For me the simplest solution is just give each conference champ an auto-bid to the playoffs, and have two at large teams. That way conference championship games matter, and each conference is able to send a representative to the playoffs.
i've said before, use the NY6 bowls as the playoffs. Years ago there was talk of a +2 or +4 where the winners of the bowls played after the bowls in a playoff. Keep the big bowls (Orange, Cotton, Rose, Sugar) with traditional tie-ins and some at-large, then make the second round in the Fiesta and Peach. CG in a predetermined location. Biggest thing i fear is they make it like the NFL. One of my favorite days during college FB season is New Year's day with all the tradition and pagentry. BTW, i hate the NFL; find it sterile and predictable.
The FCS and Div II have a much more robust playoff system than we do. Ours is a joke, and it has made (2) things definitely worse from a college football perspective: Bowl games and opting out. There are more players than ever opting out of bowl games, because there are WAY too many bowl games, and at least 1/3rd to 1/2 of them are worthless. Too many undeserving teams getting bowl invites. Also, if your team is not in the playoff then even the 2nd tier bowl games that used to be pretty good - this year think bowls like the Orange and Cotton - are not worth much at all. Was Florida really that bad last night because no one wanted to really play the game, there were too many key players who opted out, or is Oklahoma that much better than earlier in the season? We'll never know. I wasn't even interested in the game, because of the lopsided way it was going to be played with key FL players out.
Expanding the playoffs will cut down on the number of players opting out AND make more bowl games significant and fun. Right now bowl season has turned into a waste of a player's time and just a chance to get injured. If the bowls aren't part of the playoffs then their significance has decreased dramatically.
You can either have a bowl system or a playoff. But I don’t think you can have both. 12 teams with 4 getting a bye is about the best you can hope for. Not sure if there are really 12 teams that can win a title, but at least it allows for 11 “bowl” games.
If there is going to be an NFL type playoff system in college football with NFL type television contracts for three to four more games added to a 12 game season in addition to conference championships, then fans need to be prepared for players to demand payment for their services. Most fans want it both ways...add more and more games AND continue to pretend that the athletes are playing for school pride and a scholarship.
It's been crazy for a while that there is only one division in all of college football (or any sport as far as I can tell) that does not have a legitimate playoff system. All about conferences and bowl tie-ins. But now, if you're not in the top 4, the bowls become a half-joke, because the less motivated (or more self-involved) players don't even show up. The teams that played the season are not the teams that play in the bowl games. It's insanity but has been that way for a long time. Kirby's on the RIGHT path. But the "suits" have not yet spoken.
12 G - Bingo
There is a lot of money out there for a 12 team CFP, I would think 9 zeros kind of number. But in 2019, we had 60 something bowl games, cut that number down to 32, add the 12 game playoff with Top 4 receiving a bye and we are just under 45 total games at the end of the year.
I also believe the regular season schedule will need to be revamped, which will be their (NCAA) built in delay to NOT doing this now. Every team must play at least 3 teams from the other 4 conferences, which will give us better understanding of who is really good. It is still flawed but it gives us more meaningful games.
What I thought was hilarious and freighting all at the same time, the talking heads are referring to the BCS as the benchmark, Oh NO! not back to that again, Kirk and Pollack trying to make themselves more relevant, priceless!
I am all for an expansion to eight or twelve. The college football season is too short! It seems like hockey, soccer, basketball and baseball are year-round but college football is only a few months! Could you imagine any other sport where there wasn't a bracket or playoff system. Where a group of biased individuals decided the four teams that were allowed to vie for the championship every year? Not to mention, I truly believe we would have one, possibly two more Natty's if it were expanded years ago. Have the conference championships, wait a month and have the twelve teams battle over the following three weeks!
Cut out all the garbage bowls and get the top 8 teams. Bama is going to destroy the leprechauns because them and Ohio State got a pass....
It is clear that the 4-team playoff has destroyed the traditional bowl games. I tend to agree with Kirby, but wonder what the benefit of a conference championship game would be, other than securing a bye in his scenario. Go Dawgs!
But Kirby, if Bama had an advantage by making the playoffs by not playing in the SECCG which helped them win a natty, then each of the bye teams would have the same advantage.
Expansion will never be about the inclusion of deserving teams, it will certainly be about the D-1 presidents and their bean counters getting the networks to pony up another billion dollars to televise the games. Expansion will render the conference championships worthless so the SEC will never agree to it unless the playoff cash cow is significantly bigger than their current cash cow.