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Two things on basketball (no don't run away please!)

sethemersonsethemerson Posts: 686 ✭✭✭✭ Senior
  1. I'm posting a basketball story shortly that examines what the expectations should be for Georgia. I spoke to several ex-coaches and analysts. It's going to be long, but I hope you have time to read it.

  2. I think I'm going to post in-game analysis on basketball games from here on out on this message board, rather than tweeting. Feel free to follow along, starting tonight at 9 p.m. with the Alabama game.


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    SavageDawg17SavageDawg17 Posts: 1,535 mod

    Awesome thanks @sethemerson - I'll be watching tonight's game and attending Saturday's game in Athens vs. Texas.
    Looking forward to your coverage!

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    BamaDawgBamaDawg Posts: 2,524 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I play poker on Wednesday nights with about 5 bama fans. I need the DAWGS to pull this one out for me.

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    DawgsauceDawgsauce Posts: 1,718 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2017

    @sethemerson Georgia basketball is so hard to get into. Went to games in the 90's when I was at Georgia. Yawn. I stream the games now, but getting harder to keep my attention. Understanding that you were told "Stay the course" for your article....What needs to happen (coaching, coaching change, players, fan base, etc...) to get to a fun and attention retaining level? Can mailbag this if you'd prefer.

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    MinnesotaDawgMinnesotaDawg Posts: 552 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Thanks Seth. Always enjoy your coverage of the Dawg--basketball, too!

    Very interesting piece. The frank discussion of cheating in recruiting was surprising--not that it exists, but that it was so openly admitted. I've found that typical promoters of the sport, of which I include ESPN, tend to steer clear of this dark side of the sport.

    You do a great job of discussing reasonable expectations for the program on a macro level. A lot to consider. Of more recent frustration to me are some of the (seeming) failures from a team level. Seeming to play 2/3 of the season with a lack of urgency, failure of young stars to get fundamentally better throughout their career (with Maten being the one exception I can think of), consistent sloppiness re turnovers, late second-half collapses which were a hallmark of the Fox's team a few years ago...and now seem to be rearing up again, based on Florida and the unbelievable collapse at Texas A&M. In recent years, Georgia just doesn't pass the eye test as a "well-coached-team."

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    DawgsauceDawgsauce Posts: 1,718 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @MinnesotaDawg said:
    Thanks Seth. Always enjoy your coverage of the Dawg--basketball, too!

    Very interesting piece. The frank discussion of cheating in recruiting was surprising--not that it exists, but that it was so openly admitted. I've found that typical promoters of the sport, of which I include ESPN, tend to steer clear of this dark side of the sport.

    You do a great job of discussing reasonable expectations for the program on a macro level. A lot to consider. Of more recent frustration to me are some of the (seeming) failures from a team level. Seeming to play 2/3 of the season with a lack of urgency, failure of young stars to get fundamentally better throughout their career (with Maten being the one exception I can think of), consistent sloppiness re turnovers, late second-half collapses which were a hallmark of the Fox's team a few years ago...and now seem to be rearing up again, based on Florida and the unbelievable collapse at Texas A&M. In recent years, Georgia just doesn't pass the eye test as a "well-coached-team."

    Exactly. How does this team not know how to handle the full court press and hang onto the lead. It will be interesting tonight if they get a lead towards the end of the game, if they get pressed again and how they respond.

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    godawgs17godawgs17 Posts: 90 ✭✭✭ Junior

    The main problem is that Fox can't get at least one of the top elite players in the state to ever come to UGA.. I can take it a little better if it was the Kentuckys or Dukes of the world but we are not losing players like Chuma Okeae and Colin Sexton to the likes of Auburn and Alabama. And MJ Walker is probably going to Maryland...

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    sethemersonsethemerson Posts: 686 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Rayshaun Hammonds is considered one of the elite players this year. KCP was six years ago. So to say "ever" is inaccurate. I would also point to Jeff Goodman's quote in the story. ... That's not to overall defend recruiting, which everyone agrees could have been better.

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    davydawg7474davydawg7474 Posts: 3 ✭ Freshman

    we need to upgrade the basketball facilities..i live in louisville and theres a reason the team here is legendary..the facilities..stegman is horrible..ive seem better arenas at high schools..if you want to be good you must project good

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    godawgs17godawgs17 Posts: 90 ✭✭✭ Junior

    sethemerson you're right I should say ever more like not on a consistent level. He should have locked Westlake players down with Chuma and the Lewis brothers

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    ugabossugaboss Posts: 47 ✭✭ Sophomore

    This should be one of the years that they make the NCAA, but they have flittered it away. In order to have fans you have to put a good product on the floor.

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