Cade freakin Mays. Wow! Slow, soft, and played like he had a sack of cheeseburgers waiting back on the bench during every game he attended. After watching o’l Cade line up on the offensive line and attempt to block a player on the opposing team was just down right yeah ok maybe you will block him next time o’l son. After all the hogwash that has been going on with him and his papa, as a school, coach, or teammate how could you trust these people? You and pops get y’all a bag of cheeseburgers and watch some real football. Don’t sit in chairs, pops already proved chairs are for competent people to use. Go Dawgs!!!!!!!!!
While I don't want this kid to get away with lying about UGA (justin fields style) just so he can get his father's way and mom and dad don't have to choose where to watch ballgames on Saturdays, I almost want him to win so that we can line up against him and beat him like he was beaten so often during games for the Dawgs.
Of all the linemen on our supposed "great wall", he was the one getting beaten and pushed into the backfield more than any other. I never understood the love for him because he rarely showed he deserved it. Yes, he understood each position on the line but he was no good at any of them.
Funny he had no issues till his brother was not offered at UGA.
The only thing toxic about the environment in Athens Ga was Kevin Mays suing for $3 million for something that happened due to his own stupidity.
The man has been sitting in folding chairs his entire life. He did it to himself.
Had Kevin Mays not gotten greedy, Cade would very likely still be at UGA. My guess, Kevin Mays asked his son to transfer as to try and help his bogus lawsuit.
The Entitlement Generation (and parent) written all over it. It's about the $$$. Football, yes, even CFB, is about money.
I don't know Cade's heart and I won't denigrate him for leaving. I wish him well.
But the only, "toxic environment" that existed at UGA for him was not created by the program, players, or coach. My guess is Cade felt the coach had it in for him after the lawsuit. He liked Cade too much...piling on the playing time and trusting him with too many interviews with the media. it was all a nefarious effort to run Cade out of Athens. /s
Is this like being the tallest midget?
"one of Knoxville’s most high-profile and renowned lawyers"
All of this because Cade’s dad flunked “Chair Folding 101” (twice) while at UT. Hopefully Cade will pass it (since his dad know the material well) so he can get his degree from UT. That’s the degree that VolNation paid for with a scholarship, room and board, monthly expense checks, etc for 4 semesters and didn’t get one play out of their investment.....And they had to use a valuable scholarship for 2 years. Of course we used Cade’s scholarship for Newman or JT. Go Dawgs!!!
This whole thing is ridiculous!
Paw Mays loses a fanger on recruiting visit to UGA. Against his wishes, Paw Mays' son makes matters worse by signing with the rival (hated) Bulldogs. And things only continue to get worse for Paw Mays, as UGA dominates his beloved Vols in football. Having enough of hearing his Paw cry, Son Mays decides to transfer to Tennessee. In doing so, Paw Mays attempts to give UGA the fanger, (but not literally this time) by filing a lawsuit. Sadly (for Paw of course), Paw Mays' plan hasn't gone as expected, as Son Mays was denied immediate eligibility. Now, UGA is being accused of having a "toxic environment", which, if you ask me, is how some feel about the Paw Mays household.
43 - 14 😁
Just my opinion...I think, after Fields, that the rule is just plain silly. I think they simply need to do away with it all together.
As far as what Mays actually said......I'm not on the team....I'm not in the locker room every day...I have no idea what went on.....and that is the way it should be, what goes on in there stays in there.
The only thing I can say is that towards the end of last season, I just kinda got the feeling that there were some problems in the locker room. This is simply based on they way I seen players interact. When you get a hundred young guys together you will always have some of this. I just felt that there was more then there should have been.
Toxic?.... That's a hoot. As Steven Wright said," 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name."
Yeah this is just more of tom mars' bs. He barely tried with Luke Ford and failed. He went all in on fairyland Justin fields and shouldn't have gotten that one. I love that he's now soaking up all that money from the mays family now. He's gonna charge them the 3 mill to NOT get the waiver, lol. Toxic environment, no he's a toxic lawyer. I'm sorry that cade mays grew up in the house of pansy vols and has to deal with not being his own man and having to bow down to an idiot who can't fold a chair.
Cade and his father are victims of the Fickle Finger of Fate.
This whole Toxic Environment is nothing more than made up B.S. It is a Hail Mary which will fall short with the NCAA and if it came down to it the SEC.
Go Dogs!!!!
Cry me a river...the only thing toxic about UGA is that it's toxic to Tennessee's attempt to beat us in recruiting and on the field.