I’m hoping someone- parents, other players?- step in and tell them to man up, accept their suspensions and grow up and eventually contribute to UGA. People make mistakes but people also forgive people who own their mistakes and learn from them. Maybe that’s wishful thinking 🤷♂️
Go Dawgs
Both will hit the portal or probably be drummed off the team. It seemed to have died down some…but….not so much. Kirby has to make an example of them IMO. It has to stop. Seems to run in the DNA of some of these boys that and NIL money. I just shook my head when I heard this and said …"not again."
Young men will do dumb things. Young men with disposable income will do even dumber things. Young men with disposable income and poor character will do the dumbest things you can imagine. Makes me wonder if these kids are getting the mentoring and tough love they so desperately need. SMH.
Ain't that the truth. Lol...UGA needs all the "Luck" it can get. Every year. This guy has to go. He's used up all his "Luck". No telling how fast he was going. Smh...kids! I just got through having a talk with a Neice, that just doesn't seem to get it. I'd like to think, i wasn't that dense when I was that age. Lol
I don’t know for sure what will happen but both of them will probably hit the TP now. They’re not gonna want to ride out the suspensions.
Looks like Kirby is fed up and is gonna start kicking azz hard. It will be painful for him and Dawgs football cause allot of them will hit the TP rather than man up to true discipline. But ultimately what’s left will be players who Really want to be Dawgs and fully embrace KS ideology.
That will also lead to an Elite team over time. Policies need to be put in place for Big NIL deductions as a form of discipline as well. Start dipping into those wallets Maybe it’ll help settle them down but heck I don’t know. Some seem Determined to get in trouble no matter what.
they’re gone either way you look at it. They simply enter the portal or get kicked off the team. Sad. I thought Tuggle had a chance to be a weapon at receiver.
Bye Bye to these two fools… two dead a couple of years ago and these idiots continue the insanity… We are sick of this **** and your big ego charger heads…
Go Dawgs
Send "Nitro" back to Indiana. Permanently…. Great team discipline…. The beat goes on…. I am really starting to get tired of college football. College football has lost its Mojo…
That white Dodge did a lot of pinballing. Hitting 2 cars AFTER hitting a transformer off the road? Looks like there may be 2 positions opening up for additions from the spring TP.
Send the message early this year, enough of the b.s. You’re off of the team, see ya.