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New details allege Smael Mondon was racing Georgia teammate prior to arrest

SystemSystem Posts: 10,992 admin
edited July 11 in Article commenting
imageNew details allege Smael Mondon was racing Georgia teammate prior to arrest

Georgia linebacker Smael Mondon was arrested on Wednesday on charges of reckless driving and racing. Mondon was released on $26 bond on Thursday at 12:25 am.

Read the full story here



  • GtheGreekGtheGreek Posts: 1,088 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 11

    My simple solution….every player signs a contract to pay a percentage of their NIL for every ticket…1st 10%, 2nd 25%, 3rd 50%, 4th 100% of NIL….at this point any further violations kick the kid off the team.

  • DMVDawgDMVDawg Posts: 15 ✭ Freshman

    Vin Disel and Paul Walker.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    75 is not that fast all things considered. Nolan was going almost 95 and he got suspended for a game.

    We must be the only top 20 college football program that has a police dept. that arrests every player who speeds.

    Every other program in the country has football players who do not speed. Does Kirby just recruit fast players or what?

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    5 chances. Are you kidding me. After the 3rd one they need to be on the Nascar circuit and off the team. 2 chances that's it.

  • wpony714wpony714 Posts: 518 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    75 down West Broad will kill someone, perhaps a fellow student. DeMello didn't get arrested because he slowed down. Mondon continued to evade by not slowing down, thus the arrest, plus lying about knowing DeMello. Telling cops the truth may not help a situation but lying will always make it worse.

  • WoodrowWoodrow Posts: 105 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Young dumb kids with too much power in their cars. Mondon should have known better, he is about to feast on a team that will not be able to block him in Clemson. Instead of being smart he does something **** to hurt the team. Congrats Smael on making a really dumb decsion that hurt your football team.😣

  • BeachwagonBeachwagon Posts: 173 ✭✭✭ Junior

    enough is enough. Dismiss both these players fro m the team. We need team frirst. Going 100 mph on Athens streets is extremely irresponsible. CKS needs to regain control. Nobody is indispensible.

  • BeachwagonBeachwagon Posts: 173 ✭✭✭ Junior

    this a second order effect of NIL.

  • wpony714wpony714 Posts: 518 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm not sure it makes sense to punish both of them with dismissal due to issues with other players. Unless the ground rules are laid out in advance, it's holding them responsible for things they didn't do.

    Enough is enough should probably pertain to Kirby first and foremost. He sets the tone, he provides the message, the expectations, and the "internal punishment". It doesn't seem to be working so perhaps they need a different approach.

  • STRONGSTRONG Posts: 3 ✭ Freshman
    edited July 11

    GUYS!!!!, This is ****!!! You must LEARN from other's mistakes. How many times do you have to see a man get hit in the HEAD with a brick and see HIM BLEED or DIE before you learn that getting hit in the head with a brick you could possibly BLEED or DIE! You might DIE OR KILL SOMEONE! YOU ARE NOT INVINCIBLE….don't believe me??? CHECK OUT ALL THOSE INJURIES YOU HAVE SUBSTAINED!!

    They are looking for your cars, the fast cars, the expensive cars!!! Yet Y'ALL KEEP FALLING INTO THE SAME TRAPPP!!??? Is this a sign of insanity….ARE YOU OK? Maybe counseling is NEEDED but PLEASE STOPP what you know is wrong!

    PLEASE SHOW THAT YOU ARE SMARTER and SANER THAN THIS!!! You are Willing to RISK your future on some BS….racing?????


    GROW THE …UP!!

  • STRONGSTRONG Posts: 3 ✭ Freshman
    edited July 11

    Soooo, Real TALK, You were a 1st round pick, now you a 4th or 5th round pick, cause you want to race down the middle of downtown Athens???????

    STOP!!! Take every driving defense class available and NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!

  • UGA66UGA66 Posts: 4,191 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Smael is a senior, should know better. Kirby will not take this lightly…IMO. Then Smael lied to police. UGA needs him in the Clemson game…likely will not happen now. Time will tell us. Sad.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Worst take ever. 100? Where did you get that?

    Just pouring gasoline on the fire. Young men with fast cars. First offense. No alcohol, drugs or weapons involved. No one got hurt (thankfully). 1 game suspension and loss of some NIL. Done. Simple, corrective and fair.

  • SloanDawgSloanDawg Posts: 28 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Impound the vehicle, place a hold on NIL deposits, and the freeze bank account.

    Does any entity within the school (athletic department, alumni or endowment group, etc) have control over these matters?

  • 80Grad195580Grad1955 Posts: 11 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Young people, who have access to that kind of money, will buy and possess things that they should not be able to have at that age. Proof that he is not mature enough to own a car like that is proven by the fact that he was caught driving it like a maniac and could have killed not only himself, but others. This is a serious lapse in judgement. If you know anything about Athens and the street where this occurred, driving a car on that road , at that speed, is pure stupidity. Sorry Smal - you need to be benched for a few games. Nobody is that special. Nobody.

  • jamboogiejamboogie Posts: 211 ✭✭✭ Junior

    since he wants to race I would show him the football field and stands and let him race up and down them about 100 times

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    It amazes me sometimes how quickly people want to punish others. These kids did something really **** and will pay a much stiffer penalty than any non-football player would. Let's take a look.

    -Suspension of license

    -Mandatory safe driving course to get license back

    -Loss of 10's of thousands of dollars in NIL if not more in Smael's case

    -Car impounded

    -Fine by the county

    -Suspension of on field playing time

    -Drop in draft status (for Mondon) due to character concerns (could be 100's of thousands to millions of dollars

    -Personal reputations will take years to reabilitate

    So before all you saints who have never made a mistake pile on just remember these are human beings and young persons who need guidance not crucifixion. You people amaze me with your lack of empathy.

  • NCMtnDawgNCMtnDawg Posts: 56 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited July 12

    At this point, some of these knuckleheads have shown themselves to be hardheaded. I think Kirby should make the whole team sit through an hour long safe driving course for 5 days, taught by the dullest, most boring instructor they can find. The whole team has to do it every time this happens.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You don't think he has already done a bunch of this stuff. He has. Bottom line is other football schools with local police do not agrressively arrest everyone all the time for everything. No one can reasonably tell me that other kids with NIL deals at other schools do not have sports cars and speed. Of course they do. They just don't have the keystone police force Athens does. These guys spend more time locking up football players while illegal immigrants roam around killing jogger students. They literally are focused on the wrong things.

    Did these guys do something ****. Yes. Should they have been arrested. No. Other schools must love our Keystone Cop routine in Athens. It embarrasses the state that everyone else in the country has figured out how to keep this stuff out of the newspaper and yet here in Georgia we keep making ourselves look like d u m b hillbillies.

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