I'm don't want to get into political views on the Dawgnation comments. This is a football site and wish it only to be about football. I guess some people are misunderstanding my comments. about recruiting, I'm guessing. I was stating that the top certain teams are always in the national championship discussion and that is verified by the talent accumulated through recruiting year after year. Even if they expand the playoffs to eight teams with Cincy and Coastal Carolina, these teams will probably not have a chance to win it all because of talent disparity. I'm not putting Cincy or CC down because it's about letting it play out on the field. It would be a feel good moment until reality sets in and one team get embarrassed. To truly give every team a chance is to limit the teams hogging all the 4 and 5 stars from year to year like Clemson , Alabama, Ohio State, even Georgia and believe me i love my Dawgs. Heart will only take a team so far. I don't know how that will happen or if it should happen. It was just a thought out of frustration of seeing the obvious this year by college selection committee.
So, some of you want not only socialism to rule our political lives, but also football, etc; Louis8478.
Seriously. Big10 makes rules at the beginning of their season. End of season, "nevermind". I heard that OSU deserved the bid cuz they won their few games and cuz the had to go thru the covid thing. Cincy won their games. Every team went through the covid thing. Seriously?
Kelly says ND absolutely deserves to be in the thing. Cuz they have the talent. I guess I watched somebody else thrashed by Clemson Saturday. And he was baffled as to why so many people eye roll when ND gets mentioned.
T A&M doesn't deserve the shot cuz they got thrashed by Alabama earlier? The teams they beat weren't so much? OSU tore their way thru murderers row?
Why doesn't the committee admit that the choice was made to boost ad revenues?
This is the figure skating part of college football that I hate. The judges (CFP committee) get together and decide the winners instead of the championship being decided on the field. This is the history of college football: writers got to select the mythical national champion, then there was the BCS champion - two teams selected -and now the CFP. The problem of course is that the NCAA has sold out to the bowls and need to keep them involved in the process. Every other level of college football has a playoff system and decides their champion on the field and not in a hotel conference room. The difference is the other divisions are focused on a championship and not network money from the bowl games.
I understand there will never be a perfect system because there are 120+ Division I schools; however, expanding the playoffs to eight teams with five conference champions and three at-large bids gives more deserving teams an opportunity to compete. There will still be debates about Coastal Carolina vs Texas A&M or Oklahoma or Cincinatti but at least those teams have an opportunity to play on a big stage. Let's face it people argue about the 64th, 65th, and 66th best college basketball teams for the NCAA tournament.
There is a narrative out there that this is a down year for the SEC that seems to have hurt A&M. The all SEC schedule was brutal and hurt in the rankings. Still glad we could watch football this year, and I think the SEC will clean up in bowl season. Notre Dame gets embarrassed every time they are in the big stage and the selection committee never learns their lesson.
I'm pretty sure if you settled it on a neutral site, OST., and ND would be underdogs to OK, uf, UGA and pick em against TAM .
We can debate this ad nauseum until the cows come home....it's just another year where it shows the playoff itself is a joke! Unless they expand it to include more teams then we will have these kind of debates almost every year. The lack of consistent games caused some teams to play more than others. Personally, I don't think Ohio State should be in the Final 4 simply based on their lack of resume this year, but you could convince me that Notre Dame still belongs. Expand the playoffs to 6 or 8 teams and make it better!!
Asking for a friend....Is there a plan in case one of the playoff teams has to bow out due to a Covid outbreak? Will it be a forfeit? Next team move up? Shuffle other bowls around?
Yeah, it's bullcrap. Every conference, i.e Big Ten, ACC, was looking out for themselves and changing the rules to suit their needs. There is no way Iowa State should have been ranked #6 and now Oklahoma,,... seriously. Seriously, the only real football team in the ACC is Clemson, otherwise its a glorified mid-level football conference. Texas A&M may not be as flashy and pumped up by the sports media as Notre Dame, as well as a few other glorified teams, but they should be ranked higher than #5. The college football rankings are a political and money base motivated platform. It's even more evident in this crazy chaotic year. It's time the let go of this old systerm of rankings, recruiting and even the playing field. The rich is only getting richer with the same old teams playing year after year for a championship. Lets put a limit on the number of top recruits a team can sign and expand the playoff field. The current system will only hurt the future of the sport. The world is changing, why not college football.
Alabama has gotten in with one loss and without winning its division. As long as Saban draws a breath, Bama is in. That is one playoff spot locked down. Clemson locks down a second spot annually by cakewaking through the All Cupcake Conference. Norte Dame...just follow the money. If the playoff committee can make even the flimsiest justification, the Irish are in. That leaves the rest of D-1 playing for one, maybe two spots and that’s not even factoring in Ohio State and the weak as water B1G. Expand to six team playoff with the first two seeds getting byes so very legitimate contenders are not left out. That would add just one game if a three through six team made it to the NC game.
Undeserving team getting in...like Ohio State this year? Or Notre Dame in other years?
About the regular season, how would an 8 team playoff change anything? If you’re worried about teams knowing how many losses they can absorb and still get into the championship, look at the SEC now. In the SECE that would be one or two losses every year. Is the regular season diminished because of that?
Automatic bids present their own issues. Ok, you're reducing human judgment involved. But then you're opening the door for a generally undeserving team that happened to win the right game(s) being invited to play for a championship. Which brings us back to the point about diminishing the regular season. If you know before the season even begins that any number of teams can lose multiple games and all still be in the conversation, that already dilutes the significance of any given week's results, compared to a more exclusive process. Obviously there is still something to play for until a team is clearly (can't say mathematically because the system you propose would still involve a deliberative selection) eliminated, but there would objectively be fewer moments throughout the season when that could occur - which is what I mean by diminishing the regular season.
