It's called a lack of command of the English language. Can happen to anyone at times. Only it seems to happen to cousin Eddie a lot.
I have to agree...If this had happened to the Dawgs the people here would be screaming.....I still don't know how they said he caught it.....maybe they said had possession for a split second and then was down when the ball hit the any case that play is an incomplete 9 out of ten times
Mullen had to do something to placate Florida "fans" and that meant the refs calls were bad!!! It could not have been Mullen,oh no, he is above reproach. UGA wil beat him the next ten games.
On to Missouri...enough of Mullen.
Did Mullen complain about the bogus holding call that took Swift's long td run off the scoreboard? Or did he complain about the bogus defensive holding call that allowed the drive that scored their last td to continue?
That's rich. Dan Mullen works the refs like nobody's business. He intends to get every break.
More and more I dislike this man. If we beat him a hundred years in a row that would be fine with me, and I'd bet he'll complain every year. He doesn't seem to take responsibility for losing.
Go, Dawgs!
Someone is worried about impeachment ha ha, must be a hard sport for you to watch with all that lliberal dominanace out there on the field, not too many GOPers in the NFL playing these days since integretation.
I understand Mullen not liking the call. What gets me is his use of the word "motive." It's one thing to complain that a call was blown. Quite another to suggest a conspiracy.
Cry me a river....
Initially I thought it was a bad call. But watching that gif about a dozen times, I have kind of changed my mind. I can now see them calling that a catch.
So Cousin eddie only is concerned about the officials motives when it benefits his team?
They had the rest of the 1st half and the ENTIRE second half to erase a ONE SCORE deficit and they couldn't get it done. It did not "decide" the game by any means. They were dominated on both sides of the ball. What about the bogus "holding" call that negated Swift's TD? There are gonna be calls that don't go you way-deal with it. Did we get a huge break? Of course we did. But you also have to capitalize on the break, which we did. If the Gators had gotten that call they would have loved it, and don't think for a SECOND they wouldn't take it and run. UGA has been screwed by the zebras ALL SEASON. We finally got a break in a big game. Good for us.
I have a problem with the Cager catch too. I want to know why the official didn't call the Florida DB for holding on Cager.
If the Florida DB doesn't hold, Cager likely makes the catch cleanly.
It's just like Mullen to try and deflect and distract. The Florida Receivers were pushing off on the Georgia DB's. That's what happened at the goal line score, but they called PI on the Ga DB.
The Swift TD on the Toss Sweep that was taken off the board for holding was as nit-pick call. Yes, he barely held just briefly, happens on many of those type plays, and usually doesn't get called. If that play stands, the game is essentially over, and Georgia wins by 14, or more.
The Florida O-lineman held the Ga D-lineman on a bunch of plays. They did finally call a Florida lineman for holding, but they made it off setting. So, the officials basically let the Florida O-line hold on essentially every pass play.
Mullen is just trying to change the narrative. Who can blame him. He got out schemed, and out coached.
Mullen needs to quit crying, and take it like a man...
There were some bad calls but it wasn't because of bias, it's because of sheer ineptitude. I can't believe the NCAA doesn't address the issue, the officiating is really bad across the country and it's getting to the point of having a negative effect on the games. Either they need to enhance the training significantly or simplify the rules
The replay officials scrutinized that reception for quite a long time and did not see any evidence the call should have been overturned. If Dan "Chuckles the Clown" Mullen's team had made more third down conversions ( 2 of 9) or stopped the Dogs on third down (12 of 18) then perhaps he wouldn't be such a whiny sore loser today.
What wasn't reviewable were the TONS of holding calls the on field officials missed but should have been called against the gators.
Regardless of the praise directed at him as being a great coach. he always struck me as a dork and buffoon -- and he looks like he might smell bad.
Vince Dooley was once asked why he didn't play the rest of a game under protest after a glaringly obvious bad call. His reply was "You don't win football games on Monday".;
1 bad call didn't win or lose this game..rather what flawida failed to do the rest of the game lost it for them..quit whining like a spoiled kid..typical of a losing gatur coach or fan 😭😭😭
And this is EXACTLY why I've been saying for nearly two years now, that UGA fans need to quit complaining about the bad/missed calls in 2018 NC game against Alabama. Refs miss calls. Always have. Always will. You just play on. Most of the time, the players do that. It's the fans who can't get over it. And now, some coaches (Muschamp and Mullen) have started down that road. And as you see, it just makes you look whiny and petty. You got BEAT, Mullen. Deal with it! If your team makes any of the other plays during the game, maybe the outcome is different. But they didn't, and it wasn't. If we make a play on 2nd and 26 in Atlanta, we're National Champions and no one is talking about Tyler Simmons being onsides or any other calls the referees made or didn't make. But we didn't make that play and we were not the National Champions. So like us, move on Mullen! Go Dawgs!
