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Georgia linebacker Jamon Dumas-Johnson ready for defense to answer questions at South Carolina

SystemSystem Posts: 11,098 admin
edited September 2022 in Article commenting
imageGeorgia linebacker Jamon Dumas-Johnson ready for defense to answer questions at South Carolina

ATHENS — Kirby Smart made it clear Georgia will be the hunters this season and that this is a program that was built to last.

Read the full story here


  • HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
  • LoranwhaddayagotLoranwhaddayagot Posts: 2,068 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I know I don't like cockiness that Alabama exudes, and don't want the good guys to get that attitude!

    There is a fine line between confident and cocky.

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I am guessing JDJ is getting some coaching this week on how to talk to the media. Remember UGA is the team that "talks with our helmets". WAY too soon for the young guys on D to talking spit.

  • ShoottheHoochShoottheHooch Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Virtually every person on the face of the earth has been conditioned since birth to accept their mediocrity in virtually every area of their lives. Overcoming this mental conditioning is the greatest challenge in life and most make no effort at all and just “accept who I am.”

    This is the genius of Kirby! He removes the comfort zone of mediocrity and fear of greatness from his players minds and replaces it with absolute confidence in themselves, their position groups, and their entire team including their coaches.

    All JDJ did was verbalize what every UGA player and coach is thinking. Publicly Kirby may frown on his players making comments that the masses will perceive as “cocky” or “arrogant”, but privately, he has a huge smile because he knows in young JDJ he has a player that is a leader whose belief in the “Georgia way” is absolute.

    I don’t fault JDJ for his attitude. In fact, I wouldn’t want it any other way! Forty years is a long time to wander in the desert of mediocrity. Thank the Lord, Kirby has led the UGA football program and Dawg Nation into the land of milk and honey!

  • JimWallaceJimWallace Posts: 5,863 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    As was previously said, talking with one's helmet is the Georgia standard.

    The Gamecocks are not in fact a great team. That doesn't mean they can't beat us. We are far far away from having proved anything yet this young season.

    My goodness, Pop's talking like we have it in the bag and it's going to be easy.

    Go, Dawgs!

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2022

    Spin this any way you want. This has nothing to do with "accepting mediocrity". This is a young player who is inexperienced talking to the media and let too much slip out. He will be coached up.

    CKS has said "we talk with our helmets". THAT is the standard that CKS wants this game. Every game. No trash talking. No bulletin board material. Maintaining control before, during and after the game. CKS is building THAT program culture.

    JDJ has been a starting LB at UGA for 2 whole games. Yet he has already given more bulletin board material to the press than a much more accomplished/decorated player, Will Anderson, has in 3 years.

    It won't matter in this game but it will be corrected before it happens before a game where it will matter.

  • reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,757 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I just see a young man who wants to embrace being a leader and exuding confidence in himself and his teammates. I surely don't want someone who looks like they aren't confident in themselves when going into battle. Do you? I mean, he didn't say ,"We're going to kick their arses."LOL!

    One other thought along the Larry Munson thing, Larry was the best announcer ever, and part of his schtick, and I hesitate to call it that but for a lack of a better word was to be a pessimist and build a situation up....maybe he sincerely felt that way, not saying he didn't, but he had a job to do and he got everyone involved with his broadcast by pouring out his feelings, his angst and emotions. Whatever the case, real or dramatized for effect, it worked. Larry wasn't some aloof guy calling a game, he was living or dying with every play. How many times have we heard something similar to when the other team was up by 10 points,Larry say " I don't know how in the world we can climb our way back into this thing..."we've dug ourselves a hole...."? and in his jubuilation it was unbridled passion, "we just stepped on their face with a hobnail boot!"

    I don't know that I could have watched a game in my house with Larry though. I try to stay positive when the stuff hits the fan and I don't like watching games with family members who think the game is over if the other team scores.

    If our guys express a confidence about them and it's real, then thats a good thing in my mind. Could you be overconfident at some point? Sure. But to feign unsurity or to pretend the other team is your equal (when they clearly aren't) is for coach speak and Larry Munson. Not the players. Kirby wants confident men, but they realize the game isn't won on paper, its' won on the field by being physical.

    Like the first overall NFL pick this year said when asked about how you beat BAMA in the NC game, after you lost to them in the SECC game, he said..."we have to strain harder than they strain"....: those words should be plastered on the walls inside the UGA locker room. Go DAWGS!

  • reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,757 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Both of you guys are right, in your assessment. He was asked what are the challenges, he said not too many...I interpreted that as the moment won't be too big for he and the rest of the LB's . He realized that may sound too confident and he tried to backtrack and say they have great players, they're a great team, the usual coach speak, after he realized what he said might be perceived wrongly, as it was. His honesty showed, not arrogance.

    Don't fault him for being too honest. He's not worried that the challenges will be too great for them. .Bulletin board material? I just don't see it when played in context. He didn't dis the other team, as much as he showed confidence that the moment wouldn't be too big for them. Fans may not understand it as much as the players do. THere's not a SC player that doesn't know what he was saying. He believes in his team.

  • KudzuKudzu Posts: 380 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    "Playing linebacker at Georgia is very hard to do"

    I'm with you, reddawg1! Given a few "cockiness" posts, I had to re-watch the clip just to make sure I wasn't missing something. I see a young player who's confident in himself and his team, and maybe a little nervous in his early time in front of reporters. I found him to be pretty measured and, frankly, kind of an engaging guy to listen to... not often I say that about a defensive back! Doesn't register on the arrogance meter to me at all :)

    Looking forward to seeing what JDJ and co. do tomorrow to show that the confidence is well-earned... go Dawgs!!!

  • Bdw3184Bdw3184 Posts: 13,193 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2022

    Confidence is born from preparation coupled with talent.

    Coach Kirby has made sure, through practice and development, that our players excel in both.

    I like our chances!

    Go Dawgs!

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