said that the plan is for his son to finish his degree and continue on as a member of the team this fall."
Excellent news! Hopefully, will take a leadership role on the field and locker room to ensure that he goes out in championship-style.
Not sure if anyone knows, but would his "academic issue" prevent him from participating in spring practice and the G-Day Game? Like, does he have to pull his grades up this semester in order to compete the following semester? Just wondering. Whatever the case, I just hope he'll be ready for the fall because we need him. Go Dawgs!
Outstanding news! Good job “Big Country!” Making mistakes is forgivable, correcting them is commendable! Go Dawgs!
Thank you, Ben. You did the true Dawg thing. UGA will benefit from your return!