Holding can be called on virtually every play so no gripe there. There were two plays when the UF offensive line moved early and UF made nice gains. What was the motive there? What was the motive when UF's receiver pushed off on the TD at the goal line?
More importantly, with Mullen saying, "Every game played in Florida is a home game for the Gators." what was Mullen's and his staffs' motive for doing such a pi$$ poor job of having his team prepared to play in the most important game of his career? His players, Gator fans, and his "home field advantage" deserved more than a clown act in the media!
Dan Mullen working tow jobs these days . . . moonlighting as a partisan on Adam Shiff's committee - because that's what he sounds like.
Question the accuracy of the call, complain about the call, and even have a fit over that call. But questioning the motives (not jokingly, but seriously) of the officiating crew in Birmingham . . . sheesh.
A wise friend once told me, "only losers complain about the refereeing."
Looks like that's true again.
There is a reason why Dan Mullen's wife did not want him under the scrutiny that comes with a program like Florida. She knows him best.
This man is going to implode.
He has had to rely on late come from behind wins against Miami, Kentucky, and South Carolina. He's lucky to not have five or more losses this year. You can't live that way and be considered a good coach. Eventually those games aren't going to go your way. When that pressure gets dialed up on him it might actually be a sad thing to watch.
I used to have a tremendous amount of respect for Mullen especially with what he accomplished at Ms. State. However since arriving back in Gainesville, whether it's the pressure at UF or too many headbutts with his players, his deck is missing a few cards. He seems to be going out of the way to channel Spurrier. Spurrier was always original & a natural at Georgia one liners but Mullen seems to be forcing the issue and even sad with his attempts to channel the old Ball Coach. It's really sad to see someone lose their mind but in this case it only benefits the Dawgs as long as he keeps distracting his teams and fan base with his weak wit. Go Dawgs!!!
The team that loses always has a problem with the calls in the game. In their opinion, all of the "bad calls" would have changed the direction of the game. If Florida wants to win, quit blaming the refs for calls and learn to run the ball...21 yards rushing had way more to do with losing than any call they could question.
I wasn't happy with the refs either. What about the holding call in Swifts TD run?? The FLA guy fell down behind the play, not really a hold at all. And Florida got TWO big holding call breaks on their last drive along with their sketchy TD catch.
I will say that it doesn't really come down to recruits, coaches or facilities, it comes down to the refs. Pitiful. I can't help to wonder it they aren't getting paid by Vegas.
Cousin Eddie just savoring those sour grapes right now....I knew when he was interviewed right before halftime and his focus was on the referees and the questionable Cager catch, we had won the game
when you’re more worried about a missed call instead of moving on and understanding there’s a lot of football to play, you have increased your chance of losing
A lot of missed calls on the UF O-line holding UGAs Jersey’s all day, but that’s the game of football. 99% of the time missed/bad calls balance themselves out between two teams
He loses 16 Senior starters and his recruiting has been lackluster. Next year will be worse
Suprised a bit at the call at the time ..... BUT....If it had been called incomplete on the field and then reviewed, the call would have stood. So Mullin is wrong IMO; that call had everything to do with what the official on the field saw on a BAM BAM play and call on the field. Inconclusive video for overturn either way in Birmingham.
But the week before in SC he's fine with his WR holding the DB jersey for 20 yards on the long touchdown. Ask them about that one Danny boy. He's catching Hell after running his mouth before the game. He got outplayed and out coached.
I love it when Mullen says anything directed to or about UGA. He is apparently not mature enough, wise enough or smart enough to realize the end result is that it hurts his goals and the UF program.
I am one who would not have been surprised if that call had been overturned. The call on the field was a reception, and based on the call "standing", the opinion of the replay officials must have been a lack of conclusive evidence to cause them to overturn the call. It was fortunate for us. Just part of the game, just like when we get an unfavorable ( to us ) ruling.
It was a 50/50 call. Just because the ball touched the ground doesn't mean it isn't a reception. I think it can easily be argued that Cager had secured the ball enough to say that the ground didn't affect the catch. The ball moved, but he had it pressed against himself before it touched the ground and never let go.
Mullen needs to learn how to hold his tongue in the offseason so that Florida losses to UGA aren't as painful for him. Including his final two matchups with UGA at Mississippi State, that is 4 straight UGA losses for Dan MuLLLLen.