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Opinion: Former Georgia QB Justin Fields got raw deal from Big Ten

SystemSystem Posts: 10,587 admin
edited August 2020 in Article commenting
imageOpinion: Former Georgia QB Justin Fields got raw deal from Big Ten

The Big Ten won't play football again until it least this spring, but a season played later is as good as never for many of the players in the conference -- including former Georgia quarterback Justin Fields. And the fact that the Big Ten didn’t put up more of a fight to give players such as Fields a chance to be on

Read the full story here



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    AlysiadawgAlysiadawg Posts: 63 ✭✭ Sophomore

    #1 is everyone’s safety.

    #2 is getting the young men able to play in nfl.

    Please tell me anyone that that’s what they want and worked hard for basically their whole life. If no conference plays, so many great players will miss their chance of their dreams coming true. The difference between nfl and cfb is that all the stadiums are available at anytime! If you have students on campus, then you play ball. If not, then they are non-paid pro athletes.

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    SmokeOnTheWaterSmokeOnTheWater Posts: 66 ✭✭ Sophomore

    I am not okay with kids coming back for classes. This is suicide without choice. It will be a nightmare. It is playing out in public schools as I type this. Ridiculous. And anyone writing differently is either blind to what Covid19 is or simply dumb as a stack of bricks. The continued advocating for a season while putting our future leaders in jeopardy is criminal at best.

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    DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,270 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Well, the SEC story isn't finished being told yet. We may wind up in the same spot as the Big 10 and Ohio State. It's a WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC. Things will not go the way ANYONE wants them, too. I don't feel sorry for Fields, anyone in the Big 10 or anyone else. It's just the way it is. Folks are going to have to make sacrifices, some of their own making, some not. And this narrative about playing because that's what the players want, well, since when did major college athletic and academic leaders start paying attention to the players? They're probably the least considered group. And of course the stars of the sport want to play because playing enhances their chances of going pro or making more money when they do. But it's that second or third-string kid that's got college presidents and AD's concerned. When one of those kids (or a bunch of those kids) start filing lawsuits that cripple their schools, that's when it will get tough. I love college football and I'll miss it this year. But I'll find something else to do with my time. And I suspect so will these players.

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    Dawg365Dawg365 Posts: 1,109 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I hope the SEC plays an entire season for numerous reasons, some of which are self serving. However, I am willing to bet fewer of our athletes get the virus over the next five months than do players from the SMALL 10 that are not playing. I guarantee our players will take more precautions and be under the best guidance and supervision of the staff employed to keep them healthy if there is a season!

    Why doesn't anyone consider that narrative?!

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    zekeMeisterzekeMeister Posts: 84 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Really nice article

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    RealityBasedDawgFanRealityBasedDawgFan Posts: 198 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Justin Fields will be ok. In a matter of months, he will sign a multi-million dollar contract. It is the other borderline athletes that are getting the raw deal here but it is a part of life. I am just perplexed at how not many seem to be making the correlation between the "hoax" based leadership to solve COVID-19 and the outcomes that are staring us in the face. All I heard was " it is my right to not wear a mask" or "it only impact old people" and here we are. America deserves this and more. As much as I hate missing football, this universe is cause and effect, periodt.

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    okcdawgokcdawg Posts: 17 ✭ Freshman

    Thank you Dallas Dawg for putting things in perspective. I agree with everything you said. As to the title of this article -- Fields getting a raw deal from the Big 10: uh, no. Approximately 40 million Americans got a raw deal in 2020. Furloughed, laid off, jobs vanishing, companies closing, so I'm just not gonna feel sorry for Fields, or anyone, having to forego playing a game for 1 season.

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    tpharistpharis Posts: 8 ✭ Freshman

    The conference made the decision based on data, facts, and sound judgment. As a bystander to the decision-making process and huge UGA fan I really want the season to happen. However, if the health, safety, and possible even life/death of players and others in a few situations was my responsibility, I err on the side of saftey. Imagine yourself making the decision to play and things going terribly badly, A vaccine is on the way, hopefully early 2021....hopefully we'll even be able to attend games!

