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Georgia football machine still humming along despite 2 key transfer portal losses

SystemSystem Posts: 11,081 admin
edited July 2023 in Article commenting
imageGeorgia football machine still humming along despite 2 key transfer portal losses

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Kirby Smart is the king of roster management as it concerns evaluating, securing, developing and retaining football talent.

Read the full story here


  • GtheGreekGtheGreek Posts: 1,106 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    Without a doubt, most NFL organizations recognize Georgia as an elite developmental program. I hear that Philadelphia is so high on the DAWGS, they're thinking about changing their mascot from an Eagle to a Griffin.....Eagle head and a Bull Dawg body!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    I thought it was a Bulldog head with a 'Winged Lion's Body". Lol

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I wonder out of the 85 guys on scholarship this year how many will end up in the pros? 25 in the last 2 years. Is it fair to say 50-60 guys (transfer guys who went pro last year was 3-5) on the roster will make it into the pros over the 4 year breadth. An nfl team only has a roster of 50 something. So basically Georgia is an NFL team. As is Alabama and OSU as well.

    50-60 guys on this team will be in the nfl within 3-4 years. That's just bonkers.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    They could beat 2/3 of the teams, in the NFL. What more can you possibly ask for in a College Football Team? Lol

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Not sure about that since you are talking about 22-40 year old grown men. I think the offensive and defensive lines in the nfl are just crazy big and strong (steroids maybe? not sure). 18-22 year olds typically are not ready to handle that (maybe the 1st round guys).

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    Yep...and some of em played for UGA..."last year"...and the year before. Some would've been in their Senior year...this coming season, yet they're playing in the NFL. There are kids skipping their Senior year of HS, to declare early (reclassify)...and, starting in their Freshman year in College (JT Daniels). You would've NEVER seen anything remotely like that, in the '70's and '80's.

    Leaving school right after your Sr. HS Football season and reporting to UGA, before Bowl Practice begins...moves your trajectory up 1 year.

    IMO...Most of those guys are "NFL-Ready", by the time they finish their Sophmore year...at UGA...under Smarts intensive training program. Their physiology couldn't be any healthier and more prepared for the game than at 20-25 YOA. There's a reason, the military has a cutoff age of 32.

    The average life "career expectancy" of an NFL Player is 4.6 yrs.. I don't know if that number is 100% correct. I didn't check it, myself. I heard it last week, during the Media Days thing on SECN... and it kind of surprised me.

    High School Football players, today, are not like we were, when we were kids. I don't remember any "development camps" or "Specialty Schools", like IMG. Technically...high schools couldn't "recruit"...in the '70's/'80's.

    There were steroid programs scattered here and there, but, they were frowned on publicly while being embraced privately. Too controversial for most players. It was seen by most of us as cheating nature. If you couldn't do it on your own work ethic, under your "God Given" power...you didn't get the respect for doing it.

    But, I don't remember EVER playing against...or, hearing about many 6'8"/300+lb linemen...or people...at the time. Lol If I did...I think I'd remember it. William "The Fridge" Perry was the first 340lb (~) "player" I can remember...and that was in the mid-80's.

    The biggest and best DL I ever played against, was Andrew Provence (6'4"/~250), in the late '70's. He played DT for the Gamecocks and Falcons. By today's standards...he would be a DE or LB. Too small for interior DL...but, at the time, he was big.

    Lol...they start training, young, nowadays...like an Olympic gymnast or figure skater. They're professional in their approach to the game, at a very early age...with a little help from Mom & Dad.. I don't know what the hell they're feedin' em. Lol

    All BS aside...I believe the Dawgs could've beaten most of the NFL teams I watched over the last couple of years. Not all of em...and, not 10 out of 10 times, or anything. More like 50/50 or thereabouts. It's a matter of physicality, discipline, depth and talent.

    Emphasis on "Discipline"...that's where the Dawgs shine and even things up on the Football field, against ANYBODY they play. As a "Team"...and, "individually".

    The Dawgs with their 85 man roster...versus...The Falcons with their 53 man roster. I'll take the Dawgs in a "Best out of 10" tournament...all...day...long. 😎

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Jeez...sorry 'bout the long post. Got a little long winded, didn't I? 🤣

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    No you bring up very good points. The players today (most but not all) are ready a couple years earlier.

    There are some though like Joseph Jonah-Ajonye that are still growing and young. Some kids are late bloomers (hit their growth spurt at 15 or 16) so they won't be fully developed as a 20 year old in most cases. However, your points overall are very valid.

    Also, I am not sure why most of these guys only last 4.6 years in the NFL on average. That just seems too short. I would think that you will see that number go up. Also, the quality of the USFL is pretty good. I found myself watching some games and these guys can really play.

    Anyways, great points. How about Joseph Jonah Ajonye though? He might grow another couple inches and add another 20 lbs. Scary thought!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You're right...you cannot apply that standard across the board. I was just looking at the kids UGA, Bama and OSU have been bringing in over the last 10 years, or so.

