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Georgia responds to lawsuit filed by former football staffer involved in tragic crash

SystemSystem Posts: 11,046 admin
edited July 2023 in Article commenting
imageGeorgia responds to lawsuit filed by former football staffer involved in tragic crash

ATHENS — The University of Georgia has issued a statement in response to a lawsuit filed by former UGA football staffer Victoria “Tory” Bowles.

Read the full story here



  • sclark10sclark10 Posts: 15 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Did Mike really write this? Sounds like Alan Judd.

  • 83_Dawg83_Dawg Posts: 3 ✭ Freshman

    Another great “sports” article from MikeGriffith and the AJC.

  • E_RocE_Roc Posts: 1,244 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    No, unlike the Judd article, this is a straightforward reporting of facts. I'm also not seeing what sweeping, inflammatory and questionable conclusion Griffith draws here.

  • sclark10sclark10 Posts: 15 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Granted it is a difficult time for Dawgnation writers. Wish Mike had included a little more context for his readers.

  • ColumbusDawgColumbusDawg Posts: 547 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Alright people. Form your own conclusions. But likely much ado about nothing here and it will end up in a settlement of some sorts before it gets to a full blown court trial. Apparently she/her attorney asked UGA for a whole bunch of money and they said no, but we can agree to this amount and then they said we will see you in court, if this bad press we are about to give you does not make you up your offer to an acceptable amount.

    So what we have is can she have her attorney to get the AJC and others to print enough bad press and create enough pressure to get UGA to up their settlement offer? Or will UGA call their bluff and take the heat and stand pat and right before trial she accepts what UGA is willing to settle for?

    Truth is, sure she has legit injuries, but that does not automatically make them UGA's fault. Lecroy would be the one to sue I would think but her estate likely has little to nothing and UGA has all the money and mega insurance, so there you go.

    They risk losing everything or a lot if it goes to court and if UGA has a decent defense, which I am sure they will. We all know how this ends, in a settlement. Its just comes down to who has the better hand, who is the better poker player and if UGA can take all the bad press her attorney is going to bombard them with.

    They are counting on UGA folding their hand under a mountain of AJC heat. I really hope the AJC stays neutral while her attorney drips statements meant to make UGA look like the devil and pile it on week after week.

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,872 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    UGA has some liability (and responsibility ) here because the vehicle was leased by UGA. That involves UGA. Add to that, vehicle was placed in the hands of an employee, driven by a UGA employee (hired with a poor driving record) hired to transport UGA players, was transporting UGA players, and was transporting players on a day when players were being transported by staffers.

    Add to all that that UGA seemed to tolerate (if not condone due to its continuance) an environment of speeding/racing based on the repetition of offenses by individuals and total number of incidences. The policies for vehicle management will also be investigated as will the prior patterns of use relative to adherence to policy. On the surface all of that looks bad for UGA.

    How much liability will depend on subpoena evidence. It is not likely that UGA will want open the kimono and expose the workings of the UGA football program in a public court of law. I would expect a pretty fast settlement.

    BTW courts have routinely assigned responsibility for vehicle deaths to surviving drivers in racing cases. JCarter's legal team was smart to jump on the offer for a criminal case plea bargain before all of this went down.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Exactly. Don't drink and drive. Don't get in the car with someone who is drinking and driving.

  • JudgeDog31JudgeDog31 Posts: 30 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Honestly, very disappointed in Dawgnation’s refusal to cover or even comment on UGA’s letter to the AJC claiming that AJC’s reporting has been inaccurate. There isn’t another topic that UGA fans have been interested in more over this last week. I know Dawgnation is under the AJC umbrella, but the refusal to address the letter in any substance just makes UGA’s position seem more likely. And, it makes Dawgnation appear to be just a vessel for the AJC, regardless who is correct here. I really expected more.

  • GtheGreekGtheGreek Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    ColumbusDawg, thanks for some great incite. Bowles made some very bad choices and will live with her memories and injuries for life. LeCroy paid with her life as did Devon. As with every tragedy that is the result of human error, blame can be parsed to every participant. It's an awfully heavy burden to assign a "villain" and seek monetary compensation via legal warfare....money might pay for medical care but it will never soothe the real pain. A protracted legal battle will only exacerbate that pain. It is my prayer that all parties can reach a settlement.

