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A one time very off topic comment...



  • bigdawg2223bigdawg2223 Posts: 1,833 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    The alt sites are nothing but agenda driven.
    It's just the agenda you favor.

    Lemme guess CNN is the only legitimate news outlet right?

  • WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    Yeah, I remember that. I would love some inside account of what happened inside FOX at various meeting or whatever when they flipped. I was still a political junkie back then and I remember sitting there with my jaw dropped thinking, “holy ****! Dana Petrino just said something nice about Trump!” You could see it happening all over the network at about the same time.

    Trump’s popularity must have shown up in their ratings somehow. Or maybe they just were getting an absurd number of viewer complaints and could read the writing on the wall?

    In ‘12, almost the entire channel was in the tank for Romney. They would literally scoff at Gingrich. And FOX News just realized at some point they weren’t gonna get away with it again.

    Trump had been a regular on Fox for years spouting his birther nonsense, anti-immigration rants, hyper-nationalism and the like. I never watch them, I just read quotes from other sources, but I know Hannity was backing Trump at least as far back as spring 2016.

  • WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    The alt sites are nothing but agenda driven.
    It's just the agenda you favor.

    Lemme guess CNN is the only legitimate news outlet right?

    You don't have the wattage to make an educated guess about me. Please keep up the ignorant assumptions though.

  • WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited November 2018

    @12ed said:

    @WCDawg said:
    First off, both the synagogue shooter and the bomber were big Trump supporters, do the research. If that wasn't the case I wouldn't have started this thread.
    The tangible issues here started with 9-11. The fear mongering about terrorist coming up from the south. The demagoguery from Trump about ''rapist and murders'' ''they're not good people'', he is president because of this slanderous rabble rousing, not in spite of it. The paranoia about Obama, the birther nonsense, and on and on it goes. Just yesterday when Paul Ryan said he couldn't end native birth citizenship the rabble rouser in chief said Ryan didn't know what he was talking about and advised him to concentrate on winning the mid-terms. In other words Trump is saying he'll sign an executive order which would be completely and obviously unconstitutional to win more votes of bigoted yahoos. He doesn't have the authority to pass such an order, only a referendum vote passed by 34 states could repeal the 14th amendment, which grants citizenship to all native born people. He is either mind numbingly ignorant of constitutional law, is lost in hubris or he's lying to fool yahoos, take your choice.

    WC, I've researched it. Unless this is fake:

    9-11 is related to security so I understand you interpret that as a tangible that would motivate people to adopt or accept fascism, but if this were a motivation for such then a fascist demagogue would've been elected well before now on that basis IMO. With the attention span of the average American I just don't see how that would motivate people to fascism. It's not something that's bearing down on the social consciousness on a daily basis.

    It's been a stew, and stews need to stew awhile before coming together. Obama's election, fear mongering about immigration from south of the border, The Iranian nuclear deal, Hillary in general, there was a convergence of topics at alt sites that fueled the stew.

    Also, Trump is calling himself a nationalist while campaigning, he has clearly used hyper-nationalistic language in speeches to our allies and in stump speeches since he took office. He's ended trade deals, climate deals, arms limitation deals, he is clearly not a globalist.

  • bigdawg2223bigdawg2223 Posts: 1,833 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    The alt sites are nothing but agenda driven.
    It's just the agenda you favor.

    Lemme guess CNN is the only legitimate news outlet right?

    You don't have the wattage to make an educated guess about me. Please keep up the ignorant assumptions though.

    I’m just bored and like getting on your nerves. I quit following politics when I witnessed with my own eyes charter buses full of immigrants being bused into Raleigh, NC to vote. I have no clue if they were citizens maybe they all were but I know they all voted.

  • WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    The alt sites are nothing but agenda driven.
    It's just the agenda you favor.

    Lemme guess CNN is the only legitimate news outlet right?

    You don't have the wattage to make an educated guess about me. Please keep up the ignorant assumptions though.

