"UGA has six other former players on hand at the Senior Bowl this week, not including Jamie Newman, who was with the program in the offseason."
He's not included because he is NOT a former UGA player! STOP with the Jamie Newman stuff! ****!
This young man is from my town, he handled business while at UGA and never had any off field issues! Sure, riding that bike that night (being a country boy from Riceboro) might not have been the best thing to do but i'm sure you learned a lesson on how quick things can change in an instant! Thanks God it wasn't worse! Young man it's your life! ......Yours!! Hey Rich, Liberty county and all the country boys and girls are proud of you, because we got to watch you from when you were playing pee wee ball till getting ready to play in the NFL. Congrats young man, get healthy and go out and dominate. You .....YOU earned it!!! Thanks for being a **** good Dawg! Go dawgs (912)
This is the textbook quote of a young beta male projecting his insecurities. Or a girl. It’s not hate sunshine. It’s the **** abuse of ones ‘life capital’. If any of us, well most of us, had his gifts, we and our loved ones would protect it at all costs. We’re talking potential generational wealth here. Mad? No. You’ve obviously never been in any real arena. Video games don’t count. People would kill for his god given skills. And his decision (and the coaches and staff knew how he got around, so he alone isn’t to blame), are inexcusable. ‘Why so much hate’ is a total loser young person way of starting any conversation.
Dang. With him and his crew knowing all this, the decision for this ‘DGD’ to not return for another year is DUMBER than the decision to ride a dirt bike down the highway without lights or a helmet at a high rate of speed. But Idgas. Not my problem. This is a terrible abuse/misuse of one’s ‘life capital’. Dumb dumb dumb all around. Smfh.
"not including Jamie Newman"....... Who has absolutely nothing to do with the University of Georgia.
Why do you keep bring him up like he means something. I would like to think you read the comments at some point and realize that NO ONE CARES about jamie newman.
Does anyone remember Sony Michel getting injured in that ATV accident. A requirement of your scholarship should be no off road motoring or motorcycles. Some things just make sense, that would be one of them.
Why so much hate on his decision to ride a motorcycle. He is the one having to pay the price no one else. I assume he has a reason for not being at the Sr bowl and he doesn't need my permission to not play and doesn't owe me an explanation for not doing so.
He did his best at GA and for that I offer thanks and best wishes
I wish Richard the absolute best.
That said, there is a reason the vast majority of professional contracts prohibit riding motorcycles.
And this is the reason.
That's what I thought. And if I were an NFL owner, I would think twice before signing a top DB to a contract who has demonstrated very poor decision making skills. He's probably lucky to be alive after his stupidity.
I read where after some specified earlier January cut-off date, LeCounte was not able return to college football. It is a shame but that motorcycle accident seems to be costing him with the NFL. We wish him the best.
I hope Richard will reconsider his decision to turn pro and come back for one more season in Athens. It will probably pay off for him by improving his draft stock for next year.
Why was he on the motorcycle and where was he going? Is that really important. He is young, and the young have no fear. I once owned a motorcycle, I was 17 and had no fear of anything. Later when I became the ripe old age of 20, and being in the country of South Vietnam, I realized what fear was.