    It's a case-by-case evaluation. IMO.. It's just that UGA has a whole lot of "individuals cases" that are capable of playing at the next level, immediately, if required.

    To be clear...Whether or not a player is capable of making the jump...isn't the same as whether they should make the jump...and, that applies to HS Players, too. They SHOULD, stay as long as possible, to learn as much as possible, while they are still young....IMO. There will be plenty of time and opportunities to make "money" over their lifetime.

    Unlessss.....We're talkin' about Running Backs. RBs are a different animal...with a fairly short career life-expectancy and plenty of practice at self-preservation by the time they get to UGA. A few could probably make the jump to the NFL right out of HS if they were allowed to do it. I believe Herschel Walker could've done it...and, Maurice Clarrett (Spell ?), tried to do it as a Sophmore at OSU(?)....if I remember correctly.

    Protecting yourself from injury, on the field, is a learned practice. You need to develop a sixth sense. A feel for movement around you. And, that takes practice.

    To tell you the truth...I don't know how much of that CAN be learned...and, how much is natural instinct. I, personally, always had that feel for the game around me and never really wondered why, until I got a lot older. Lol I can't really explain it. Lol...that's not to say, "I was never injured".

    There are obviously a lot of players out there with that "instinct" for lack of a better term. Bennett, Bowers and McConkey have it...JT Daniels, Arian Smith and Tykee Smith...not so much.

    I'm still not sure about UGA's 3 potential QBs and I can't wait to find out, on the field in 41 days. Although, my gut tells me, Stockton may be the best of the 3...we may not find out, till next year.

    IMO...WRT Beck & BVG....BVG has the best "pocket presence". and mobility...but, Beck is a much better passer from the pocket, with a slightly better arm. That doesn't mean BVG can't sling it, or Beck can't run.

    The question is...."Can BVG sling it well enough (accurately)...and remain in the pocket without bailing at the 1st sign of trouble?"....and...."Can Beck run it well enough, improve his mobility in the pocket and throw accurately "on-the-run?".

    To the point of our conversation....I'd give anything to see the Dawgs play an exhibition game against one of the pro teams (preferably ATL). Seems like, back in the day....there used to be an exhibition game between College All-Stars and one of the NFL Teams. I can't remember what it was called, but, it was played sometime during the summer months (if I'm not mistaken). Lol...****...I'm gettin' old. Guess I'll have to look it up.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Not sure about beating NFL teams. The high end wrs we still do not have and it seems like when we start to develop them they bolt (Burton and Mitchell). These are grown men in the trenches.

    Now we have the best team this year hands down. I really do not think it is close. We will have to really do a bad job to lose this year both from an execution standpoint and coaching standpoint.

    With that being said I'm dreaming of a team next year with Jonas Jonah Ajonye, Williams Nwaneiri, Big Baby and Mykel Williams on the DL. Smith, Wilson, Bell, and Bowles. Aguero, Starks, Everette and AJ. My goodness and that isn't even mentioning M'Pemba and Ellis. Williams as a backup at LB! Bolden as a backup at safety.

    So a very young but extremly talented team that might be the most talented defense ever next year.

    The beauty of it is we are beginning to catch up on offense. The OL might be 2 years away. So 25 the offense catches up. Looking for big things out of some of the young wrs. I think people are going to be pleasantly surprised. Also, as much as people love Lucky watch out for this Jaden kid. Jaden Reddell is no joke - no joke.

    So maybe we are headed to being better than some NFL teams but I think we are a little light in the trenches to compete with grown men especially on the offensive line of the ball.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    FYI...Below is an excerpt from "www. HISTORY.com"...

    [From 1934-1976, the NFL’s preseason tradition included The Chicago Charities College All-Star Game, a game featuring college standouts against the league champion. The last game in the long-forgotten series, played mostly at Soldier Field in Chicago, was forgettable: a 24-0 victory by the Pittsburgh Steelers in a deluge. ]____History.com

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    Sorry man...IMO Burton and Mitchell were only average. I've seen dozens of receivers like those two guys, over the years. I wouldn't be surprised, if Kirby encouraged them to leave, in some way...to make room for the likes of Lovett, Thomas, McConkey, JackSaint, Smith and others that are far more talented or faster.

    Actually...I'm not real sure about Jack-Saint...but, he's at least "as good as" Burton or Mitchell, if not better.

    I don't think you'll ever hear their names again, unless one of em slaps an opposing female fan, or something. Lol

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You may be right about Jack Saint but I think he will surprise you this year. Williams looks great, as does Yazeed. Plus throw in Reddell at TE and Ny and Nitro. We will be more than fine and at least equal to our current talent. We are in a fantastic spot at TE for the next 4 years. It would be nice to have one of Williams, Yazee, Ny or Nitro develop into that guy and I actually think one or two them may. Now for the unknown, Phillips at rb/slot wr similar to Mecole Hardman kind of a utility guy to move around and take advantage of other teams weak dbs or lbs.

    Like I said I like where we sit right now. Our offense is only going to get better. Frazier at rb. It really isn't fair.

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