    I’m just bored and like getting on your nerves. I quit following politics when I witnessed with my own eyes charter buses full of immigrants being bused into Raleigh, NC to vote. I have no clue if they were citizens maybe they all were but I know they all voted.

    These fake stories about immigrants voting keep getting debunked. Don't you think if they were true we'd have real proof ? obviously the right would love to have evidence, but in spite of Trump's insane claims, very few real cases of voter fraud have any substance.

  • bigdawg2223bigdawg2223 Posts: 1,833 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @levander said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    It’s been awhile since I’ve delved into any political issue. I probably need to about Trump’s tax cuts but still haven’t done it yet.

    But what I used to have to do is basically Google it, read five or six stories from various ideologies, and more or less just surmise what I believed. There really was no one place I felt comfortable going to find out what happened. Every single **** one of them was pushing an agenda.

    That’s more or less what it’s come down to, pulling from here and there. Then formulate your own opinion and hope you got it right. I’m man enough to admit I’ve believed the wrong info before. This day an age the people need common sense more than ever and a lot don’t have it. Both sides!

  • bigdawg2223bigdawg2223 Posts: 1,833 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    The alt sites are nothing but agenda driven.
    It's just the agenda you favor.

    Lemme guess CNN is the only legitimate news outlet right?

    You don't have the wattage to make an educated guess about me. Please keep up the ignorant assumptions though.

    I’m just bored and like getting on your nerves. I quit following politics when I witnessed with my own eyes charter buses full of immigrants being bused into Raleigh, NC to vote. I have no clue if they were citizens maybe they all were but I know they all voted.

    These fake stories about immigrants voting keep getting debunked. Don't you think if they were true we'd have real proof ? obviously the right would love to have evidence, but in spite of Trump's insane claims, very few real cases of voter fraud have any substance.

    Depends on if what you read or view is true. This however is not a fake story, witnessed it with my own eyes. Idc if you believe me or not I have utter disdain for you anyway. Political conversations are the most enjoyable though. Please carry on my popcorn is almost done.😁

  • WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @12ed said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    Yeah, I remember that. I would love some inside account of what happened inside FOX at various meeting or whatever when they flipped. I was still a political junkie back then and I remember sitting there with my jaw dropped thinking, “holy ****! Dana Petrino just said something nice about Trump!” You could see it happening all over the network at about the same time.

    Trump’s popularity must have shown up in their ratings somehow. Or maybe they just were getting an absurd number of viewer complaints and could read the writing on the wall?

    In ‘12, almost the entire channel was in the tank for Romney. They would literally scoff at Gingrich. And FOX News just realized at some point they weren’t gonna get away with it again.

    Trump had been a regular on Fox for years spouting his birther nonsense, anti-immigration rants, hyper-nationalism and the like. I never watch them, I just read quotes from other sources, but I know Hannity was backing Trump at least as far back as spring 2016.

    Y'see WC, this is where we can all probably find common ground. Hannity is a repetitive, low-grade doosh.

    His income has skyrocketed since he jumped on the Trump wagon. I don't think the man has any real values, he's a salesman.

    Also, you are correct about Bowers saying anti Trump things, my bad.
    Here is where the connection comes in. Trump has campaigned calling undocumented immigrants rapist and murderers. Those exact words have been repeated many times by various haters, so that's the first component. The second component is Trump started calling the caravan ''invaders'', Fox News and other right leaning sites repeated that term many, many times over the past few weeks.

    Here is Bowers last GAB post before entering the synagogue.

    ''HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can't sit back and watch my people get slaughtered, screw your optics, I'm going in.''
    HIAS is a Jewish organization that supports new immigrants with housing and such.
    Of course The bomb maker Moore is a Trump fanatic.

    So Bowers clearly had the idea that immigrants from the south murder white Americans and he used Trump's negative term ( invaders) to describe them.

  • WCDawgWCDawg Posts: 17,293 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    The alt sites are nothing but agenda driven.
    It's just the agenda you favor.

    Lemme guess CNN is the only legitimate news outlet right?

