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ESPN calls out ‘biggest weakness’ for Georgia football



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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @UGADad20 @Henddawg and anyone else that cares to answer. OK I’m not all that fond of trick or gadget plays. For allot of reasons I won’t go into now.

    But I have to say I did think of one ( I’m very confident that Many of you have already thought of this). Ladd McConkey was a QB in HS and as I understand it a pretty good one. That’s what’s so wild about this young man, as best I understand he had never played WR in HS, but look what UGA made out of him !!

    Anywho on a One Time basis at some point this year, what do Y’all think of a flea flicker Beck to McConkey to Bowers ?? Y’all know that in Most cases if the ball is vaguely catchable and within his reach Bowers Will catch it !!

    Again Ladd wouldn’t be just any player chunking it to Bowers but a pretty decent from HS QB chunking it to Bowers !! Thoughts ??

    P.S. There is one negative about it though that concerns me Allot, if he didn’t get it out fast it’d open McConkey up to a LB cleaning his clock !! So I don’t know if it’s worth the risk of injury in that regard.

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    GtheGreekGtheGreek Posts: 975 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited October 2023

    “Slow starts and no big plays."......Well Mr Connelly, you may be right, but I learned in third grade at Chase Street school that slow and steady always wins the race......Big plays, Fast Starts, it don't matter just keep the slow and steady! Just keep winning.....by any means necessary and before the season ends I'm sure we'll get those "Style Points" too!

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    HenddawgHenddawg Posts: 728 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited October 2023

    Sorry fellas, i should’ve specified Brock Vandergriff and not Brock Bowers. I would also think i was crazy for that thought. I’m thinking of Vandergriff. I do appreciate the respectful manner in which you wanted to know if i had a life-altering head injury. Respectfully done my friend.

    @navydawg I like gadget plays as well as anyone and Kirby has been known to dial some up. McConkey is a favorite and i believe he can do anything on the field so would love to see what that would look like. Your point about the downside is valid - when those plays don’t work, they are truly train wrecks and can shift momentum the other way quickly.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My good Bro. you don’t have to apologize. I assumed, and you know where that gets you !! Didn’t mean to sound like I was lecturing either. Heck I don’t know anything or I’d have a job in football !! 😂

    Ironically Kirby just answered that question, Sort of, in the most recent article by Connor.

    Personally I agree with you on the Vandergriff variety of Brock. I don’t think it’d hurt to bring him out there from time to time. Could catch rival defenses off guard. Vandergriff is a pretty muscled up stout dude, he could take some hard hits and withstand it pretty good I think. After all he was more of a dual threat QB in HS. Heck he was pretty muscled up when he first Got to UGA !! Now even more so.

    There’s Another plus to getting him in from time to time Not Just garbage time and that is two fold. One maybe he’d be less prone to have thoughts about the TP. And Two he’d be better prepared for 2024. Same thing for Gunner.

    I’m Not saying over do it. Some people would say there’s a danger that Beck would get cold over on the bench. But I’m not talking about having Vandergriff or Stockton ( At this point preferably Vandergriff simply because he has more experience) in That long.

    I’m talking only One snap at varying points in the game. Almost like a WildDawg ( we don’t like cats !!) type thing. And I wouldn’t confine him to it absolutely Must be a running play. I’d let the way the rival defense is set up dictate what he does. One snap, do the play, bring Beck right back in. Then at another point in the game or points plural Repeat the process. It’d keep rival Ds on their toes !!

    But just my opinion, that’s why Kirby makes them Big $$$ !! 😀 P.S. I always appreciate Yours and @UGADad20 comments. I tell Y’all I feel very Blessed to have so many good cyber friends and fellow Dawgs fans here !! It’s always fun to try to figure out what’s gonna happen next with our Dawgs !!

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    Bdw3184Bdw3184 Posts: 12,727 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Agreed…..but am still wondering why they haven’t sent Bell on a a wheel route yet like they used to do with McIntosh!?

    Would seem perfect for it …..they do send Brock and Oscar , so why not Bell (unless I have missed it)?

    Go Dawgs!

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    Bdw3184Bdw3184 Posts: 12,727 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited October 2023

    Hah, I have had the same thought for two years….. Great minds!

    But I would do it as a jet sweep/end around type of play (one that we have done with McConkey or Brock in the past) where Ladd would have the option to keep or pull up and throw to Bowers! Like when we swept McIntosh who threw to Mitchell against Oregon (?)!!

    Don’t see as much downside since we have already used McConkey on end around plays and we have the “McIntosh” play in our pocket already!

    And you eliminate the backward pass/lateral!

    Go Dawgs!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Ah !! Excellent idea on your part !! And Would greatly reduce the “ bad things” if it didn’t work out !! Also I’m with you on Bell to. Want it be wild if we see this happen Sat. night ?? Send you a check $$$ !! Can I have 10% even though I’m late and my plans not as good ?? 😂

    But seriously I think that Sooner rather than later they Will go with something along the lines you’ve described here. Maybe they wanted the blocking to get better before they tried it ?? Don’t know. But it’d sure catch the rival defense off guard !! Go Dawgs !!

