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Desmond Howard: ‘Pump the brakes’ on Stetson Bennett Heisman Trophy hype



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    DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,271 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The headline is fine. No one wants to read an "ambivalent" post. Those get ignored. Personally, I think any Heisman Trophy talk is too soon for ANYONE, yet folks do it every year. Who knows where the season will go? That said, though, Howard is flat wrong. There's no way, based on what we've seen so far, that Stetson Bennett shouldn't be in the Heisman conversation. Of course he could falter later, but that would be true of any candidate at this point (see Anthony Richardson). He says Bennett has done well for a couple of games. True, but that's all they've played. But I think you also have to at least consider how he played last year. Kid is deserving. Give him his due. Go Dawgs!

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    PetesdawgsPetesdawgs Posts: 407 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Are we talking about Takeo Spikes or Howard-Both are IMBECILES

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    JimWallaceJimWallace Posts: 5,765 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2022

    I kinda like Desmond Howard but he seems kinda stupíd.

    Sometimes the Heisman winner isn't even the best player on their own team.

    Sometimes the award winners - last year's Heisman winner & last year's Joe Moore wining o line - get their assēs handed to them by losers. Losers like last year's UGA QB1 and last year's UGA OL.

    (Notice how I cleverly wrote o line lower case for the Joke Moore guys. Our OL deserved capital letters.)

    [Cleverly. /s

    because I did it first and then noticed it, so it mighta been accidentally clever but I'll take it.]

    If Michigan's offensive line had had any honor, character, and shame they'd have walked their award across the field at half time. Our guys would graciously have refused it. The whole thing is silly. These awards are bestowed. They are not won.

    Kirby, and our OL, and Stetson, and everybody at UGA will take playoff wins over a bunch of meaningless awards. There's only one prize in big time college football. It's won on the field.

    Think about this: Peyton Manning wasn't awarded the the Heisman.

    Go, Dawgs!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    There’s Allot of things I Could say about Desmond and allot of other ESPN talking heads but I will refrain. Most has already been covered by my fellow Dawgs fans. And my fellow Dawgs fans are very adept in their descriptions, as usual. Stetson is very much like the team he plays with, he and them will just have to Beat the respect out of the nay sayers !! Just keep Beating the opponent week after week And in the post season. Preferably by a large score. Perhaps when Kirby and the Dawgs pass the Second National Championship Trophy over to Stetson for him to Kiss the Second one under his time with Kirby. Perhaps Then the nay sayers will begin to crumble. But Even Then maybe not when your talking about Many of the great “experts” on ESPN. Very hard for them to give up their long standing Bias against the Dawgs. Every game our Dawgs win is a extremely bitter pill for them to swallow. So here’s hoping that Stets and our Dawgs make Em gag like they just bit into a green persimmon !! Go Dawgs !! Go Stetson !!

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    HemingweyHemingwey Posts: 3,898 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


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    SOARDAWGSOARDAWG Posts: 15 ✭ Freshman

    For starters, the Heisman trophy has become an embarrassing joke in that it absolutely doesn't live up to its own standards of excellence on as well as OFF the field, it's all about stats! As for Howard's comments regarding whether SB4 is a legitimate Heisman candidate, obviously he's still butt-hurt over the Mailman exposing his alma mater in last year's Orange Bowl-CFP Semifinals beat-down. Just the same, his ridiculous comments doesn't surprise me in the least coming from one of the rocket surgeons at the Exceptionally **** People Network, it's not exactly like those geniuses are known for lavishing praises on Georgia. SB4 has absolutely nothing to prove to anyone about whether he's Heisman worthy, he's already proved it, PERIOD! Still, I would like to see him win it just to shut-up morons like Howard, but to do so, SB4 will have to be twice as good as the rest because he wasn't hyped up from day-1, he's earned his respect the hard way, Heisman trophy or not!

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    BubbaBillBubbaBill Posts: 1,193 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2022

    Yes indeed, UGA can “play down” against weaker opponents as Desmond says. A good example would be the Orange Bowl last season😉. Go Dawgs!!!

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    Lexi33Lexi33 Posts: 65 ✭✭✭ Junior

    "You can not like him because he was a zero star, you can not like him because he went to community college...."

    ************** Cam Newton and Nick Marshall, among many other illustrious Auburn felon footballers who stole from their teammates, played a year of junior college. And the football writers loved them.

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    MLVMLV Posts: 73 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I'm good with people continuing to doubt Stetson Bennett. He's made a career outta that stuff.

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    BiggDawgBiggDawg Posts: 22 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Desmond Howard doesn't seem to actually watch any UGA or SEC games. Not a good look

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    BiggDawgBiggDawg Posts: 22 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Hey, great locker room material! Thanks for your confident ignorance Mr. Howard 😂

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    DJG76DJG76 Posts: 212 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I have only to look back at the pre-season predictions this ignoramos made to know, Desmond does not know She-ot from Shinola!

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    bogarttadbogarttad Posts: 279 ✭✭✭✭ Senior


    For grammatical integrity, I think you wanted to include a fifth * after "Exceptionally".

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    Steve0571Steve0571 Posts: 1 ✭ Freshman

    Ok! So by that idea we shouldn’t be talking about anyone for Heisman at all at this point then Desmond. No one is saying give it to him. They are saying, that at this point in the season, he should at least be in the running with the top contenders. That’s just an ignorant take. Almost as ignorant as saying UGA has played sub par competition and that’s why they looked good??!! Really?? Michigan has played, literally, the absolute weakest schedule in all of football. Should they be ranked in the top 5 by that standard?? Last I checked. Coming into week 4, UGA is one of only four schools to have two wins against power five teams! Hmmm.

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