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More details emerge following arrest of Georgia wide receiver De’Nylon Morrissette

SystemSystem Posts: 11,114 admin
edited May 2023 in Article commenting
imageMore details emerge following arrest of Georgia wide receiver De’Nylon Morrissette

Prior to being arrested on Monday, Georgia wide receiver De’Nylon Morrissette was involved in a car crash, according to the incident report obtained by the Athens Banner-Herald.

Read the full story here



  • Oldddawg76Oldddawg76 Posts: 393 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I thought a class D was for people under 18? Did he not ever get the actual license?

  • bobebobe Posts: 205 ✭✭✭ Junior

    “a greenish film on his tongue,” **** are they even talking about

  • MACDAWGMACDAWG Posts: 269 ✭✭✭ Junior
  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,885 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    Your tongue turns green when you eat your stash while the cops are running your plates. Hence no charge for possession.

  • Oldddawg76Oldddawg76 Posts: 393 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Back in my daze at UGa (1970s) I had a lot of friends hauled in after the officer "smelled marijuana".

  • flemingislanddawgflemingislanddawg Posts: 599 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Is it against the NCAA to have a team Uber account?

  • UGA66UGA66 Posts: 4,216 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Back in my Georgia days I don't recall even hearing of the term marijuanna. Today it is commonplace. Coach Smart now has to deal witth another offender. It will not be the last. Probably a game or two suspension or the like. Bullard got that.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,228 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Now what I sure Hope his future will be, is he’ll take what ever civil punishment he’s given, any disciplinary action from KS, like a man.

    Set his jaw, Do what ever is required of him to pay the debts of his poor decision, Learn from it, and Move on forward in a positive way with his life. IF he does that, the poor decisions made Then, could make him wiser and thus lead to great positive decisions going forward.

    When we as human beings make poor choices or decisions in life, it is a sign of gaining maturity, when we own up to them, accept the punishment that goes with them, Learn from them and press on. THAT to me would show a person making a transition from child to young man, albeit painfully.

    Some people are fortunate and mature earlier Without having to endure the pain of having made a poor choice or poor decision. BUT it doesn’t necessarily mean the latter person is a Better person. It just means that the latter person made wiser choices and decisions, many times because of heeding and Embracing the counsel of parents or mentors or people in authority over them early in life.

    That’s why I try to tell the young people Listen to the older folks, and carefully weigh out and sift what you have been counseled ( old folks to don’t Always give wise counsel). Converse with a variety of people and compare notes.

    As a Christian the most important thing for me is to Pray about it and balance it against scripture from the Bible. But if your not of my faith, ( I hope you will make That decision to join our family !!) then Again compare notes with a variety of people.

    And Listen to your gut feelings, as the majority of times, that gut feeling will be right. If your gut is telling you Hey I better not do this, then Don’t !! Use the common sense that God gave you !!

    So as not to be a blaring hypocrite, I made allot of Stoopid mistakes, BUT I paid for them, through allot of pain, and I learned from them. And those experiences helped me to mature and become a little wiser.

    But please Trust Me when I say you don’t have pull Stoopid stunts to become more mature and gain a little wisdom !!! That’s the Hard way of getting there !! I’m just very fortunate that God loves idiots to !! Referring to myself !! 😀

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,228 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Forgive me, I don’t mean to beat this horse to death. But I just wanted to share this True story with y’all.

    When I was in the Navy ( back when Noah was an Admiral 😀). There was a sailor that my younger brother who was Also in the Navy knew ( I’m the middle of three brothers all in the Navy at the same time).

    This sailor woke up in Norfolk Naval Hospital shackled to the hospital bed in handcuffs ( True). When a Navy Master-At-Arms ( Navy Police) came in to the room, the sailor asked the MAA, what am I doing here and why am I hand cuffed to the bed ??

    The MAA said you Really don’t know do you ?? The sailor replied no. The MAA said last night you tried to drink up enough booze to sink a ship and you smoked a hay bail worth of MJ and you hit a car containing a man & woman and their two small children. You Killed all four of them !!

    You on the other hand only have some small cuts and bruises, but the medical folks wanted to hold you to make sure you don’t have any internal bleeding. The last thing my brother ever heard on this sailor was that he was sentenced by court martial to spend enough years in prison At Hard Labor that a Boulder would become a Pebble !!

    I honestly don’t know how much they might have changed, but in my time military prison was By Far harder than civilian prison. Especially if the court martial tribunal issued the added punishment of At Hard Labor.

    We had such a military work detail come on our ship one time, and all I can say is Oh Lord THANK YOU so much that I didn’t end up like that !!

    But the Worse Thing is that sailor would have to live out the rest of His life with the gut searing knowledge that he snuffed out an entire family with his Stoopid choices. So as Again not be a blaring hypocrite, I must say But For The Grace Of God Goeth I………..

    STOP !!! THINK, Before you DO !! Because the Decision you make could cost you your life or the lives of others or both !! I Pray that this young man will learn from his poor choices and go on to live a great life.

    I Pray that there will be no further instances such as this not just within players from the football program but All in attendance at UGA.

  • BetheredgeBetheredge Posts: 208 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Misdemeanors or not, it’s time for the local & campus police forces to start making examples of these folks & I’m not talking about just the athletes. They need to be going after the bars that let underage kids in the door & serve them booze, the retailers that sell booze to underage kids & the dealers that are selling them the drugs, who believe me are pushing more than just a little stinky bud.

    Par for the course, a group of people get together, like the NCAA & say let’s give these kids thousands or even millions of dollars. Many on their own for the first time. Heap mountains of praise & attention on them Turn them loose in a college town full of beautiful people, parties, music, alcohol, drugs & no real supervision. What could possibly go wrong!!? From curfew violations to homicide, this kind of garbage is increasing in college towns across the country. Running stadium steps is tough but unless the core of the problem is addressed, we are going to see more tragedies like we saw back in January. It’s obvious De’Nylon did not learn anything from a teammate & friend being killed under similar circumstances.

  • reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,771 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    How do you follow someone too closely at 3:30 in the morning? Not too many cars on the road at that time. WHy don't you just go around? Sounds like intimidation. He may have gotten brake checked, but being a woman by herself that late at night, I sort of doubt it.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,493 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yeah??? They probably used a different term back then. We're talkin' before the Drug addled '60's and beyond...right? Lol

    Possibly...Mary Jane...or reefer...or weed...or ganja...or Left Handed Cigarettes?? Lol...had to be something...unless, you really did go to UGA in the '50's. If so, my hat's off to you...much respect. What can you tell us about Wally Butts?

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,493 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You don't need to do that. Just do what we did, when I was in the Navy....buy 2 or 3 vans and hire 3 or 4 drivers to run a shuttle service for all of the Student Athletes to use, to get around Athens.

    You could even have a shuttle to run back and forth to Atlanta and Helen on weekends. Negotiate a discounted hotel rate, for Student-Athletes in those 2 cities, for the kids to use, while visiting. With a hotline number for emergencies. The cost, is a drop in the proverbial bucket....and, the reward would be immeasurable. IMO

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