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I think it would be a mistake to bring in Griff now because Beck is really getting going. Beck is getting better and better every game. He has led the team to come back wins twice now and is really starting to put it all together. I don't think you want to mess up that confidence and rhythm.

    Love Vandagriff but I really am not a fan of the 2 qb thing. I remember Shockley coming in for Greene and even though it kind of worked it also kind of didn't for the same reasons I mentioned above.

    Beck could be a legitimate Heisman candidate by end of year imo. He has 1500 passing yards and 7 to 2 ration for tds. If Bobo cuts him loose in the first half he could triple his td passes and get close to 4000 yards by seasons end. This is the offense we have been waiting for. It is up to Bobo and Smart to do it. They always say they want 5 star wrs well show them the offense they would be playing in by actually callig that offense. Beck is the slinger we have been waiting for. Let him sling it.

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    87dawg87dawg Posts: 377 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I like the big play as much as anyone but I like points however they come. And, while I love when they happen, the only time I REALLY want a single play score is immediately after the other team scores on us. Other than that, beat them down with a long, methodical drive. I just don't understand the emphasis on the "explosive" play. In a single big play, the DB can say "it happens" but in a long, 15 play drive, the defense realizes that they are being beaten, play after play, and can't find a way to stop the offense.

    Don't get me wrong, the explosive play is fun to watch but the long drive is more mentally abusive on the defense. It isn't a mistake on someone's part. It is a failure as an entire unit, and that hurts them.

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    CandlerParkCandlerPark Posts: 690 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'd only add that Beck's timing on deep passes isn't stellar yet. I have no doubt that that will come. He has a great arm, great decision-making and a lot of intelligence. With those tools, that's the kind of thing that will work out very quickly -- particularly with Ladd back. At this point in his career, Stetson wasn't where Beck is on the long ball or on decision making.

    If three of the five or so bombs that Beck overthrew or were dropped had been caught, the explosive play stats would look much better.

    Connelly's not quite right in the way he's framing this. The limited running threat is a bigger part of the explosiveness problem than the passing game itself.

    One of last week's other offensive issues was turnovers, neither of which should pinned on Beck. Take those away and Auburn loses both its touchdowns. If you assume Georgia scores on one of those drives -- the score is suddenly 34-7. Spread covered.

    I'm not saying we played that well against Auburn -- just that football (especially college football) can turn on very small things. Then, fans and media tend to overreact.

    Big picture: IMO the offense is closer to being explosive than the defense is to shutting down opponents. Let's hope, both sides of the line perform better against Kentucky!

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    BeachwagonBeachwagon Posts: 152 ✭✭✭ Junior

    It's easy to blame the various offensive players for the slow starts and lack of explosive plays. But who is responsible for the training and conditioning of these players? Who is responsible for the offensive game plan and schemes? I'm sorry, but our current OC obviously learned very little to nothing from his outstanding predecessor. Our OC has a record of unimaginative, predictable, repetitive play calling. I believe if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat prior mistakes from during the previous tenure of our current OC. Our QB executes the plays that the OC sends him. Not a good policy to hire friends and family. Hope this does not cost us a historic threepeat opportunity.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,770 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Makes sense. More so than a heavy dose of BB's running. IMO BVG needs to see a series or 2 a game outside of mop up time. He will need it if Beck gets banged up. Not sure you can bring BVG in and just run him. If the D knows it is a run they'll be ready. We are learning that Beck is ready for prime time. BVG is not ready for prime time. He needs to get ready for prime time in case he is needed.

    @navydawg I think CKS let Bobo run 1 flea flicker earlier this year. A GA WR threw a TD pass last season. Was it KJackson? Occasional miss direction plays are good against over pursuing D's. MI does it all the time. I think 84 can do it. I also expect to see BB's try and throw a TD pass this year. He has done everything else.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,770 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited October 2023

    You make a point and obviously CKS is also of the "beat the D into submission" school of thought. Wearing the opponent down is a very common strategy. KY will try to do that to UGA on saturday.

    The emphasis on big/long scoring plays is because it is hard to score. It is even harder to score TD's in the red zone. UGA had stellar red zone scoring (TD's and FG's) last year but not red zone TD's last year. Drives requiring many plays are too much room for error (INT, fumble) and opportunity to stall on downs. Usually in big games FG's won't be enough to win it.

    This year with the running clock rules there is less time to come back. To score quickly, make the other team come from behind and become 1 dimensional offensively is an even bigger advantage than it was.

    Definitely like to answer a score w/a score; quick or driven. So far this O is missing DBell's dependability and speed at the WR position.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,770 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    Rereading your post it was clear you were talking about BVG not BB's. BB's getting the 1st down on a 4th down run vs AU had me thinking BB's not BVG.

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm calling out ESPN Gameday's biggest weakness.

    Desmond Howard.

    Dude is horrible.

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