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Tate Ratledge sounds off on Georgia offensive line play: ‘Lot of room for improvement’



  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2023

    UGA will crush South Carolina. By accident. Lol

    No contest. I see many turnovers and penalties, in Carolina's future. People have been so focused on the Dawgs offense...they've neglected to recognize that you have to score to beat UGA. I think this defense has the potential to be a better unit than the 2021 defense.

    I predict UGA's defense is responsible for more points, than SC's offense. Final score...55-13.

    I give Carolina 6 points for Home Field advantage...and, 7 points for Rattler's performance.

    BTW...Kirby doesn't have a good poker face. If I'm reading him right...he is sitting on a winning hand...on the flop. He's just waiting for the right time, to go all-in. This Saturday?...Is not "it". IMO

  • CandlerParkCandlerPark Posts: 786 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @thadec: Great analysis. I hope you're wrong, though! :-) A couple of counterpoints:

    1) Man-on-man is gonna need some help on Bowers, and possibly Lovett and Ladd. Plus Arian Smitth stretches the field like nobody's business.

    2) Four receivers (since you're not counting Bowers as a lineman) would mean they can't load the box with more than seven defenders, if that meny.

    @navydawg Looks to me like Tate is taking a leadership role, which is great. On the field, he and Mims have looked good to my uneducated eye. It's the left side that concerns me. But, as you say, it's not unusual for an O-line to take even half the season to gell.

    And about the Joe Moore Award ...

    "So how does Georgia get back to being an offensive line that was capable of winning the Joe Moore Award?"

    I like the way you threaded that needle, @MikeGriffith 😁

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Wake me up when we run for 150 yards in a game. Until then....we will be fine passing.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,107 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    It’s gonna come together for our Dawgs. And when it does Whew is that train gonna roll on like nobody’s business !! SC will just be of help for the Dawgs to get better.

    Im not really Worried about Auburn. But I am a bit concerned as it is an SEC road game. And we Do have things that need to be fixed by the time we reach them.

    But when it’s All said and done I Trust Kirby Smart. All the man has done is go Up and Up and Up since becoming HC at UGA. We have Allot of extremely talented players. And we have a Great coaching staff to coach them up. So I’m trusting in KS and staff until I see greater reasons Not to. And I simply don’t see those at this point in time. Go Dawgs !!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2023

    You're right! That's the bottom line. IMO. "Trust Kirby and Co."

    Because...unlike, some of these teams, being given "every consideration, till they flopped on the field against "real competition"...UGA and Kirby Smart has earned that respect & "Benefit of the Doubt".

    Kirby Smart was flat out cheated out of "Coach of The Year", last year...and, probably will be, this year, as well. They "want" to give it to Neon Deion, right now. It's all they can do...to keep from slobbering all over themselves. Lol...to me...it's hilarious.

    The Dawgs didn't lose anybody they can't "replace or compensate for"...between the beginning of The TCU Game...and, now. Why would ANYBODY with half of a brain doubt em?...unless, it's about "politics and money".

    Beck? Gimme a break! He's enough...and, if he isn't...the Dawgs have 2 more, ready to go...and, can beat you in a hundred different ways without a QB.

    IMO...the media has either been, dishonest in their analysis or short sighted. They need to update their methods of analysis to fit today's game. Lol...maybe, we'll have to wait for Artificial Intelligence to take over.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I need to see some results both on offense and defense. The glorified scrimmages just got Bullard injured and didn't really accomplish much. Time to put up or shut up on the offensive and defensive lines/linebackers. 0 qb hurries, 1 sack, pitiful rushing attack, 0 fumble recoveries. We need to really pick it up this game. Just saying...

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2023

    Look at the "results" of last year's CFP. They are getting the vast majority of those players, that played in those games,...BACK.

    "Starter"...is an obsolete term, on the UGA Bulldogs. Every player is a "starter"...and, every player is a "backup".

    That's how Kirby recovered from losing 15 "starters", 13 "transfers and 4 significant coaches...after the '21 season.

