Yeah, let's keep trading a potential blockbuster of a game with the gayturds in the classic city for an extra away game in the cesspool known as Jacksonville. Sounds like a great idea. McGarity should make the lizards travel every other year to play GA (It's essentially a home game for them, each year) and should collect our stolen home game from the Tigers. Somehow, I don't think he has the kahoonas for that.
Hang 200 on them next year on their home field. Dang they pulled out of playing in Athens twice. What an **** symbol to the SEC!
Complete bush league move by the Vanderbilt administration.
They need to be removed from the SEC. Serious.
Vandy sux. There's no two ways about it. Such a disappointment. Truly hope McGarity comes up with some spectacular way to honor the Seniors.
Very Disappointed for our Seniors, Players, Coaches and Fans!
To keep things in perspective, I can name A LOT of schools I wish we could of, would of, should of played this Saturday... BUT I can't think of anyone that would want to face us. Even the teams on the CFP bubble, have more to lose than gain by facing a UGA team that has "come into their own"! Not one, not even Miami, who got steam rolled by UNC...if we hung 60 on them, No Bowl game worth mentioning for the Hurricanes...etc., etc.
I would really appreciate a bowl game in South Florida, near the beach and we can have "Senior Luau", ORANGES Included!
What a game that would be, but I believe Clemson wins the ACC and that would put us in the Peach Bowl and we get to stay here, cold, windy and rainy ATL!
I would like a HOME and HOME with Vanderbilt for the next 2 seasons, but like others have said - put a 100 burger on them for 2021 and redemption is granted!
2020 has been crapola, give us a break!
Vanderbilt should be thrown out of the SEC and denied any of the money from bowl and tv revenue. They pulled out of playing Georgia on December 4th for our senior day due to a lack of players. However, a week later they found enough players for their senior day at home, also so the could have the publicity of having the first female score in a power 5 game. Now a week later they can't play on our senior day. What gaul and weakness! Vanderscared no longer deserves to be an SEC team! If the league is to weak to drop them then next year we should hang as many points as possible go for the record.
I say drop them from our schedule. I know they’re in our division, but behavior like they’ve displayed is unacceptable and I’m ashamed to say we play in the same conference that would allow this.
3.....3 that’s it. If I’m a season ticket holder I’m losing my mind. There has to be something UGA can do to remedy this.
Here’s a better idea. Since Vandy canceled on us twice, I think they should forfeit their home game vs Georgia next year and be made to come to Athens next season to get the biggest tail whipping we’ve ever seen. That or kick their sorry rear ends out of the sec. I don’t feel sorry for them anymore. They knew they weren’t ever going to play us when they canceled the first game. If I was Kirby, I’d score as many points on them next year as I possibly could.
Go Dawgs!!
I say the Dawgs need to hang a 100 on them next season! It is bad when the toughest player on your team is a women's soccer player. There was no quit in Sarah! I think Vandy should hang up the pads and play in the flag football league. They have a better chance of winning and maybe the university will be more willing to support them. The Vandy Quitters has a ring to it!
A little bit hard to understand. We've had since Monday afternoon to find someone else. In addition to all the schools named in this article, Miami was mentioned yesterday. What was the response from each of these schools? It would be nice to hear a little more explanation beyond "unable to make it happen" or "could not find an appropriate replacement opponent".
Thought # one: I am sure this was checked at some point, but I sure would love for that Atlanta engineering school to have been convinced/allowed to come to town for their annual dismantling.
Thought # two: Maybe it is time to consider a shuffle in the SEC to ensure all 14 members really want to be there all the time, not just when it is convenient.
Here is a hint... 1. Demand next years game be a home game for UGA, 2. Demand financial compensation from Vandy for lost revenue (deduct from the SEC league financial payouts to each member institution) 3. Demand a public apologize from Vandy acknowledging they screwed UGA over and they will deduct compensation for UGA's financial losses. 4. Beat the living hell outta these POS scumbags from Vandy 75-0 next year and for the next 100 years.
Vandy is an embarrassment and utter cesspool of political correctness... Kick them outta the conference!!!
Maybe every year Vandy has to come here we could make it our Homecoming Game.
To the Commode-A-Dors AD and staff who chose NOT to play the Dawgs:
Since your decision to snub or eliminate our Seniors and our university from the chance of becoming the winningest class at UGA, I hope you grow what you have sewn. Expect no mercy from all the SEC teams who get the chance to flush the Commode-A-Dors 😡
Goooo Dawgs!
I do not want to be Vanderbilt in 2021 when they play the Dawgs. It could get ****.
“We are also working on alternative ways to honor our senior class, who deserve the opportunity to be celebrated as one of the most prolific classes in University of Georgia history.”
Kirby will give then a great send-off...wait and see.
Let's have a fan-filled (as much as possible) open pratice type game with fans and team to honor the seniors. I know it's not the same thing, but anything is better than nothing. They deserve it. Next year UGA deserves to hang 80 on them. Just get ready to play in the bowl game and go out and win your last game.
This is just so disappointing. Mainly for the players. Vandy is going to, and should, pay for this next year.
Let's see. Vanderbilt CAN'T PLAY UGA. Seven days later, they DO PLAY, UT. Seven days later, they CAN'T PLAY UGA. Notice anything? Right. Vandy wanted no part of Georgia and, in the process, ruined the last home game for every departing UGA senior. No class.
I knew Vandy would pull out.I hope we ball out in our bowl game.Right now I consider Georgia one of the most dangerous teams in the country to play.