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Arian Smith injury the latest setback for ‘special’ Georgia wide receiver group



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    SloanDawgSloanDawg Posts: 25 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Would love to see Darnell Washington get more chances. Curious why he’s not targeted in red zone situations…dude can high point a ball at about 12 feet!

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    ShoottheHoochShoottheHooch Posts: 1,612 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Since neither you nor I attend practices, I will continue to defer to the coaching staff. If you’re correct, McConkey doesn’t stand a chance in practice. However, if he had been excused from contact in practice, I doubt he would be as advanced as a true freshman and wouldn’t be much of an asset in the passing nor running game.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I’m sure Arian Smith was just tickled pink to get injured, Again. In fact he was probably hoping he would get injured. He probably thought to himself I Need to get injured to stop the Dawgs run on a National Title opportunity ! Yeah I’m being sarcastic . Just as sarcastic as I can. This does not even vaguely or nearly apply to All comments here. But Sure does to Some. NO ONE Wants to be injured Once less alone multiple times. And absolutely NO ONE Wants to have deep and troubling mental health issues either. I’m So Very Sorry that by getting injured or having some deep and very troubling mental health issues it might have interfered with or dampened your Entertainment Experience. Boo freaking Whoo. But I’m sure as tough as You are you’ll get over it. Again my comments ain’t directed at all here or even most. JUST the utterly Selfish Cry Babies that are to mentally slow to understand that even though football players are in most cases superb athletes they are First human beings, and there for subject to have injuries Physically, Mentally, and in my faith Spiritually at times to. Course I know that those making these Selfish comments are dynamos of toughness and power and have supernatural powers that enable Them to be tough in All areas of life that the mere mortal and Normal human being. Including these athletes could never dare compete against. I’m just So grateful that our Dawgs don’t have to compete against these Ultra tough commenters else they would surely lose. I’m just in awe to see them on this site. And feel honored to think they blessed us with their presence here !🙄. P.S. Prayers for a Full & Speedy recovery for Arian Smith and All our injured Dawgs.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,666 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Practicing for a receiver is running routes and catching passes tossed to you and supporting the run game(blocking). Sometimes accidents happen there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, careful as you try to be. But if, and I repeat if, CKS has his receivers being hit and tackled after making a catch in practice, with a already depleted receiver corp then this injury is sad becasue it should have never happened.

    Again, let me repeat, if it happened as a result of catching a pass. What is the point? Does a DB really need to tackle a receiver in practice or he won't be able to tackle the opposition in a game? Seriously? THis late in the season? RIght!

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    MontanaDawgMontanaDawg Posts: 1,887 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Way too many armchair coaches out there with these comments...it is a known fact, more serious injuries to college football players occur during practice than at any time during games. That IS a fact. We don't even know if Smith's injury occurred from contact with another player or how it occurred. He was already a dealing with a leg contusion which could be soft tissue or possibly bone. Was it the same leg?

    I'm as frustrated with the mounting injuries as everyone else, but I don't think questioning Kirby's practice methodology is going to push him to change his ways. After 5 pretty successful seasons and now #1 in the country, he'd better know how to manage the team in the best way possible. If there is something unusual going on with the practice turf, cleats, etc. then my bet is that its already being looked at or has been investigated.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,666 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yeh, if his receivers are being tackled in practice and getting inured he needs to continue to do that. It's working out great. GOing to be great when we start the playoffs assuming we get there and have a couple of no name receivers who haven't played all year. That will be fine.

