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Georgia cornerback AJ Harris to enter transfer portal

SystemSystem Posts: 11,077 admin
edited December 2023 in Article commenting
imageGeorgia cornerback AJ Harris to enter transfer portal

Another Bulldog has gone into the transfer portal, with freshman cornerback AJ Harris becoming the 16th Georgia Bulldog to do so.

Read the full story here


  • jvillebiljvillebil Posts: 174 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I'll tell him like all the others that enter the transfer portal. BYE

  • jamboogiejamboogie Posts: 217 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I don't want anybody to be a Dawg who doesn't want to be one but just perhaps if we named a new replacement coach some of the TP's might want to stay?

  • BrooksieBrooksie Posts: 577 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I totally agree with you that it appears to be a crazy environment.

    but these kids have only one chance to make it. And when you recruit so deep that a top 100 player can’t find enough playing time, many will move on

    Im becoming disinterested in CFB due to all these transfers. But I have to remember they have only one official unrestricted transfer, so I hope they use it wisely.

    the bigger issue is NIL which in my opinion, is bribing kids to transfer. or in some cases, bribing them to stay.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Transfer Dawgs?....I wouldn't trample on all their Graves. Lol

    Most of those boys accepted Kirby's invitation to come to Athens and compete for a job...based on their amateur track record. They accepted the invitation and took the risk...knowing they weren't gonna get the same amount of playing-time, they could get elsewhere.

    Some of em have been weighed, measured and found wanting...so, they move-on, with no hard feelings. Most were successful and stayed to "win".

    IMO...The only difference between now [with TP/NIL] and then [no TP/NIL], is that....."Then"...UGA had to carry the dead weight. "Now"... they can unload and reload, wholesale.

    I always said..."Kirby's looking for a few good men". Lol...cause that's all he needs to win the war. Unless, you count this year. Just, not enough healthy leaders on the field. Which had nothing to do with the TP or NIL.

    I thank almost all of em for working and trying to contribute to a winning culture...whether they did...or, not. Now, go be 2nd best.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    "But I have to remember they have only one official unrestricted transfer, so I hope they use it wisely."_____Brooksie

    Not no mo'...Lol. Courts ruled this week...that restricting a Student-Athlete to "one free transfer"...was an antitrust violation. So, the transfer rule has temporarily been set aside by a court injunction. For at least 14 days, till it can be reviewed by a higher court.

    Meaning...if you transferred 2 or 3 times as a non-graduate...and, your Bowl game is before the 27th of Dec...have fun. You can play.

    But, the NCAA said they would take away a year of eligibility, retroactively...if you did participate and the courts ruled "in their favor". So...there's that.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    Yeah...I'm thinking JuCo and High Schools, are the last bastions of true amateur'ism in sports....along with the recreational leagues, of course.

    I'm not completely giving up. There's still a couple of moves remaining...but, the window is closing fast. Soon there will be a lava flow of crap, that can't be stopped...just, avoided. IMO

    One way to avoid the manure, is to stop paying attention, to the "Artificial CFB Drama" that goes on, from Saturday to Saturday....and, Fans need to stop worshipping the name on the back of a jersey. The "G" is all that really matters. Fan1 to Fan2..."did you see G33 and G17, pop that kid from the "A"...A4, I believe it was?". Lol

