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Georgia football team leader Javon Bullard ‘forgot what it’s like to lose’



  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    The "missed FG" as time ticked off. You know....the New Year's kick that missed. THAT...was good Luck. Any way you slice it. It was bad officiating that gave em the opportunity.

    The usual mix of Crooked Officials and "bad luck" almost knocked the legs out from under the Dawgs in that game. Just like it DID last week.

    Bad Luck is one thing [momentum swings]. You can outplay that. But, Crooked or inept officials? Sometimes that's a little harder to overcome.

    If they let your DB's get "handsy" with my receivers...yet, flag my guys if they breath hard on one of yours....at opportune times, of course...it causes me to play outside my game And forces me to do things different, offensively...while giving you license to move up and down the field on easy receptions, "interference" & "defensive holding" penalties.

    We've all seen it. This is no big Revelation. As long as they are allowed by the media to deny it, with NO PUSH BACK, at all. What is the incentive to change the way they've been doing things, for over a hundred years.

    It took a few years worth of exposes, before anything was done about the Concussion Situation. Just sayin'.

    Holds & Int's...You can't review those, so that's what you use to control the game's momentum. if you've got a guy in the review booth on the grift...you can control so much more,...[spots, possession, inbounds, receptions, etc.]....if need be.

    Like Vincent said, on "The Color Of Money"...." The key to the dump [or, hustle] is to just miss by a breath. You only have to throw 2 or 3 shots [in a tournament] to dump .". It's all about timing.

    Obviously, they can't "cheat" on every play. Anymore than you could if you were a pool hustler or "card shark". Reporters are too trusting to ask the hard questions, cause...

    "If ya don't know...ya don't know."_____Bumpy Johnson..."American Gangster"

    Plus...they want to be able to ask another question next week. That won't happen if they attack the hand that feeds em. Lol

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    I believe the Dawgs may have to win a few more Natty's before they are invited into the "Star Chamber" that controls CFB behind the scenes.

    Once that happens....they start to get the calls. But, not before. Afterall...the CFB Syndicate has been around for a hundred+ years and worth tens of billions. Ya gotta earn THOSE cleats.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    IMO...The same thing that destroyed Boxing, Music, Hollywood...and so many other facets of our Society....has it's sights set on Division 1 CFB. Money talks & BS walks...dontcha know.

    Greed + 0 Vision = Chaotic Destruction • (Regression + Corruption)³.

    NOT "healthy growth"! CFB will be a shadow of itself, in 20 years...if they don't take control of this "mess". IMO

  • BG522BG522 Posts: 30 ✭✭ Sophomore

    I know that my thoughts don't mean anything to anyone else but me probably but I am so tired of hearing why Georgia cannot beat Alabama in the big game. Well here's my actual thoughts you can't win something that Saban has already bought you can't tell me and make me believe that it wasn't. "GO DAWGS"

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Bingo. It was bought...but, it was bought by the people behind Bama, OSU, Michigan, Texas, Oklahoma....etc..

    The places with money, power and connection. Until there is a true playoff, like at...all the other levels, in all the othe sports...how can any former Champion be taken at face value. There hasn't been many that didn't involve some kind of debate to legitimize the "named" participants in the "Pageants" of the day.

    The game's matter, only when they want em to.

    SOS & SOR only matter when they want em to.

    Record only matters when they want it to.

    And, there are many other subjective levers they can use, to justify various decisions made in putting this team in...and leaving that team out.

    The logic gets so twisted and confused...it becomes a circular paradox, beyond a sane, rational explanation. And, we call THAT a Champion.

    That's why Kirby [etal.] doesn't put much stock in the CFP. Win and you're "In" has an asterisk by it, now. You can only control, what you can control. I think these SEC Coaches see the SECCG as a National Championship.

    That's why they don't get in too big a tizzy over the CFP...unless the SEC was disrespected by being left out. Bama or Texas will win this one. I think Bama's defense and special teams are better, which will be the difference. Bama wins...IMO.

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