I agree with most posters that Notre Dame clearly played itself out of the playoff last night. Their talking point of having beaten Clemson (depleted by COVID-19) earlier in the season is a pitiful argument a newly appointed public defender might try and run by a judge on behalf of his deadbeat client. An argument can easily be made against Ohio State and their lack of games, schedule, and poor showing in their championship game. I'm struggling to get upset overall, since the playoffs are merely an invitation to have your asses handed to you by Bama and Clemson. A&M, Oklahoma, and Cincinnati would all be crushed if they were allowed in. Can anyone, please UGA, go out and knock these guys off their perch and close the gap between these two and everyone else?
Two things were obvious this season. One, the SEC was, is, & will remain in a class by itself. In my opinion, the CFP would be better off with 4 SEC teams or 3 SEC teams & Clemson. Two, college football & the remainder of the conferences are a hot mess.
There are too many variables and too many agendas to corrupt a four team playoff. 5 conference champs would be slotted by their actual games, not someone’s opinion.
I disagree that games would be diminished if we went to such a playoff. Every game counts—every game is important until you play your way to mathematical elimination.
Maybe after seeing how this was handled, Sankey poo poo’s the next time they call for conference only Shinanagins. The top three teams in the sec would easily win by 2 td’s over the number 3 and 4 selection.
the members need to think about that.
here’s to hoping Notre Dame and Ohio State getting embarrassed. I’m talking about getting whipped by 4 td’s embarrassed.
"Regretfully Predictable"
I am glad we are not A&M, just think how disappointed we all would be right now. It is a Travesty!!!!
I said it yesterday, I believed, by eye test and stats, that the 4 Best Teams as of today - 1. Bama, 2. Clemson, 3. A&M, 4 Oklahoma. I guess it can be argued that I am swayed by my personal negative feelings towards Independents, lack of games played and the roll media plays in all of this. But, I am not trying to do that, so, take your shots at me, I could be wrong, but Mike was willing to at least put it in writing, so I am doing the same - This is not what we asked for when we got rid of the BCS and all of that computer generated, media driven BS.
We got a commitee that plays favorites and changes their "requirements" to fill their narrative. What a crock of crapola!
The fix is not an 8 games playoff, unless they are willing to change the regular season schedule and make every team play at least one game from each power 5 conference. Maybe it happens and Maybe it doesn't - but they are screwing up a really great thing! BTW they are following in the NFL's footsteps, which is a dumb thing to do, because that league is not gaining viewers but losing them.
Here I go, hoping again that "they do what is right" for us, rather than doing something that is predictably $$$$ driven.
No, the solution would be the application of valid and consistent reasoning in the selection process. Expansion would do nothing to address the root source of any and all potential controversy - the fact that there will always be a cutoff. What it will do, though, is diminish what has always been the most exciting and entertaining regular season in sports. If they expanded the playoff next year, we'd still be having this same conversation, airing grievances and wondering how they could have possibly included or left out team x or y. That is, unless they actually applied a sound methodology in their selections. And if they can do that with 3 (wild card) teams, they can do it with 4.
I can see the writing on the wall. I know I'm fighting a losing battle here. When it inevitably happens, I'll still try to see the good in it, because what else can I do? But I do think it's a bad idea.
Strength of schedule. Body of work. How many teams have you beat. None of that was applied because none of it was in Ohio States favor.
What do you look like down the stretch. How did you finish. Did you win your conference championship? Here's looking at you Notre Dame...
No risks, no reward. Some things just don't apply when you're Ohio State. A&M just won more games in a row than than Ohio St has even played.
At least in the SEC, you have to earn it. It must be boring to already know that almost no matter what, you're team will make next years play-offs. And the year after, and the year after...
Texas A&M just got screwed!
A&M lost to Alabama on October 3rd (second game) | Notre Dame was just embarrassed by Clemson on December 19th (last game)
Face it: The poo bahs on the Committee wanted to see Alabama and ND play. Now Notre Dame gets to have their rear ends handed to them again. This is a national semi-final game for a national title and the opening line is 17.5 points. It's a joke.
Either open up the playoffs or stop pretending it's working. It's also leading to players who've forgotten all that their school has done for them quitting on their brothers because, in their small world, the bowl game just "don't matter, bro." Time to get some rays and prep for the big show. It's ME time for these dudes. Apparently, if you're not playing for the title, no need to play at all.
At least in the FCS, you get to settle it on the field. The FBS Committee, on the other hand, is made up of fan boys.
Oh yes, one more thing--Ohio State should not be in the playoff with their body of work. It is a competitive advantage for them over other teams who played a full schedule and are more beat up.
The only way we get past this garbage of a playoff system is to expand to eight teams--Power 5 conference champs and three at large conference champs. There would be enough controversy in the 3 at large to satisfy the self-serving media desire for it. I know, I know--this is a pandemic playoff. But it's not that different from other years where we scratch our heads at the CFP committee's reasoning.
I’m sick about 2 things.
1) having to watch another team play in the seccg was brutal!
2) Notre Dame getting into the playoff is a joke. Also, Ohio state getting in after 6 games..... come on! If I’m TAMU or Cincy I’m side ways. The playoff committee messed this one up.
the only good thing that may come is possibly increasing the number of seats in the playoff.
Excellent article, Mike.
The committee certainly didn't pick the four best teams nor go by the standards they've told us matter.
Notre Dame? Really?
Ohio State is marginal but Notre Dame is a travesty. Clemson could have beaten 'em by 75 points.
The weak ACC was rewarded big time. The strong SEC was screwed.
On the other hand, Notre Dame will suffer a second beat down which is always fun to watch. It's not so much that I hate Notre Dame but I certainly hate the media's Notre Dame and THE Ohio State University fanboys.
Go, Dawgs!