Hey Mike. Gonna try and help u win ur first Pulitzer…and here’s how.
I want an accurate telling of this 2020 CFB story. If the SEC plays this year, the media will be eager to document any Covid cases and outcomes...we know that. So Ok, I'm fine with that...provided the quitter Conferences report on their athletes as well. Are we gonna get reports on their athletes/students for Fall term…or does their cancel-the-season decision get them a free-pass on all Covid cases on their campuses. If those numbers are hidden, it’s a rigged game. But, if the reporting is done fairly, I’m perty sure the SEC athletes, with their safety protocols in place, are gonna fare better. Thinking I’m not alone on this…but really want the 2020 CFB story reported accurately…if not the only accurate story this year:(
p.s. Can u imagine Zeus not getting this season? How many hours/pounds/reps has that dude put-in for this chance to uplift his family?? Wow.
p.s.s. Do they give Pulitzers to ex-Airborne and/or jock reporters???
If they're going to be playing in empty stadiums, then MAYBE it can be done safely enough that the three remaining conferences can make it to the end of the season. Of course, then the debate begins as to whether the season even counts. I'm sure at least half the country will say it doesn't.
If they're going to be allowing for anything that could be called a crowd in the stands, i just don't see it working.