In addition to being an occasional thorn in our side, Vandy has now shoved a fat, stubby, nasty finger (And, we've no idea where that finger has been) straight into our eyes. In the foreseeable future, Vandy's reception in Sanford both on & off the field will be very cold. They have quite possibly awakened a sleeping giant that will show no mercy in the future.
If no game can be scheduled, then we should make the bowl game a celebration of the team and the Seniors. Either way, this has been a great class. They have set the foundation that will lead to great rewards for the Dawgs.
In what has likely been the most difficult circumstances since WWII, the University of Georgia made it thru the season doing things the right way. It's a testament to the strength of character & quality of our administration, the coaches, players, fans & alumni. Very few other institutions can say the same & for that I'm truly proud to say I am an alumnus of the University of Georgia. Congratulations to the entire team for a successful season & to the Seniors for a tremendous career.
GO DAWGs!!!!!!!
What a horsepoop comment. If you wanted to finish the season the right way you would complete your obligations and finish the schedule. Vanderbilt played at home but is scared to play away. That is a forfeit. UGA 1 Vandy 0. I hope we hang 100 on them next year for causing the seniors and their parents to not have a senior day.
I got a better idea. Vandy, in forfeiting the game, also forfeits their share of all the bowl money from the SEC teams who are playing. Doesn't make much sense to share the prize money with a bunch of quitters.
They are better suited to conference USA. Sec shouldn trade Memphis for the Vandy Panties.
Troy is the perfect fit. Parallel situation to UGA, with winless conference opponent backing out twice. Plus, Troy isn’t going to a bowl game, so their season would otherwise end. Now they get a chance to play a final game - in Sanford Stadium.
No they aren’t. They had to cancel their game against Miami due to Covid roster management. C’mon man, keep up. 🤣
Any team that opts out of a game for any reason should have to at least forfeit that portion of the revenue, only makes sense. It's a Bizarro World we're living in now, but rewarding these teams for not playing, Ohio St., Vandy, and the countless others sends a bad message.
Personally I'd like to send Vandy off to the Big10 for Ohio State. Think about it... it would make for more competitive games in both conferences
Sounds as if the young Mr Seals may have worked as an intern under Tom Mars in the past.. Protecting himself with his words. If they were TRUE about finishing what they started, he wouldn't have to say a word, they'd be real, and just do it.
BRING ON BYU. Wasn't some pundit raving about their QB that KIrby wished he had? OR am I misremembering?
I am going against the prevailing grain....end it ...Vandy is out as we all predicted would happen and not try and throw together some "game" in four days just to have a game. Honor the seniors and concentrate on the recruiting. This is getting crazy. We will get a good bowl game...look forward to that....why bang up a lot of players in a shoo-fly game?
It would be an opportunity to avoid another UCF debacle. And who knows, could be good football!?
How about Colorado? My son (CU grad) works for the CU football team and their Saturday PAC 12 division runner up game against Oregon in Los Angeles was cancelled today. Oregon in now playing in the Pac 12 championship due to Washington having to cancel due to COVID.
I'm a UGA grad (83), my wife is a Ohio State grad (89), and my oldest is a CU grad (2020) so a lot of fun during college football season. Live near Denver so football on Saturdays and skiing on Sundays this time of year;-)
Looking for a silver lining, after Vandy backed out again. With early signing day a day away, maybe it gives Kirby just enough more time to sway another recruit who's still on the fence.
We may be biased but anyone that has been paying attention can see that UGA is presently a MUCH better team than we were at the beginning of the season. I doubt very seriously we can find another opponent that is willing to get curb stomped to replace Vandump.
I am willing to spend a Saturday in Sanford Stadium just to see these Seniors get the honor they normally would have received had Vandump not selfishly taken that away from them.
If we are not able to find another opponent, I hope we find a creative and memorable way to honor our Seniors!
Not enough guts to back out of the UT game, but there was no problem stiffing us.
Wow..... not surprised.... just ballsy to avoid uga all together both times because you’re scared. Talk about a culture problem?? Tell me vandy ain’t got a toxic culture!
Id take any one. Truth be told if I could pick, I’d pick to play Florida again. I know I know... ain’t happening. Was just dreaming, but in reality I think we could score: coastal Carolina, tech, BYU, Michigan, or possibly TAMU. But if I’m A and M I wouldn’t want anything to do with this game. They stand to lose the most.
My first thought was "invite Tech", but I remembered that they had to cancel against Miami, so that's out. Would Miami even consider a trip to Athens? Arizona at Cal was cancelled, but BOTH teams had to pull out, so no luck there. Troy? They had this Thursday's game cancelled by ULM, which would have been a home game, so maybe they want to play someone, but also want to keep that possible game at home. Who knows? No harm in asking, I say. Right now, all I can come up with is either Miami or Troy, and I won't state a preference because I just want our guys to have a game, especially the seniors, but also absolutely everyone within and without the program that lives and breathes Georgia Football.
Maybe there'll be some sort of Christmas miracle where Florida suddenly has a severe COVID outbreak and has to pull out of the championship game (like Washington dropping out of the Pac-12 game) and we have to fill in for them against Bama, since we are the East Division co-champions. Hey, stranger things have happened.