    Therefore, I don't think this case will never see a court room as I firmly believe a settlement will be reached. Ms Bowles will only further deride and sully her reputation the memories of all involved if she and her lawyers persist...Transversely,with a bit of patients and cool tempers, I see Jalen stepping up and covering a large portion of the settlement along with UGA.

    Chandler and Tory provided a very valuable service to the football program for little compensation . As such they were afforded allowances that in retrospect were ill advised. I am sure rules and regulations are now so restrictive as to make it extremely difficult to recruit future employees with the greatest requirement being maturity, personal responsibility and integrity along with a deep abiding love for Our University.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,112 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Y’all have pretty much expressed my thoughts on this issue, and I agree. While my heart really, really goes out to Ms. Bowles ( I had a nephew now deceased that was wheel chair bound for most of his adult life as he broke his neck in a swimming dive, so from a close view perspective I’m well aware of the suffering a person endures).

    I wish and Pray for the very best in her recovery and the best life she can possibly have. BUT she had numerous other options and choices that Terrible night, but Very Unfortunately she made Bad choices and didn’t choose better options.

    I imagine that UGA has already offered a substantial and reasonable settlement with her. My advice, Take It. Her Lawyers are looking at their piece of the pie, a BIG piece !! That’s how they make their living, often times a very wealthy living !!

    They will feign compassion and caring, but the bottom line is Just That for them a nice fat bottom line.

    As for the AJC fish wrapper like much media these days Bad News with lots of Drama is Great for readership !! Their loving it !! Que the old song Dirty Laundry !!

    It’s such a tragedy. It will be so great when Real healing can begin to take place for ALL that were involved in that Terrible night. Lawsuits will rehash over and over all the terrible things that happened that night.

    Again my heart Really, Really goes out to Ms. Bowles but she was and is a young Adult, and no one held a gun to her head and Made her make the choices she made that night. She had plenty of other options and choices the moment that parade ended. She chose several Bad options. It’s a terrible, terrible burden to bear, but ultimately she to had/has a responsibility to bear.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    GREED + Poor Judgement. = Windfall for the Tory Bowles family and Attorney. With a "Lawyer" pushing em to the finish line.

    It's like a Lawyer explained to me once...attorneys that depend on lawsuits like this for a living, run their Practice like a business...because it IS "just business". It's not personal. They're going to squeeze every dime they can out of you. Preferring not to go to court due the additional expense. They charge the client 33% to 35% on a settlement without trial. If they have to go to trial...It's 45%.

    IMO...You can't really blame the Bowles that much for stickin' the hot iron to UGA's side. That's their Lawyer. As the client...you don't get as much of a choice as you might think, once you've agreed to the terms and signed the agreement.

    That turns everything over to the attorney...in order for him to get the biggest payout possible. Loyalty and mercy don't enter into it. It's an **** business. IMO

    We'll be hearing more about this, obviously. At least it'll replace the "Mayes Finger Disaster" as the talk of the Dawg Haters.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,112 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Exactly. Agree. With emphasis on lawyer Pushing them to the finish line. It’s lawyer vs. lawyer. It’s brutal and harsh but that’s the reality of it.

    If I was a fly on the wall I bet I’d hear the lawyers telling the Bowles family not to settle for a dime less than such and such amount. And the thing is for most of us just like we would with our doctor, we’re gonna usually follow what the professional advises.

    Just as you said for the lawyers it’s a Business. But for Ms. Bowles if UGA has or does offer her a decent and fair amount she should in my humble opinion, take it and Be Able to begin the Real mental part of her healing.

    The longer this thing drags on the longer that Vital part of her healing is prolonged. Yes UGA bares a certain amount of responsibility, but the Truth is so did/does she.

    If they (UGA) are being fair and reasonable she should take it and go. But just like you said I’m pretty sure the lawyers are gonna push for the most they think they can possibly get. It’s just what they do.

    On the flip side the UGA lawyers are probably saying that the school shouldn’t pay over such and such amount. So it’s lawyer vs. lawyer.

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