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Final thoughts on Game of Thrones finale??

DCochranDCochran Posts: 809 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

Warning, spoilers coming if you haven't seen it...

Well, it turned out that the big finale was sorta a tale of two halves. They dropped our jaws on the ground with Jon killing Dany, then it coasted into the clubhouse with nothing but hugs and goodbyes and rides off into the sunset.

The Zombie battle was definitely the highlight of the season IMO. I would have done things a little different with the last two episodes...maybe after Dany comes through the wall on the dragon, let the battle end there. Then have some intrigue around killing Cersei and give us a little with that story...everyone and their mother wanted to see SOMEONE get the satisfaction and it just didn't happen. That's sorta like waiting the whole movie to get a look at the Blair Witch, and then we get a camera, laying on the ground, stuck on pause.

I think I would have went a different way with the iron throne. Bran seems like a good choice when it's all said and done, but I'm thinking there should have been more made out of the fact that Jon was the rightful king. If this would have been brought up, you could have had some last minute fireworks between the Unsullied and Jon's guys and then maybe when they offer him the crown, have him turn around and give it to Bran. They teased us with the little stare down there at the beginning between Jon and Greywolf, but all you get in the end is the Unsullied sailing off to some island. Anyway, that would have been a better way to do it IMO...but what do I know, I'm just a writer of fictional fantasy books! lol

So...is everyone satisfied that GoT is finally over...or at least until the spin offs get cranked up. I here there are 4 in the making.



  • DawgNutDawgNut Posts: 638 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Funny how there was talk of the show's massive budget causing the rushed ending but they have all these spin offs in the works.

  • GeoffDawgGeoffDawg Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Currently, I'm feeling unsatisfied and I agree with your observation that the battle with the Night King was the real climax of the series.

    Cersei's death was disappointing, Dany's death was rushed, and after all he's been through to prove he's more than just a bastard, Jon ends up banished to where they send bastards.

    I already mentioned this on another thread but my biggest disappointment is that after all the talk of breaking the wheel and unchaining the world over the past 7/8 seasons, we're essentially just where we were when the series started with wanton destruction and thousands dead to show for it. Of course, the people in charge now are better people than were in charge before but that's only going to last as long as they're alive, there's no protection against falling back into corruption in the future, what a missed opportunity. I find it hard to believe that future Iron Island style Kings-moots will not be political and corrupt with no regard for the freedom of the people.

    I also thought it odd that Sansa could just declare her own kingdom. If she has that power, what was stopping everyone else from doing the same? Especially Dorne, they've been unhappy members of the Seven Kingdoms since the beginning. And dang, Sansa threw some serious shade at Edmure; he's imprisoned for years only to get out and be humiliated by his niece? It also seems like they're trying to play up Sansa as some strategic genius by setting in motion the events that unfolded with her betrayal of Jon's confidence but that appears awfully convenient in retrospect.

    The only character arcs that I think I liked the conclusions to were Arya since she was never going to be one to settle down and Tyrion. He risked his life standing up against Dany and he ended up rewarded for it, good for him.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2019

    It was a terrible way to end the story. The last episode could have been skipped by just having Jon kill Danny, and then having the final meeting where Bran is chosen as their leader.

    I agree that not allowing anyone to kill Cersei was disappointing for most viewers. They also could have simply lied to the unsullied, who are like a queenless hive - they have no purpose, and being unable to reproduce, will also dwindle away in numbers. They are incapable of holding anything together. Jon should have been returned to the North as soon as their ships hit the horizon. They will also regret allowing the Dothraki to remain nearby. They will behave like the Moors after conquering Sicily. 🤣

  • CLT_DawgCLT_Dawg Posts: 52 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I generally agree with previous points, except that I do not think we are essentially where we were when we started. They ended the hereditary monarchy. Sure they didn't replace it with a true democracy (Samwell's suggestion was ahead of its time by a few hundred years) but it is the first step to a more democratic system. Heck, elite election of the chief executives is pretty much the system our founders wanted in 1787 when they devised the electoral college. It is a necessary transition from a feudal monarchy to a more representative democracy.

  • DCochranDCochran Posts: 809 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You know more about the little details that me and my crowd have kinda overlooked or forgotten about, but tell me this Geoff....we couldn't remember anything about what become of the 'iron bank'. It's like it has not been mentioned at all in this last season and it was supposed to be the financial mecca of the entire freaking world. Did they just fade away? Did they never have a say in anything that was going on? Clarify for me....

  • Raiderbeater1Raiderbeater1 Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Please tell me this:

    what the hell is the point of the Wall or Night Watch????

    Night King/White Walkers are gone forever.

    Free-Folk are now friendly.

    There is a mile long part of the wall missing.

    Why is there a night watch?