(Updating from previous post above) -- I didn't know that Miami has an open date now because of Tech canceling on them. I don't know if SEC and ACC would allow it (or if the two schools would even want it), but I would think that would be a dandy matchup. UGA obviuosly wants to give its seniors a Senior Day with a game attached to it, and I'm sure after the egg Miami just laid against North Carolina, they're anxious to show that they are a much better team than the way they played.
But Dawg fans, just keep in mind that there are pros and cons to every decision. If that game were to be played, there's a good chance we could lose and in so doing, might very well cost us the chance of playing in a New Year's Six Bowl (probably the nearby Peach). If we don't play on Saturday, we're all but guaranteed of that? Would McGarity, Kirby and the SEC be willing to let go of a sure thing just for the sake of getting some seniors a chance to have their names called and call themselves the winningest class at UGA. They could have claimed that honor by now had they defeated Florida and Alabama this year, or South Carolina and LSU last year, or . . . you get the point. So I don't know. I'm a little betwixt and between on this one.
A&M makes the most sense for the SEC. The winner of that game can claim a much stronger schedule then anything Ohio State had and can strengthen the argument to get 2 SEC teams in the playoff. Georgia is a much different team now and a win over A&M will prove we are one of the best 4 teams.
Social justice cowards. Predicted this 2 weeks ago. Great message to the youth of America. Quiting is easy and acceptable. Make sure you blow up the locker room on the way out tho!!!! Disgraceful.
GA Tech was the one who cancelled their Miami game this weekend, so playing them is not an option (COVID # of players issue). Miami might be available and willing to travel....if the SEC will allow an outside-the-conference game. There are no SEC teams available.
I'm willing to bet the one *woman* on the Vanderbilt football team wanted to play the Dawgs.
I had just posted about Tech, but I like Miami better (could care less about FSU) or Texas. Texas may not want to fit the bill to fly out here, and I doubt we're going to want to play anything but a home game. Maybe not though...and of course it depends on IF the teams cancelled their games due to their OWN COVID issues. In which case, that won't work.
Just found out that GT was the one that cancelled due to COVID issues (manpower), so Miami might still be up for a game and available.
They should at least hold a private Senior day ceremony at Sanford Stadium for players, and families. Won't be the same as entering a stadium with limited fans in attendance. But at least they would get to make 1 more entrance into Sanford Stadium dressed in Red&Black. They've earned every bit of the recognition, and then some..GoDAWGS!
Too bad A&M is scheduled to play Tennessee, as that would be a great matchup to watch. BYU could be another good option, but I doubt they would be game after sticking their necks out for a matchup with Coastal Carolina. I'd just be happy to see the Dawgs play if they can manage to find another opponent.
I hope we hang 100 on those cowards next fall. There should be a consequence for not keeping your commitment to the SEC and its members. What should the consequence be????
Somebody PLEASE call Geoff Collins and ask him if he can have the Bee Team ready and on standby. Or maybe Miami or Florida State. Texas? I'm betting lots of teams that played last week and aren't scheduled this week would be willing to take another road game. (And no, I don't have any idea what anybody else's schedule looks like.) Indiana? Maryland? UNC? Heck, Colorodo or Michigan State? Who doesn't matter as much as giving these Seniors their Day! But if you're looking around, why not find someone good or at least decent? Nobody got their full allotment of games this year, so if everybody is still on campus and practicing, I gotta believe almost all would LOVE to play Georgia. And pay them Vanderbilt's cut, plus, if needed. We should still have a couple million laying around that we didn't have to pay the two cupcakes this year. McGarity, as your last act of tenure, you should make sure the Dawgs have an opponent in Sanford Stadium on Saturday. A nice cherry on top of an effective career! Go Dawgs!
How 'bout playing the Rambling Wreck? Their game against Miami was cancelled, and they are just down the street. Heck, we could actually finish the season in a semi-normal fashion.
Let's go WRECK TECH!
I feel bad for the seniors that won't get to run out on the field for the last time and be recognized. No way should we travel to Vandy next year. The SEC should make them come to Athens to play.
Ain’t it just dandy that they “worked through adversity” to get Their Senior Day in. But fade like freshly cut weeds on a hot summer day for the game vs the Dawgs ??!!?? This totally stinks !! I must confess there were times way back in the day when I felt sorry for Vandy and actually defended them to a degree. Like the time Spurrier made the infamous “Well it’s just Vandy” comment. But No More !! And this isn’t about COVID this is about them being Selfish !! Well Vandy if you can’t handle playing with the big boys, get out of the SEC !! Oh and to the SEC Commish make absolutely sure you do every thing as usual to accommodate Bama and UF but don’t even accidentally do any thing in favor of the Dawgs (yes tons of sarcasm) !! 😡
What a load of c r a p!
Sankey should take the Vandy AD to task. If I was the SEC Commissioner and had the power I would kick Vandy out of the SEC. There is 100+ teams who would love to join the SEC.
Lol several typo errors in that previous post..but Candy fits perfectly though
Time for Vandy to find a new conference. Hopefully for our Seniors we can find another game.
Send candy packing..funny they can can play the week before BOTH scheduled UGA games but opt out against the DAWGS. They play when it beneficial to for them, such as last week's game vs an in state rival. Helps schools with recruiting, except at vanderbilt.