    If George starts taking reps, I guess you want him taking licks to "toughen him up". Because we all know he might be"soft" if he doesn't get wacked around several times before a big game.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Just to clarify my comments I made earlier. There were some comments here heavily implying that your less of a man or less of a person if you have mental health issues. Stating that those with that kind of ( terrible) condition merely need to “ toughen up”. Well Audie Murphy was (might still be) the most decorated Combat Veteran in our country, at least up to his time. Yet it is well documented that he suffered with PTSD. Countless Veterans that have/are returning from war suffer with PTSD. I suppose their all just a bunch of wimps and simply need to “toughen up” ? In my younger days in HS I boxed and was to naive to be scared of any one man. But those days are long since gone. Im NOT ashamed to admit that I am treated for PTSD from my military service. And Anxiety and Depression as well. But It’s really all my fault I just need to toughen up. In my nearing 65 yrs of age I’ve found that Blow Hards who make critical and hateful comments about mental health have Never themselves suffered from it, else they might just maybe have a little compassion for those that do. But I’m probably wrong on that as people like that tend to be way to selfish to have a little heart for some one else. As to the physical aspects of these young players that get poked fun at because their not durable enough to suit those same selfish and hateful folks. I some how have a very strong conviction that those young players could out do the Blow Hards in pretty much Any thing physical !! And might even be able to do so in spite of being injured !! These young men are PEOPLE first, football players some where further down the line of priorities. They have good days, bad days, in between days like Any normal human being. Easy to sit back at your computer or smart phone using some anonymous nick name and criticize and pontificate on what YOU would do if you were in the same shoes. The vast majority of football players, Especially at UGA want to play. And they want to excel. It is Devastating to them when an injury bd it Physical or Mental knocks them out of that opportunity. Oh I know, I know they just need to toughen up. 🙄

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Oh and forgot this. I wouldn’t trade Kirby Smart for 100 arm chair coaches that post here. And the Same goes for Mark Richt when He was coaching. If those of you that know ALL there is to know about the sport, Really did, you wouldn’t be here making all sorts of critical comment but layered with your “advice”. You’d be coaching a highly successful NFL team some where making Millions of $$$. But no your here bashing away.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,666 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    Thak you for your service. Sincerely!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Aw man Thank You Brother !! There was/are so many that did and are doing Far more than I ever did. I deeply appreciate your comment though, means allot to me. I don’t mean to be so harsh in my comments before ( they weren’t directed at you ). But I guess I’m a little over sensitive about mental health. Really physical health to as I have a myriad of medical problems. People don’t ask to sick or injured. And I just can’t understand or appreciate ( again not talking about you, just a couple of people here, pretty easy to see who) how someone can be angry or feel cheated over someone being injured whether it’s physical or mental. That’s just pure selfish and down right hateful !! I Do appreciate your comment !! Made my day allot nicer !! We need to pray hard for our military they are in a Very chaotic situation right now. Course they have been for a long time . May God richly Bless You & your family. And ALL of Dawg Nation !! I just think that sometimes we All need to stop ( definitely includes Me) that it is after all a game though a very passionate one.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited November 2021

    I appreciate your service. And I mean that . But you don’t have a clue about PTSD. What part of POST do you not understand ?? They don’t call it During Tramatic Stress Disorder. They call it Post for a reason. You talk about not lecturing You but you don’t seem to mind lecturing others. Taking very Cheap shots at even Coach Cochran. Your not in that man’s life. You have No clue what ( neither do I ) what he might be going through in his life. And I hate to break this to you but College Football though passionate is Not War. Nor are the PLAYERS ( get it ?? It’s a game !!) different people react to different things differently. I think deep in your gut you Know you shouldn’t have called people out about their mental health ( or maybe you don’t if that’s the case that IS sad) but I don’t know if your willing to admit it. Again and lastly I DO appreciate your service to our country. But I certainly Don’t appreciate your crass remarks about mental health. There’s waaaaay more to it than just s uck it up, tighten your belt another notch and be tougher. I can assure you of that. Clinical PTSD, Clinical Depression, Clinical Anxiety are Far More than just get a grip. Those psychiatric conditions actually cause a chemical imbalance in the brain. The person suffering with these would Dearly Love to resolve the issue by just getting a grip or toughening up. But without professional help they can’t. You spoke in one comment about a different issue of Knowing What Your Talking About. Well without getting into a big to do on these issue I Know What I’m talking about. That is these mental health issues. Patton was a great general for War. But This is football. A game. And I doubt Very seriously that Coach Cochran had much if anything to do with these injuries. I’m sure Arian Smith and Dom Blaylock wouldn’t care to much for your calling them “ pencil legs” to. Your in the wrong and you Should know it. And No it’s not a matter of Me just wanting to be right. You shouldn’t have taken shots at those people about their mental health and it Was pretty cold calling those guys pencil legs. Kirby Smart called Dom a Warrior. And that’s how Im gonna see him and Arian as Im sure both would want to play instead of being injured.

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