  • GeoffDawgGeoffDawg Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Unless I'm mistaken, I thought Cersei paid off the debt to the Iron Bank a couple seasons ago which may have contributed to her downfall since they would then have no incentive to protect their investment.

    Even with a dragon bearing down on them, I think the Iron Bank has previously contracted with the faceless men for assassinations.

    Ultimately, another misstep by Cersei.

  • GeoffDawgGeoffDawg Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm not sure there is one in any meaningful way anymore. That may have just been a cover to compel the Unsullied to release Jon.

    However, what then doesn't make sense is if the Unsullied decide to up and leave for Naath, why follow through on the commitment to leave? Maybe Jon's just done and misses Ghost.

  • GeoffDawgGeoffDawg Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    That's a fair point but after the bold aspirations, this baby step towards a representative republic certainly feels underwhelming.

  • Casanova_FlatulenceCasanova_Flatulence Posts: 3,126 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    DCochran: "Bran seems like a good choice when it's all said and done, but I'm thinking there should have been more made out of the fact that Jon was the rightful king. If this would have been brought up, you could have had some last minute fireworks between the Unsullied and Jon's guys and then maybe when they offer him the crown, have him turn around and give it to Bran."

    GeoffDawg: "I also thought it odd that Sansa could just declare her own kingdom. If she has that power, what was stopping everyone else from doing the same? Especially Dorne, they've been unhappy members of the Seven Kingdoms since the beginning. And dang, Sansa threw some serious shade at Edmure; he's imprisoned for years only to get out and be humiliated by his niece? It also seems like they're trying to play up Sansa as some strategic genius by setting in motion the events that unfolded with her betrayal of Jon's confidence but that appears awfully convenient in retrospect."

    I agree with the above thoughts and assessments. I think most people thought Jon would sit on the Iron Throne, because who he was revealed to be and polls bear that out. Therefore, Bran becoming King; gifted by all people - Tyrian, seems unsatisfying. However, Jon made it crystal clear on several occasions he didn't want to be King. I think all the wars burnt him out. Killing Dany; who he loved, was the final act of leadership for him. Jon linking up with his friend Torman to live free in the place where he met his first love seems fitting.

    It was implausible that Sansa would be allowed to break Winterfell from the Seven Kingdoms. Surely, the other Lords could have claimed the same autonomy. But alas, Sansa shows her true colors by stating her claim as Queen of the North. That entire scene did not sit well with me.

    I also think the season lacked some creativity post the Night Walker war. In the end it all seemed too logical. As pointed out, the death of Jaime and Cersei seemed anticlimactic. Robbing Ayra of the opportunity to wear the death mask for a last time seemed rushed.

    With only 6 episodes to wrap up a very complex story, we should all have known it would be impossible to pull off a storyline that wrapped every box with a ribbon and bow. That's why I'm not overly disappointed, because in the end 80% of GOT is 98% better than most of what's on the boob tube. I'm a sucker for more GOT, so I will watch the movie and probably the spinoffs, but my expectations aren't high. Topping the original will be near impossible.

  • GeoffDawgGeoffDawg Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2019


    "there should have been more made out of the fact that Jon was the rightful king"

    This is something else that bothers me, the years long mystery to Jon's parentage is essentially meaningless. Obviously, the show used it to create tension with Dany but that's not what drove her to the dark side. They could've redeemed it by having the crown go to Jon with him passing it on as you suggested but there was no strategy or planning in place to ensure that happened.

    All we got was Jon killing Dany with no thought to the consequences. Immediately afterwards, my thoughts kept going back to the fact that he just created a huge power vacuum to be filled by whomever. There was no guarantee it would turn out for the best as it did, the odds were probably better that he would've just extended the war by pitting the North against the Unsullied and the Dothraki.

    That's relying a bit too much on luck for my taste. The most realistic scenario for a good outcome would've been Jon just taking one for the team and marrying Dany. At that point, he could've either tempered her destructive impulses or then assassinated her with continuity of leadership already established.

  • RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2019

    Because there will always need to be a place for bastards and .... bad boys or something like that.

  • RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I liked the finale. It was about the best ending we were going to get. And despite all of it's flaws towards the end, this is still hands down the greatest TV show to ever be IMO. They gave me a lot of years putting finger indents into my recliner.

  • Casanova_FlatulenceCasanova_Flatulence Posts: 3,126 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I think a lot of people were pulling for that scenario. However, I was not one of them. I not fond of watching strong male characters neutered like Jon would have been if he married Dany. It was clear the Mother of Dragons was going to drag Jon around the globe conquering tyrants. Jon would have fought the battles and come back to the tent every evening to kiss her bum. John knew it too, so he did the only thing he could - off the Queen. He figured any of the remaining Lords was a better option.

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