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Georgia needs more points, Kirby Smart hints at offensive changes



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    kirkhilleskirkhilles Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Why are people talking about Coastal Carolina? Are they making a play that they should be National Champions? LOL.

    Look, every year there are teams that get ranked too highly because they were undefeated. Last Week it was BYU. I mean, BYU beat UTSA (I mean, who???) by 7 measly points. BYU beat schools like Boise State (who won by 8 points against Hawaii... oooh), Texas State (2-10), Navy (3-6), etc.

    Now, Coastal looks even more pathetic in terms of wins. 3 point win against #25 Ragin Cagins. 14 point win against (0-9) Kansas. Wins against schools like GA State and GA Southern? Oh lord, these are the type of schools that SEC teams PAY to play. 1 loss and they'll be out of the Top 25.

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    Bigjohnson92Bigjohnson92 Posts: 564 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Why shouldn’t these teams be ranked ahead of us? We have 2 bad losses to the only quality teams we’ve played. We are a big time program, in a big time conference. Everyone REALLY should expect more from this team. And let’s not start with the laundry list of excuses about this year. EVERY team has had a f—ked up year. I commend BYU for playing that game last Saturday. Much respect. Shows some balls, even for a bunch of small, slow, white guys.

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    WayxATLdawg89WayxATLdawg89 Posts: 87 ✭✭ Sophomore

    I haven't been on here for a while now since JT Daniels has been the starter. And like I said then and I will say it now for those who doubted me about him playing in the Pac12 as a 17old Freshman; UGA would probably only have one loss and that's to Bama. Kirby is finally acknowledging he has slowed us down in a round about way but its his way of admitting he was wrong. Daniels has been the answer all along. We will not only beat Mizzou but dominate them in every facet of the game.

    For those all up in arms that our program is not where it needs to be, are we looking at the same film? The only thing we're missing is a National Championship. If we were in another conference, UGA would be in the Playoff's every year but we won't be afforded that opportunity unitl we figure out how to beat the Tide. C'mon UGA fans, I want it all just as much as the next fan but to say we aren't on the level of Clemson and OSU is simply laughable... Put them in our league and let's see how often they make the playoff's or better yet make it thru the regular season with less than two losses.

    Go Dawgs!!!

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,647 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We couldn't run against Arkansas and Missouri opened holes a dump truck could run through. I don't know their system, but I would like to copy it. Can't believe they have higher quality O-Linemen than we have. Got to be the coaching and the system. On the other hand their defense made Arkansas's offense look pretty good. We should be alright if we can stop the run. Hope we have the big man back on the D-Line. He's a difference maker in the run game.

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    DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @WayxATLdawg89 But Alabama and Florida ARE in our league and except for the past three years, both of those teams regularly competed for the playoffs. I believe that both Clemson and OSU would contend for the playoffs if they were in the SEC. They may not get there as regularly because they would have to go to a division and compete against Bama or UGA or Florida. But they would definitely compete, and would win. Facts are just facts. Kirby has done well, perhaps even very well. Still, in five years he has 1 SEC Championship and zero NC. Would Clemson or Ohio State have done better in that same time span? We'll never know, but I wouldn't bet against it if the rosters remained the same.

    And I would submit that we're missing more than just a NC. We're missing that level of consistency that says we're going to win every game regardless of the opponent. Alabama has it. Clemson has it. OSU has it. No matter who they play, they're always favored. When UGA gets to that level, then we will have fully arrived.

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    DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Hey my fellow Dawgs fans. First let me say I hope you are all doing well and happy as you can be under the circumstances. Now a question, and that’s All it is a question. But with all the hype swirling around Coastal Carolina now, would y’all like to see us play them in a bowl game this year ?? I have nothing at all personal against Coastal. They have had an astronomical year. Congrats to them. That said I echo another Dawgs fan that likened them to how we played HI and devastated them. I fully agree. Unless something is really, really bad for the Dawgs it would be the same results. They are a great team within their own conference. But sorry No Way they match up to the Dawgs. Unless we had Even More injuries and about five or so key players out In Addition for discipline reasons or something . This is just sports writers reading the hype. So speaking only For Ne, I say Bring It !! And shut allot of sports writers mouths, Just Like the Dawgs squashed all the hype when they played HI !! Remember all the hype the HU Warriors had coming into that game ?? The Dawgs (and playing clean to) almost hospitalized their QB !! To the point I was kind of feeling a tad sorry for the kid !! And the kid they trotted out to replace him didn’t fare any better !! They want to diss the Dawgs, then receive the wrath that comes along with it !!

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    BornADawgBornADawg Posts: 631 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yeah navydawg, I was at the Superdome for the Sugar Bowl when we played Hawaii. They (media) hyped up their offense and especially their qb. It was a blackout game and I was sitting around the 35 yard line, almost looking down the line of scrimmage, and we smacked their qb hard in the mouth (cleanly) on the first play of the game. I felt bad for him too. By the third quarter I’m not sure he knew which sideline to run to to get off the field. He was totally shell shocked. Moral of this story: Take what the media has to say with a grain of salt! Go Dawgs!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Thx BornADawg !! One thing we’ve seen over the years is if you want a fired up Dawgs is for the media to over hype a team that on paper should be a lesser opponent. That really seems to get under the entire team’s skin and makes them have a “We’ll show You “ attitude !! I think This Dawgs team has a big ole chip on their shoulder and itching to get it off !! We’ll see if that’s the case when they play Mizzou. I Sure Hope they go in there hungry !! They Need to. If they beat Mizzou very soundly at Their place. Then IF Vandy shows up beat the snot out of them. Go to what ever bowl game they go to and win big it will take at least a smidgen of the bad taste out of the whole Dawg Nation mouths, Coaches, Players, Fans and all. I think most Dawgs fans will concede the Bama game at Their house was gonna be an uphill climb. The hated mud lizards just caught us at a Very bad time. Yes we lose allot of great guys after this year. But Allot of our younger guys got Allot of vital playing time. So the mud lizards better savor the flavor cause there may not be a repeat win for them next year. Just my opinion but I think JT Daniels is the Real Deal !! Go Dawgs !!

