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Holy moly, former Georgia player Tyrique Stevenson finished out strong at Miami



  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2023

    "Tyrique talks about giving himself a chance to mature, wouldn't staying at Georgia have been the mature thing to do?"____@WildmanSlayer

    Yeah...it would've been. But, that's Tyrique's point. He "was not mature" enough to do that, at the time.

    It's not like he was in the military and HAD TO overcome his homesickness in Athens @18-19 years of age. Some guys take a little longer to grow and mature.

    That's one of CKS's recruiting intangibles. He hits, far more often than he misses on those...and, wayyy more often than his Coaching colleagues.

    When I was in the Navy...I've heard kids (18 yrs old and up), crying in their rack at night, on patrol. Especially, if it was over Christmas. They eventually get over it, but, it takes time and support from their "brothers".

    At UGA, every player, is too involved with their own development, to hold another player's hand. That's why it's important to maintain a good core of Senior Leadership.

    If all of your Junior leaders leave after their Junior year, you lose one leg of your team's stability. Smart, currently does the best job of maintaining that stability.

    Stevenson, Mitchell, Burton, Johnson, and a few others, slipped through the cracks...because they weren't ready to "compete" for various intangible reasons that had nothing to do with "the team", "the coach", "NIL" or "the locker room".

    In some cases, I think Smart encouraged some of these guys to leave to make room for incoming Freshmen and transfers. Out with the bad...in with the good. And, I'm not trying to imply that ANY of these players were "bad players".

    Most of the ones that left, had reached their plateau. For the record...Stevenson wasn't one of em. Burton was. Reminder...Mims was going to transfer last year and changed his mind, after seeing what's out there. He hadn't reached his plateau yet either, and realized UGA was the only place that could get him there.

  • jg74jg74 Posts: 13 ✭✭ Sophomore

    I do get a little tired of people who complain about the articles and authors on this site. Of course, it's their right, but it's not going to change anything. Just read only the articles you care about and move on. I actually appreciate articles from different perspectives and various angles...whether its about future, current or past Dawgs. Oddly, the people who don't like certain articles or writers, seem to read them anyway. Lol! Go Dawgs!!

  • WildmanSlayerWildmanSlayer Posts: 92 ✭✭✭ Junior

    BigDawg61, Tyrique said he had gotten the home sickness Situated after a few months, plus he says he left to give himself an opportunity to explore myself, and more room to mature. So, he's saying he needed to leave so he could mature. you're saying he left because he was homesick which he said he had overcome after a few months, and because he was immature, and far as the military goes, My wife's Ex brother-in-law was in the Navy, and Air Force, and got out both times, because the wanted to come home, so not sure, what that had to do with Tyrique, but I do know he left his team at a position of need, that he would have started. But that's my opinion, and I still believe there was more to it than homesickness.

    My first few months there, I had a problem sleeping,” Stevenson told the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel in 2021 after transferring back to Miami.

    “We got that situated, but it was more like I missed my family — not more of the city of Miami. I miss Miami, but it was more like I missed my father, sisters and my mom, so I really did get homesick for a few months up there.”

    It was pretty hard, but I felt like me leaving Georgia was an opportunity to explore myself and give myself more room to mature,

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,869 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2023

    I know right? In the world we live in, where everyone wants us to pay for reading their content, a free article on an ex-UGA player can satisfy our curiosity of "whatever happened to....." No one is making anybody read anything.

    People apparently forgot that there were rumors of Tyrique to Mia a week BEFORE he entered the TP. He was absolutely "recruited" off the UGA roster. That's tampering.

    He went home and he'll get his payday. But his fingers are ring-less. And while the whole country knows who Kelee Ringo is as a result of his national TV and playoff exposure/heroics, only the most ardent CFB fan knows who Tyrique Stevenson is. From a brand building standpoint, Tyrique fumbled the game away.

    In his defense, IF he is a 1st or 2nd rd pick (probable) , he will make enough money in signing bonus to buy a house big enough for the whole family no matter what team drafts him.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited February 2023

    "but it was more like I missed my father, sisters and my mom, so I really did get homesick for a few months up there.”____TS

    If he moved back, because he "missed his Mom, Dad and Sisters"...and he said he did, if I'm reading his statement correct....Then, that's "homesick"...and immature.

    I was saying...he didn't allow himself enough time to adjust...or mature. Some kids take longer and none of his teammates had time to hold his hand, so-to-speak.

    As far as my reference to the military...I had to "hold a lot of hands" in my 20yrs. I know exactly what he was going through. But, unlike the military, Players can opt-out or transfer. When I served...you couldn't just leave, like your Wife's ex-Brother-in-Law...you had to deal with it. I don't know, what the hell's going on with the WOKE military, now. Lol

    Go get #3 UGA.

  • CandlerParkCandlerPark Posts: 786 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Excellent comment, @thadec. The double standard between coaches doing what's in their self interest and players doing the same lingers on because we as fans are used to thinking that way. Change requires us to adjust our thinking. But we're naturally resistant to that adjustment, because we're all anxious that the sport and traditions we love will be "ruined" by transfers, NILs and the like. So we tend to take it out on the players for doing something that's not in our team's interest.

    Reading Tyrique's comments reminds me how impressed I often am by the grace and intelligence that many (most?) players exhibit at such a young age. In being open about his lack of homesickness and need to grow, he showed more maturity than many of us fans , who get swept in the passion of undying allegiance to our team. They often get credit for the character they show: @khummel's comment that "he seems like a good guy" was exactly my reaction). But lo if they make a boneheaded, youthful decision or -- worse still -- abandon our team; then they aren't given the benefit of the doubt at all.

  • CigarDawgCigarDawg Posts: 2,795 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    A couple more years of maturity will help his next transition. He made a choice that he thought was best for him at the time and I don't see any reason not to respect it or to question his motives. Navigating college and young adulthood is not a cakewalk for everyone and it showed maturity that he understood his need for a support system he did not have in Athens.

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