  • DoggoneDoggone Posts: 113 ✭✭✭ Junior

    CFB is now driven by Money, Media and Marketplace. I can remember when you were lucky if your team was on TV once a season. The pay was a paid scholarship. Things changed the more television revenue became a factor. Conferences got involved, TV found an insatiable appetite for games which meant more revenue for the Conferences and its teams. Why do you reckon Notre Dame did not want to join a Conference? Schools were raking in the dough and success on the field means success at the bank. Coaches hired agents to negotiate contracts. Coaches got more money from the school and also picked up income from local businesses who wanted to be identified with and attract more clients. The last ten years has seen a huge shift in revenue to schools and coaching staffs. What or who is missing from this picture? Maybe the players? These are the guys who attend the school, practice hard, for months, play the game and get their schooling paid. Who is seriously profiting from whom? The revenue money has grown so much so that a disparity has been created with the players undeniably holding the "short end of the stick." Who is profiting from whom? I do not think that anyone sat down and said, "This is what we wanted all along, a system in which there is a huge disparity between the stakeholders." But this is what happened and there have not been that many voices howling that something was awry with the equation. This whole thing has become a train wreck. There are a lot of people who will see the inequities, get disgusted and find something else to do. And there will be the "loyal fans" who siimply want to be entertained and don't really care how things are run,

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "There are a lot of people who will see the inequities, get disgusted and find something else to do. And there will be the "loyal fans" who siimply want to be entertained and don't really care how things are run."____Doggone

    And then....there are those of us, that just want to watch a good football game...and, cut our teeth on UGA and GA Tech. Dang the hoopla and hype surrounding individual players.

    They didn't have a lot of that mess, back in the day. Play on the field, spoke for itself. And, the fans remember.

    It's all about "Stats" and "individualism", these days. They need more spectators to justify the dollars spent. So, they "dumb-the-game-down", for the casual fan's consumption...and create "heroes", using those numbers...for the "casual fan" to worship. That's not "football" It's a darned soap opera or something.

    The casual fan can understand this number is bigger than that number and is "better". Try explaining further and you'll lose em. It's a complicated game, they try to simplify for the masses...so, they can make some cash.

    The final result?....teams like UGA and FSU get left out of a 4 team playoff...cause, the CFP Committee members are casual fans. They based their selections on the hype surrounding the quarterback position at FSU.

    Lol....Nobody asked the question..."What happens if Ewer or Milroe are injured before the 1st playoff game? Will either one of those teams, be any better than FSU?"...."In fact...wouldn't FSU be in better shape than Texas, with their defense?". Remember...the Longhorn's backup QB won't be available [transfer].

    And, don't get me started on Bama's quarterback situation, without Milroe in the lineup. I still say, what they did to FSU is the biggest bunch of BS, I've seen since the waffling that kept UGA out of the 2018 CFP.

    High School Football is now [and, probably HAS been] the best place to watch football players...play the game with passion, because they embrace competition and love the game.

  • ftworthdawgftworthdawg Posts: 802 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I was hoping to keep AJ. It sucks to lose freshmen, they haven't been with the program long enough to really see where they fit.

  • TransplantedDawgTransplantedDawg Posts: 59 ✭✭✭ Junior

    im sure no one will admit anything but you have to wonder what kind of practice habits these players had leading up to this- they didn’t just make that decision after the Alabama game

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I think I got this thing figured out....

    Kirby has to field 2 practice squads a Varsity squad and a backup squad...every Spring and Summer. Those bodies have to come from somewhere.

    They get a good education along with a Great Coaching staff with tutoring services and top-of-line facilities. They get coached up and Kirby helps em find a new home, to make room for the new batch of practice dummies.

    When a few of the guys on the practice squads are good enough to earn playing time...[Mews, Harris, Meeks, etc.]...are the ones that move-on. They will, more than likely...never be full time players. So, Kirby helps them find success at other programs.

    For all we know...Burton and Marshall may have been that type of player at UGA. So...Kirby sent em packin' to make room for an upgrade.

    IMO....The idea is to get better and better and better at each and every position group...everytime there's a position turnover. To improve the group as a whole...not an individual. You can't replace individuals like Bowers. That's why the Dawgs platoon like an NFL Team and play disciplined...within the system.

    It's a group effort and Team game. I don't care how much "money" they throw at the "individual". Wait til a group of undervalued offensive linemen get their dander up over the money situation. You might start seeing a bunch of sacks and turnovers to make their point clear.

    I think the Chicago Bears may have done that to Fields in his 1st game, to teach him a lesson. Lol

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