    You don't have the wattage to make an educated guess about me. Please keep up the ignorant assumptions though.

    I’m just bored and like getting on your nerves. I quit following politics when I witnessed with my own eyes charter buses full of immigrants being bused into Raleigh, NC to vote. I have no clue if they were citizens maybe they all were but I know they all voted.

    These fake stories about immigrants voting keep getting debunked. Don't you think if they were true we'd have real proof ? obviously the right would love to have evidence, but in spite of Trump's insane claims, very few real cases of voter fraud have any substance.

    Depends on if what you read or view is true. This however is not a fake story, witnessed it with my own eyes. Idc if you believe me or not I have utter disdain for you anyway. Political conversations are the most enjoyable though. Please carry on my popcorn is almost done.😁

    Sorry, there has been zero evidence of any such thing. I lived in NC for 8 years at a time I was very politically active. Every polling place in the state has monitors from both major parties on site. Don't you think if bus loads of immigrants pulled up it would have drawn the attention of the republican monitors ? Also, what identified them as immigrants ? dark skin, accents ? Mexican license plates ?

  • bigdawg2223bigdawg2223 Posts: 1,833 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @12ed said:

    @levander said:

    @12ed said:

    I miss Bob Beckel in an open format. Guy has personality

    Firing Bob Beckel because he got addicted to pain meds after back surgery is proof FOX News does not care about the quality of the content they produce. They just want sanitized nonsense they know people they can monetize.

    It’s like when I was growing up and all they played on MTV was European pop music all day. None of the kids who were really into music could stand that **** and we all ended up listening to music from the 60’s and 70’s because 80’s music was monopolized by the one radio station that mattered, MTV. And all the music they played stunk. Then Guns N‘ Roses Welcome to the Jungle video hit MTV despite everything MTV did to avoid playing it... and we eventually ended up with weekend shows like Headbanger’s Ball, etc..

    FNC is the almost the worst about being a corporate machine. It's like how it started out really being against trump then after the first republican debate they gradually decide to do a 360 and walk away to the point of being almost rabidly pro-trump with pockets of people against trump spread out here and there, like the gay guy that comes on 3pm. Forgot his name. Yeah, either way it's like they read the polls and decided "Abandon Jeb! Abandon Jeb!"

    You’re right on the money there! I despise all mainstream media. When there’s something I want to know and actually care about I go to Drudge Report and a few other places.

    Mainstream media pushes their own agenda whichever side they play on.

    The alt sites are nothing but agenda driven.
    It's just the agenda you favor.

    Lemme guess CNN is the only legitimate news outlet right?

    You don't have the wattage to make an educated guess about me. Please keep up the ignorant assumptions though.

    I’m just bored and like getting on your nerves. I quit following politics when I witnessed with my own eyes charter buses full of immigrants being bused into Raleigh, NC to vote. I have no clue if they were citizens maybe they all were but I know they all voted.

    These fake stories about immigrants voting keep getting debunked. Don't you think if they were true we'd have real proof ? obviously the right would love to have evidence, but in spite of Trump's insane claims, very few real cases of voter fraud have any substance.

    Depends on if what you read or view is true. This however is not a fake story, witnessed it with my own eyes. Idc if you believe me or not I have utter disdain for you anyway. Political conversations are the most enjoyable though. Please carry on my popcorn is almost done.😁

    Sorry, there has been zero evidence of any such thing. I lived in NC for 8 years at a time I was very politically active. Every polling place in the state has monitors from both major parties on site. Don't you think if bus loads of immigrants pulled up it would have drawn the attention of the republican monitors ? Also, what identified them as immigrants ? dark skin, accents ? Mexican license plates ?

    How long ago was that 8 years? Other than the fact none of them spoke English? It’s not like they pulled the bus right up front like a limo. Like I said I could care less if you believe me. I know what I saw, I know you think you know everything and you’re always right but it is possible and probable events take place in this country without your knowledge.

