It is important to focus on the subject of Jake's tweet and not just one word (whites). So with that in mind what was Jake talking about? Jake was commenting on the expanded availability of suppressors for fire arms. The public's experience and knowledge of suppressors primarily comes from movies and TV, and based on that suppressors are not seen as something every gun owner needs. Suppressors even more than handguns themselves are associated with taking a human life. Jake was expressing support for the position that the wide spread availability of suppressors would make it easier for criminals to use them. I suspect most gun owners and non gun owners agree with Jake. They also recognize that higher prices tend to reduce the demand for goods and services (including suppressors).
So, was Jakes's comment racist? Was it meant to be offensive or degrading to people of color? I am confident that was not Jake's intention.
I wish everyone would let this go. My money says that everyone casting stones at Fromm have said something similar at some point in time. I’d also bet that minorities say things they wouldn’t want posted for the world to see. Fromm screwed-up and has apologized...please folks let it go and let’s get on with more important issues. Go Dawgs!!!
I thought Steak and Sandra on The Front Row did a pretty good job of defending Fromm. They read the entire exchange on air and the comment (however inappropriate) wasn’t intended to be about himself. We all make mistakes and this is not something that should haunt him for his career.