    This year's Defense and Special Teams...alone...can beat the majority of the teams on the '23 schedule. Just sayin'...they've already shown you what they can do.

    Like Matt Stinchcolm said..."We haven't even seen UGA's Starting Offense, yet.". What does that tell you about the dominance of the last two weeks.

    I don't know about you...but, I've seen enough, to know exactly what's ahead. Enjoy!

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I need to see us play some good competition first. This week is a step up. Let's see how we do. Then UAB and Auburn. I expect Auburn on the road to be a test. I am confident in our talent but because of the schedule it is hard to say how we will perform under pressure yet.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2023

    Lol...man, I'm right there with you, on that. I need to see everybody against some decent competition. Texas is the ONLY Team, other than UGA, that's shown me anything, this year. I think I've seen 4 decent games, so far...and one of em was Colorado vs TCU.

    This has been an odd season, to me. BTW...watch Ga Tech, for the next couple of weeks. They appear to be for real, this year. Should've won the first game of the season...but, I think inexperience and unfamiliarity with each other, may have bit em in the butt. One of the Perils of living by the portal.

    IMO....Carolina won't be any more competition to the Dawgs, than their last 2 games. UGA will run the ball, all over Carolina, next week...and, the talking heads will be saying..."RBU is back."., Lol...cause that's just what talking heads do.

    The defense will account for 4 turnovers, 6 Sacks and 17 pts (resp. for). Final score...59-13. That's just my gufun....

    Just for fun....How do you see it playing out, against Carolina?

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm not really sure what to expect other than we cover the 27. Outside of that not sure. Everette seems to lack awareness and I expect they will try to take advantage of him. Lassiter who is the veteran got beat a couple times last game and Starks had to help him out. So I like our corners but if we are not getting pressure (so far 0 qbh and 1 sack) then they will get beat. No corner can hold point forever. The dline front 7 scheme needs to work this week in a big way.

    Best case the dline and blitz scheme with lbers works and we rout them badly - 62-3

    Worst case the dline plays stay home defense and rattler smokes our corners 38-24.

    Both victories but hugely different outcomes. It probably falls inbetween so my prediction is 48-13.

    That's how I do it...

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,483 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2023

    I believe your score could be "money". I had it right around there...till I started considering the following....

    SC will not be able to run on the Dawgs, due to a weak o-line and average backs. Which means Beamer is gonna be leaning heavily on a so-so defense, an elite QB, and average group of recevers...to carry the load.

    IMO...The Dawgs can handle SC with a 3 man rush...leaving 8 guys to rotate blitzes and coverage, packages.

    Rattler will either, have to get the ball out of his hands fast, or commit to running with the ball. He won't have time to throw the ball 10-20 yds downfield, reading through progressions. They will be quick passes, timing passes, zone reads,

    Meaning he will have to make accurate presnap reads, to know where he's going with the ball before the snap. If he guesses wrong....INT, Incompletions, etc.. If anybody in the Country knows how to confuse and expose the QB and take advantage those circumstances....it's Schumann, Muschamp and Kirby Smart...."The Three Wise Men".

    I see many Turnovers, Penalties and Sacks, in South Carolina's future. If UGA can shrink the game, like that...they will get more than the usual number of possessions. Which will give Kirby every reason to try to ram the ball down Beamers throat with the run....wearing down a shallow defense, by halfway through the 3rd quarter.

    The only question in my mind is...how long will Carolina fight, before they "quit". And...WILL they "quit"?. I hope not. I like what Beamer has been doing in Columbia.

    I see many Rushing Yds, YACs and long runs, in UGA's offensive future....this Saturday.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited September 2023

    It was very refreshing to see Edwards get over 100 yards. I am old school run the football guy with 2 tailbacks taking turns - not 5 guys rotating. So I enjoyed it a lot. If it were up to me I would run 2 guys all game until they need a break or we had a big lead. I beleive running backs more than any other position need a solid 3-5 reps just to get the 'feel' of the game and how to run and hit the holes etc. When you split the carries up too much guys never get in a rhythm.

    So yes I am awake. Thankfully.

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