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Around the SEC: Resurgent Florida favored to take down Kentucky, Alabama expected to roll Texas



  • dazzledawgdazzledawg Posts: 214 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I try to respect all teams. Utah had the ball inside the 10 twice and came away with 0.

    They drove down the field in crunch time and had the game won or at the very least OT.

    Their QB threw into double coverage there at the end for the INT so I’m not convinced Fla dominated this game.

  • DogsNotDawgsDogsNotDawgs Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Also the resurgence of Florida exaggerated in article title. Utah collaborated with Florida in game outcome.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,153 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I’m convinced that guy is a Troll trying to be subtle and so called casual Pretending to be a Dawgs fan. He ALWAYS “casually” finds something wrong with our Dawgs. In one post I thought he was gonna drown on his own drool over Billy Napier so he’s probably a mud lizard troll more than apt. All any Real Dawgs fan need do is go back and peruse his posts and you’ll Clearly see the trend. Thx for calling him out !! And before someone says it NO it’s much more than just a difference of opinion. The guy Bashes on the Dawgs at every opportunity he just does it in a sneaky sort of way. If anyone has doubts just go back and read through his posts, you will see the thinly veiled disgust he has for UGA and our Dawgs !! Go Dawgs !!

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2022

    I saw the guy is on SDS also. He has no logo depicting team affiliation next to his "name" on that site.

    That being said this site is a fan site. But there is definitely a lack of objectivity regarding the home team (like most fan sites) . So if his posts offer a different perspective and makes you think outside the box (or take off the rose coloured glasses) that is a very needed thing here on this site. Seems to do it respectfully.

    BTW I saw on other article's high praise for UGA but also panning of the UGA OL. Specifically run blocking. A continuation of last years issues? Pass blocking looked elite.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,153 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I understand what your saying. And I Do agree with you to a certain extent. You are right we Do need SOME objectivity and constructive criticism. And I said I can certainly take Some criticism of our Dawgs. BUT this guy Always Bashes our Dawgs while the vast majority of the time Elevating another team. He does it in a subtle sneaky sort of way. He even said in one post that he didn’t want to get banned !! And he refers to the Dawgs in a exclusive sort of way, Not inclusive like “You Dawgs Fans”. I tried for the longest time to just clench my teeth and take his Bull Crap. He also if you read his crap will contradict himself from one post to another for the sole purpose of getting in a Bash. So Yes I Do agree with you that Some objectivity and constructive criticism is indeed a Good thing. Even when done respectively by rival fans. But constant Bashing of our Dawgs no matter how subtle and sneaky ought not be tolerated by us Dawgs fans. We as Dawgs fans should be willing to zealously defend the Dawgs we Love so much !! On most rival sites they ban you even for the slightest criticism of Their Team !! No I’m not saying that’s right. And No I wouldn’t want that here. But I Do say when it’s repetitive to near constant like this Troll, Uh guy. Then yeah absolutely we should ban together and call him out on it !! You have to read more than just a couple of his posts he’s bashing us And laughing at us at the same time !! Lastly though I don’t agree with every single thing You say every time, I Do agree with you the majority of the time and find your posts to be well thought out and articulated in a very good way. Hope You & Family have a Happy & Healthy Season !! Go Dawgs !! P.S. I don’t Hate the guy, I don’t Hate anyone, he just gets on my nerves !! And hard Not to see his posts cause people quote him allot mainly because of his negativity.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Stick with your initial impression,, Navy. I've thought for quite a while, exactly what you said earlier. I believe that @thadec and @UGADad20 are trolls, either working together or...the same person posting under 2 User Names., real schizophrenic-like. LOL. In fact, there may be more than 2 IDs involved. There's another, I won't mention, cause I'm not sure, yet.

    In any case, they either don't know what they are talking about or they are rival fans trying to be divisive. Their comments and writing style are either the same or very similar, and make them easy to identify.

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