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Stetson Bennett back on his game at NFL Combine, acknowledges mistakes, looks to future

SystemSystem Posts: 10,689 admin
edited March 2023 in Article commenting
imageStetson Bennett back on his game at NFL Combine, acknowledges mistakes, looks to future

INDIANAPOLIS -- Stetson Bennett made it clear at the NFL Combine on Friday that he understands the challenges ahead, and he’s ready to focus on taking them head on.

Read the full story here


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    78Dawg78Dawg Posts: 169 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Another Stetson article. He has been embarrassing since after the parade in his words and actions. Glad he's gone.

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    PetesdawgsPetesdawgs Posts: 412 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    He made a mistake and lets see how he performs now in front of GM's and Coaches.

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    UGA64UGA64 Posts: 126 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Hope Stetson does well at the NFL Combine. Guys, we all do things we regret and try to become a better person if we make that effort. I am happy for all our players to have an opportunity to play in the NFL. I don't think we should say anything negative toward Jalen or Stetson. We need to be an encourage if we truly love our program and players. I am proud CKS and AD Brooks are going to handle these situations professionally. Go Dawgs!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yep. Agree. He paid whatever fines were dictated by the court, he’s paid in terms of embarrassment to his family, friends, UGA, and getting his draft stock up will be considerably more difficult. We ALL have made some sort of poor decisions in our lives, Even if those didn’t involve violating the law. Which like Stetson means we’re All human. When we consider the actual degree of harm done, Stetson like All of us certainly deserves a second chance. He committed a Very minor misdemeanor which really done more harm to only himself than anyone else. So in my humble opinion I dearly wish what he done would as quickly as possible fade into history. But I realize media dearly loves sensationalism so it’ll probably be some time longer before it fades away. Now these things said To Me Stetson was and is now a DGD. He helped lead the team I Love to back to back National Titles. And as again he’s paid his dues for his transgressions, he’s forgiven for those now as far as I’m concerned. I’m gonna be pulling for him to draft as high as he possibly can, and do the best that he possibly can in the NFL, and go on to have a great and successful life. That’s My hope for him. Others can think and say whatever their feelings might be. I would certainly Hope they would temper their thoughts and comments to remembering that Stetson is a human being and there by prone to make poor choices Along With the great choices like All we human beings are prone to. P.S. I made plenty of very foolish choices especially in my younger years, but I feel I’ve More than paid my just dues for those poor choices, But I’ve also tried Very hard to give many positive things back into the society in which I live, and I don’t Ask or Expect any special acknowledgement for those positive things, I feel it was an honor and privilege to be Able to do them. I just Hope I made a positive impact on people’s lives and not just My family or friends but in many cases total strangers. Go get Em Stetson !! Hope you do Great !! Go Dawgs !!

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    BrooksieBrooksie Posts: 519 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I encourage y’all to watch the top QBs interviews. Stroud was very poised and spoke extremely well of his skills and talent. Young was confident and strong. Levis spoke as a someone who really wants to succeed. Richardson portrayed himself as a leader. Bennett however was 5 minutes late to the interview and came across as he just wanted this to be over.

    taking nothing away from his accomplishments as a Dawg, he just seemed like he wasn’t in the same league on that stage as the other QBs.

    i fully realize that his football abilities are the primary topic. But at the next level there is also a persona that you are a top notch player and the public press interview did not show this.

    I hope I’m wrong and wherever he lands the dawg inside of me wants him to shine.

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    DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Agree that Stetson Bennett and Jalen Carter, and others, have made some mistakes, some larger than others. Agree as well, that most of us have also made mistakes in life, especially when we were their age.

    But please, people, for the love of God, can we STOP BLAMING THE MEDIA for other people's indiscretions? The players did those things. They made those bad decisions and choices. They made those mistakes. The media simply reported things THAT DID HAPPEN. That is their jobs, not to turn a blind eye to it, or omit certain details that might prove embarrassing. That man in South Carolina, Murdaugh, who just got convicted of killing his wife and son -- HE COMMITTED THOSE MURDERS. Yes, the media has covered the story from stem to stern, but at the end of the day he, and he alone, is responsible for all of that media coverage. No murders, no media. The same for these players and anyone else that makes a "mistake." Instead of saying the media is looking for a sensational story, how about we tell our kids not to give them anything to sensationalize in the first place? It's called ACCOUNTABILITY!

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    StiffneckStiffneck Posts: 82 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Bennett may not get the attention as some of the other guys there but his body of work the past couple of seasons speak for themselves. Maybe the Falcons will take a chance on him? They are in need. As far as the public intoxication charge, it's pretty minor compared to what Carter's facing. Carter may still end up being charged with felony vehicular homicide before this is over.

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    Ddavis0777Ddavis0777 Posts: 409 ✭✭✭✭ Senior
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    HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Stetson was Stetson. He gives it to you straight without polish. I like that about him. He is thoughtful and real.

    I thought @MikeGriffith ’s questions were the best of those asked. Nice job.

    I’ll be pulling for Bennett to do well in the drills. 👍

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    HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My gosh, man. Bringing up Murdaugh seems a bit over the top! 🙄

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,661 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Brooksie "taking nothing away from his accomplishments as a Dawg, he just seemed like he wasn’t in the same league on that stage as the other QBs.

    I was reflecting back on his interview and even looking at the still pics posted on DN, he just looks very dour. No light eminating from him. Almost like he was depressed, or just extremeley serious and to the point.

    Now perhaps someone told him, you go out there and act humble, serious and contrite. (grownup) Maybe that was his best attempt at it. I don't know. JUst wished he would have smiled once or twice and elaborated just a little bit more.

    I think SB is pretty introverted, except when he's competing on the football field.Speaking to a group of reporters looked overwhelming to him, and when he does speak, he sometimes puts his foot in his mouth, so, it is what it is.

    Hoping for the best for SB, I think he could do better than a lot of what I see every Sunday just glancing around at NFL QB's.

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