  • JoelSidneyKellyJoelSidneyKelly Posts: 3,678 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm disappointed that the mods have let this (nothing to do with the Dawgs or even sports in general) thread go on for eight pages without deleting it. I really am. This is not an OP about football that chased a million rabbit holes and found its way into a political tangent; this original post had no function other than to be divisive on a political subject. Period.

    I guess the mods have decided that www.forum.dawgnation.com is another one of a million other places to stir up political manure on the internet (where all political arguments get resolved in a friendly way).

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @JoelSidneyKelly said:
    I'm disappointed that the mods have let this (nothing to do with the Dawgs or even sports in general) thread go on for eight pages without deleting it. I really am. This is not an OP about football that chased a million rabbit holes and found its way into a political tangent; this original post had no function other than to be divisive on a political subject. Period.

    I guess the mods have decided that www.forum.dawgnation.com is another one of a million other places to stir up political manure on the internet (where all political arguments get resolved in a friendly way).

    There is an "Off Topic" option when starting a thread, presumably for topics just such as this one. Don't like or want to participate? Then don't. The only opinion more wrong than WC's in this thread is the one that says this thread should be censored. Just ignore it, and yeah, feel free to be disappointed, too.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @WCDawg said:

    @BamaDawg said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @12ed said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:
    Sorry folks, I broke a rule and I'm reminded why we have the rule, I'll try to suppress the next late night expansive impulse.
    I'd give the OP a DV if I could.

    Hey sorry is in your vocabulary! I’m impressed! I’d venture to say it’s probably not just here though politics is a no no on lots of other boards or it just doesn’t go well there either.

    Like this guy here, the thin echo in the chamber that serves no purpose.

    Unfortunately this is a microcosm of the country at this particular time.
    I wish it was just internet boards.

    You hop on here spouting politics and expect everyone to agree with you? Unreal...

    Then on top of that you b.i.t.c.h. when you don't get the response you want .... That is just hilarious and typical.

    My OP wasn't really political. The fact you retrobate yahoos see it as political says something about you.
    None of you even know how liberal or conservative I am. All you know is I don't care for your goose stepping dictator wannabee.

    Laughable. Could you possibly be any more intellectually dishonest? Espousing liberal's fascist gun control policies and propaganda while falsely accusing the other side's guy of being the actual fascist - and now saying you weren't being political. HA! You are either a liar or completely ignorant.

    @levander said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @BamaDawg said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @12ed said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:

    None of you even know how liberal or conservative I am. All you know is I don't care for your goose stepping dictator wannabee.

    Sorry sir. I will attest that I already did recognize you as a diehard commie. I had you pegged as a libtard of the highest order way back. The viewpoints you are sharing in this thread are exactly what I had imagined the little hamster would type out while on the treadmill in your skull.

  • BamaDawgBamaDawg Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @WCDawg said:

    @BamaDawg said:

    @WCDawg said:

    @12ed said:

    @bigdawg2223 said:

    @WCDawg said:
    Sorry folks, I broke a rule and I'm reminded why we have the rule, I'll try to suppress the next late night expansive impulse.
    I'd give the OP a DV if I could.

    Hey sorry is in your vocabulary! I’m impressed! I’d venture to say it’s probably not just here though politics is a no no on lots of other boards or it just doesn’t go well there either.

    Like this guy here, the thin echo in the chamber that serves no purpose.

    Unfortunately this is a microcosm of the country at this particular time.
    I wish it was just internet boards.

    You hop on here spouting politics and expect everyone to agree with you? Unreal...

    Then on top of that you b.i.t.c.h. when you don't get the response you want .... That is just hilarious and typical.

    My OP wasn't really political. The fact you retrobate yahoos see it as political says something about you.
    None of you even know how liberal or conservative I am. All you know is I don't care for your goose stepping dictator wannabee.

    WAS'T POLITICAL... and I quote "In light of recent events and our POLITICAL environment". That is the first part of the first line of your OP. What an idiot. As far as dictator goes, he is not from the party of suppression, over regulation, gun confiscation, and mob rule. His leadership is much more preferred than the stalinist policies of the left.

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