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Is Georgia QB Stetson Bennett on the Atlanta Falcons’ 2023 NFL Draft radar?

SystemSystem Posts: 11,080 admin
edited April 2023 in Article commenting
imageIs Georgia QB Stetson Bennett on the Atlanta Falcons’ 2023 NFL Draft radar?

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The Atlanta Falcons might add another quarterback in the NFL draft, and Georgia quarterback Stetson Bennett needs an NFL opportunity.

Read the full story here


  • My_Dawg_RyanMy_Dawg_Ryan Posts: 390 ✭✭✭ Junior

    No Mike, no UGA player is! I think you meant to say on Eagles radar?

  • jvillebiljvillebil Posts: 174 ✭✭✭ Junior

    After Matt Ryan finally fizzled out we haven't had a decent QB. Bennett could certainly fare no worse that what we've experienced the past several seasons. I hope they give him a shot

  • BrooksieBrooksie Posts: 577 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Bennett to Green Bay. They need a solid backup.

  • kylnmeg10kylnmeg10 Posts: 535 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Simple answer : no, falcons will not draft UGA players or actual needs. Need DL/OL, draft a RB to push out Patterson.

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,930 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited April 2023

    Rather see Bennett go to a decent team, with a shot of making the playoffs. Sorry, but thats not happening anytime soon in Atlanta.

  • jvillebiljvillebil Posts: 174 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Actually I don't really care where Bennett goes. Hopefully he'll become a solid backup and then if starter goes down he can win over the nay-sayers.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited April 2023

    "QB. Bennett could certainly fare no worse"__

    Lol...that's the smartest thing, i've heard anybody say, about "Bennett's NFL Prospects"....yet!

    Dad gum right! There's no way in hell's bathroom, that Bennett would be worse than some of the fizzle farts I've seen playing that position, in the NFL, lately. In fact...I know, from what I've seen, there are at a minimum...5 teams that would benefit by a Stetson Bennett upgrade.

    He'll get His shot, whether by Draft or by Preferred Walk-On (why change-up now)....and, some obscure GM or HC will get all the credit. But, the real credit goes to Smart, Monkin, and, last, but definitely not least....Bennett, himself. Afterall....he didn't benefit from a Nation Wide Lovefest and "Hype-Party" like his colleagues.

    Young, Caleb Williams, Stroud.....heck...even Levis and Richardson got more sugar-press than the best dual threat, Championship Caliber QB in the draft. In fact, I'd say Bennett got more than his fair share of negative press....and, I'm not even talking about the post-season events. But, that too.

    It amazes me that people that should know better...because it's THEIR JOB...continue to blow opportunities to advance their team's cause, in the draft. For instance...trading to move up to 6 or 7, in order to take a guy that wasn't even on the radar. Arizona did that....but, it's a move we used to expect from the Falcons.

    On the flip side...Philly did their homework...traded to move up to 9...and, took the best player on the board. What you have to wonder, is....what the heck were teams 1 through 8, thinking? And, THEN...there's Nolan Smith. Smh...unbelievable, that he fell to 31. Again...FOR Philly. Lol

    The Eagles' defense is going to be flying high, in a year or two. They'll rival the Steelers and Bears defenses of the '70's & '80's. The good news is...all 4 of the Dawgs that Philly took, are NFL-Ready, because of the Kirby Smart NFL Preparatory System....or, Gridiron Masters Program, if you prefer. Lol

  • thadecthadec Posts: 611 ✭✭✭✭ Senior


    If you think that 205 rushing yards at 3.6 yards per carry in 15 games with the best group of both OL and TEs blocking for you (plus RBs who can block too) makes you a "dual threat QB" then ...

    Lamar Jackson had that many rushing yards in one game. IN ONE GAME. He had 400+ yards passing in that game too. And no, Jackson didn't have a team loaded with NFL prospects either. Instead right after he went to the NFL the whole program fell apart and the coach was fired. THAT is an actual dual threat QB.

  • thadecthadec Posts: 611 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    As if the Falcons are going to draft a QB two years in a row. If they were, it would have been grabbing Levis in the 1st round, or at least trading up into the early part of the 2nd round to get him. And no, they can't take him in the 6th round to let him sit on the bench like DJ Shockley. Do that and the entire fanbase will root for the starting QB to fail so the backup can play (the fiasco with Chris Chandler and Michael Vick, and also with Tim Tebow in Denver).

    Hopefully the Falcons will grab one of the front 7 and OL players - and one of the DBs - that UGA has in this draft but they won't get SB IV.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited April 2023

    Lamar Jackson isn't in this draft....and, you know what I think of stats without context.

    Let me start out with what I see in Bennett. I see a street Smart kid, that knows how to move the ball down the field, with whatever he has available. I can't count the number of times, I've seen him create plays with his legs, his eyes or his accuracy, over the last 3 years.

    I don't know, if you've noticed...but, Bennett has a 6th sense in the pocket. You don't teach, what he does, to get out of trouble. That's probably one of the sore points between him and Monkin....but, it's also what makes Bennett...Bennett. Every great quarterback has a "Thing". That's Bennett's thing. You just have to give him enough leash to let him do his "Thing"....and, that's what Monkin did, to his credit. I'd like to see them do it again...together, in Baltimore.

    The boy has gotten better every year...and, I'm not sure he's done with his improvement. I don't think he's maxed-out yet, which is probably why Kirby and Monkin got so frustrated with him. He could be a lot better with a little more experience.

    Example:....a RB gets 11 carries in a game. He averages 2.5 yds/Carry. Bad, right?.... What those stats don't tell you, is that 10 of those carries were on 2nd or 3rd down in short yardage situations....just, lookin' to get a 1st down. And....that RB successfully drove 2 to 4 yds to give his team another 4 downs on 80% of those attempts. Good, right. See....it's a matter of perspective.