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    latemodelraylatemodelray Posts: 155 ✭✭✭ Junior

    George Pickens is turning out to be one the most overrated players at UGA of all time. Media types cant stop talking about him and his play has seldom to never shown on the field. Only time you notice him during a game is a crucial drop or doing something that he shouldnt that cost the team.

    I pray as 2020 draws to an end so will his time at UGA

    As for Coastal being ranked in front of us ..... Who cares? All hopes at a title left with another disappointing year full of excuses with CKS'. He was hired to win a title. He replaced a great guy who was able to constantly win 10 games and compete. So far we have an awesome recruiter who can do less with more talent than any coach i have ever seen. He should get 100% credit for getting some top player to Athens. After that .....

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    JimWallaceJimWallace Posts: 5,765 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2020

    After the Hawaii game their quarterback was interviewed. He whined that they "didn't get to play their game." As if our defense unfairly deprived him of the stage he was accustomed to playing on. Yes, that's absolutely what our defense did. He spent a lot of time on his backside in his own backfield. We ran a three man rush.

    It was hugely fun (for Dawgs).

    I watched a good bit of the BYU Coastal Carolina game and all of the second half. It was a super enjoyable game for me and probably everyone watching other than maybe BYU fans

    I'm not disparaging of anyone's point of view about CC. Of interest to me were the comments by the announcers concerning the coach for Coastal particularly his comments to his players. He told them you don't have to be big and fast if you are in the right place and do the right thing using good technique and leverage.

    I'd say that Coastal hugely embarrassed BYU by following their coach's directions and advice. Coastal was clearly smaller looking overall, but they played like they knew what to do and very much wanted to get it done.

    Great game.

    They'd be honored to play Georgia. I suspect they'd give the Dawgs a good contest kinda like Hawaii did.

    Having said all that, on any Given Saturday...

    The only Saturday I'm worried about is this Saturday. Missouri is a very good team. Probably better than Auburn by a good little bit.

    Go, Dawgs!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Thx to all of you who have responded thus far. Very interesting comments. I know a little about the game but there is so much more that I can learn and I always appreciate the thoughts and opinions of my fellow Dawgs fans. Like every good Dawgs fan I always go into each season hoping this is gonna be THE year. And it’s always painful to say “Well maybe next year”. But to be totally honest before the season started I didn’t think we’d even have college football. Guess I was pessimistic and should have had more faith.So yes it was disappointing with regard to we didn’t reach that coveted height again, but it was Great to see college football. I’ve got a Ton of medical problems maybe the good Lord will give me yet another season and another.......... God Bless You All. I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas !! Go Dawgs !!

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    sfalexansfalexan Posts: 24 ✭✭ Sophomore

    This is definitely a step-back year for us, but I wouldn't throw CKS and the team too far under the bus. We've got a new OC, a question mark at QB until recently (with a QB who is just recently cleared to play), an OL that lost two 1st rounders, and the list goes on. I do agree with everyone that we need to open the offense up, but I think we are seeing that happen. I compare us to the same teams that everyone else does (Bama, Clemson, Ohio St.) and would like to see us hold up a trophy as much as anyone else, but I think we are getting the right pieces in place. Our horizon is looking as bright as ever, with Daniels and Vandagriff competing at QB, a talented group of WRs out there (and a pretty good TE corp, too), some of the best backs in the country, and a defense to brag about (minus a couple of games where we gave up too many yards in the air...)

    I think if CKS and Monken can get a relationship where Monken can run the offense as he's shown he can do and CKS can focus on the defense, we are going to be a scary team.

    GO DAWGS!!

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    WayxATLdawg89WayxATLdawg89 Posts: 87 ✭✭ Sophomore

    @latemodelray , Clearly you aren't watching the same George Pickens like the rest of us Dawg fans. Yes sometimes he makes a dumb play but talet he does not lack. What you fail to realize is that not only does Pickens gets defended by the opposing teams best DB but he is also double covered by the safety which makes it difficult for the QB to throw him the ball. That's why its critical for other WR's to step up and for us to have an accurate throwing QB. Obviously you didn't watch the games last year when we had a QB that could get him the ball...and I wasn't a big Fromm fan but but he did throw accurate passes to George.

    Go Dawgs!!!!

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    WayxATLdawg89WayxATLdawg89 Posts: 87 ✭✭ Sophomore

    @DallasDawg , You make valid points except I don't think Florida has ever made the College Football Playoffs though they have played for or won a couple of National Titles since we have. Outside of LSU and Alabama over the last several years, UGA has been favored to win, they just haven't done so. That's in-game coaching not a lack of an elite program. I guarantee if Saban, Spurrier or heck even Gus had our roster over the last four years, UGA would have at least two Nattys. Kirby's philosophy of bend, don't break on offense and toe the line defense cost him those opportunities when the other coaches mentioned would have adjusted...

    Go Dawgs...

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    RxDawgRxDawg Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "D’Wan Mathis inexperience in the offense"

    That's a polite way to put it.

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