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    BubbaBillBubbaBill Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    If Fields’ college career is over then part of his legacy will be his LAST plays at both UGa and Ohio State. At UGa he totally muffed the fake punt against Bama that would have likely won the SEC CG and put us in the playoffs. At OS his last play was the interception in the end zone that knocked his team out of the NC game. Oh well. Go Dawgs!!!

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    DawgOnDawgOn Posts: 265 ✭✭✭ Junior

    You guys cannot gripe about, as you put it when you wrote - "In other words, Warren thinks he and his colleagues know best,..." You do the same concerning our comments, which are, at times, deleted for the most asinine of reasons.

    Trying to give a bit of hope yesterday, I mentioned an old drug has had great results in trials treating covid. It was disappeared. How does giving hope hurt anyone when the hope is based on scientific evidence? Again, I expect this to be erased. The overlords will see to it.

    Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Mr. Franklin was a very wise individual living in a time when pandemics culled great swaths of individuals. Yet, he still said this, while making no mention of extraordinary circumstances negating that statement.

    It seems you who work for DawgNation feel free to espouse what we cannot, as seen in this article. Yet, someone having a degree in journalism (ABJ UGA '91) from the university you cover cannot voice their opinions freely.

    For the sake of temporary safety from covid, our liberty is being abridged by those who know better, yet have show themselves to be duplicitous when it suites them. This is being done in many ways, and in many areas - all by fiat. If you cannot see the danger arising from such actions where our rights are concerned, I fear for the world my grandchildren will experience when grown and raising kids of their own.

    If writing such as this bothers you to the extent you feel compelled to delete it, please delete my DawgNation membership. I suffer greatly due to Agent Orange exposure. When I joined the military in the mid-seventies, I did so thinking I was insuring our constitution would not be violated to the degree it now is. I also attend no professional sports, nor do I watch them, though I once loved doing so. Our constitutional rights mean that much to this veteran who has been treated scurrilously by our government - no matter the party in charge. If anyone had a reason to think and act differently...

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,637 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "if the health, safety, and possible even life/death of players and others in a few situations was my responsibility, I err on the side of saftey.""

    Questions: Would you allow your 18 year old(if you had one) to attend college providing it has classes or would you have them sit out a year and wait for a vaccine? If you had a 16 year old who had their DL would you also allow them to carry a cell phone" If their safety is you're greatest concern, you wouldn't. Maybe they are the exception and wouldn't text under any circumstances, but it's just too much of a risk, wouldn't you agree? Thousands of kids die annually from car wrecks where either they or the driver of the other vehicle was texting. Better to err on the side of safety and since kids die in car wrecks(thousands annually) they shouldn't be allowed to be in cars. No kids in cars, then no kids dying in cars. Solves that problem.

    If your 19 year old wanted to attend a small party of friends(say a dozen) would you err on the side of caution and not allow them to go? Tell them to "wait a year" to do anything with friends. I realize these may be hypothetical questions to you but I am curious how people calling for a shutdown based on "if there is any risk at all it's better to err on the side of safety" apply that same mandst to other "risky" areas of life.

    What about the risk of brain concussions and other debilitating injuries that happen regularly across the football spectrum? Should football even be played at all if there is any chance of these injuries happening no matter how low the odds are, that is , if your desire is to err on the side of caution?

    The bottom line is, life is full of risks. So is football. We do our best and we try to use our best judgment without being overly protective and hysterical. Covid is going to cross paths with teens and young adults. It's inevitable. Kids don't shut themselves up in lock-down mode indefinitely. For the overwhelming majority they will either be asymptomatic or experience flu like symptoms and yes a few cases will need hospitalizations. And yes you will hear about the rare death or two. (The media will make sure of that unlike deaths by other diseases) But that is a risk that these kids are not only willing to take but are going to take, regardless if Spankey tells them they can play football or not.

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    DGDinNYCDGDinNYC Posts: 748 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You misspelled Kirby Smart in the headline.

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    DGDinNYCDGDinNYC Posts: 748 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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