    You can't account for offensive scheme, play-calling or injuries in each game throughout the season. Or, how those things may have effected the RB or QB position.

    At some point.....you just have to rely on your eyes, your experience and your instincts. Mine tell me...Bennett is a winner...and I don't care what offense you put a winner in...he will find a way to win, with it. He's got enough tooling to do it.

    He's been small and working with the tools he has to work with....all his life. He found a way to take over the "Starting Quarterback" position from an all-everything...hyped to the 9's former USC starter...win 2 Natty's....4 MVPs....on one of the best College Football Team's of this Century.....with the tools God gave him. He don't need to be "a great athlete", like AR.

    In fact...See me in 5 years. We'll see which of all these high-falutin' 2022 QBs is still around. Lol

    But, more to my point....IMO...Bennett is the best dual threat QB, in THIS draft. If Caleb Williams was in it, things might look different.

    Oh...BTW...Looks like I'm gonna have to move to Pennsylvania, if i'm gonna start keepin' up with the NFL, again.. Lol

  • CClayC88CClayC88 Posts: 135 ✭✭✭ Junior


    Would you write 2 posts with a total of 18 paragraphs defending Bennett if he had played for another team. Probably not. You said you don't like stats without context and I get that but try to to look at Bennett without the context of being a Dawgs fan. Would he scare you if he were on ANY other team playing against us. Not at all. NFL scouts/ personnel look at things objectively (because their jobs are always on the line) and not through rose-colred glasses like you do when it comes to SB4. He's almost 26, small, with a below average arm who happened to play on a college team with a ton of elite talent around him. Sure he's about the same size as Bryce Young but the comparisons end there

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited April 2023

    Lol...I probably wouldn't have to.

    Seriously....I'm not "defending" anyone. Just pointing out what I see. And...no he wouldn't "scare" me....but, he would be tough to defend, if he had receivers and a running game. Just like any other QB.

    To your point...there isn't a QB out there that can win by himself...whether you're scared of him or not. I think people attribute a lot more to the QB position than is warrented...which is why most people don't know how to evaluate a QB.

    Hell...if Bryce Young played for UGA, his stats would be roughly the same as Bennetts, cause he'd be running out of, virtually the same offense, with the same receivers...I'd wind up having to "defend" him. Lol...look what HE did with Burton. Any more than Bennett, when he was throwing to him? And, that was supposedly UGA's "Best receiver".

    Stats will only tell you so much. For instance...there's no way to account for Richardson or Levis being drafted as high as they were just based on stats. Somebody sees something, that I don't see.

    A lot of people would say that Tom Brady wasn't very scary, either. But...with the right weapons around him, he was deadly. That's what I think of Bennett....Dawg or not.

    And, to answer your question....I probably wouldn't even know Bennett's name, if he played somewhere other than the SEC.

  • CClayC88CClayC88 Posts: 135 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Your last sentence precisely made my point for me. Thanks

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited April 2023

    Lol...explain, please. Don't read too much into that statement, you referenced. Just means I didn't keep up with anybody outside of the SEC, with a few exceptions. And, I don't offer an opinion on a player I haven't kept up with or "executed a deep dive on their performance and trajectory".

    So...it's highly doubtful I would've heard from Bennett outside the Conference...unless he played for OSU, MICH, USC, Clemson, Notre Dame or Texas. If that were the case...he would have been in the playoff conversation and I guarantee you...he would've gotten friendlier press and may have won the Heisman and been in the 1st round, because everybody knows that perception, is 9/10ths of reality". Who creates perception??? ESPN and it's vast panel of so-called "experts".

    It's doubtful Bennett would be a statistical juggernaut or playoff contender on any other team, than OSU, MICH or USC...so...no press...no "Hype"...no Stetson. That and you never know what type of coaching staff...and in turn offensive scheme, you're gonna get, outside the Conference. Lol

    If finding a QB was just a matter of "athleticism" and "arm strength"....coaches would be lining up at the Olympic Trials to pull in as many Decathlon, Shot Put, Discus and Javelin Throwers as they could find. If it was as simple as throwing a long accurate pass....hell, go get that kid that threw the ball 73 yds on the money in "The Pass, Punt, and Kick Contest". Lol

    It's not that simple, is it? There is no formula. Either, you've got it or you don't. Bennett has it. I don't blame you for not seeing it....you obviously, aren't the only one. But, you will in a couple of years.

    Yeah...Bennett has a couple of warts...or, weaknesses. Every QB does. The question a HC/OC would have to answer, is...are they warts I can remove...or, can we live with em. THAT depends on offensive scheme, the warts...and, the QB.

    I WILL say this..which I thought I already said...If you swapped Young and Bennett....Bennett would be just as successful as Young was, in the BAMA offense, over the last 2 years. In turn..., Young's "stats" would look a lot like Bennett's does now...and, MAYBE Young gets 2 Natty's. Maybe not. Does that still make your point? I'm not sure of what you were trying to say.

    IMO...a lot of these NFL teams overanalyze a prospective QB. Most of the teams have gotten worse and worse, at it. Ever since the advent of the personal computer.....Teams and experts have been trying to define the perfect quarterback using statistical data. I'm here to tell you...it don't work like that...and some of your smarter coaches and GM's, already know that and draft accordingly.

    I don't know...maybe I'm wrong. Let's use your QB evaluation method. Please explain to me why Anthony Richardson was taken 4th overall...and Levis!!!? Pleeeease explain, using your technique...why everyone is sold on Will Levis. I don't see it...and believe me...I've tried.

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