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COVID-19 Check-in



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    texdawgtexdawg Posts: 11,581 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Hanging in there in Dallas. Bored as hell. This is what I'm seeing on the recruiting trail during this pandemic.

    Although recruiting is in a dead period.....recruiting hasn't stopped. I have received over 100 emails today from various schools asking about kids. And the players that are old enough to hear directly from colleges are hearing from coaches quite often as well.

    Things are changing quickly but it looks like the summer camps will be pushed back.....at least a month. Still up in the air.

    Right now camp season is from 5/31 - 06/22. May be pushed back a month.

    July is usually a fairly slow month for college coaches. Probably won't be this year. I expect HS camps to be on campuses in July and then fall camps starting in August. That is non stop for coaches.

    Stay safe and wash your hands.

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    Dawg1419Dawg1419 Posts: 1,029 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We are working everyday. I don’t watch the news so life to us is good. Only way we know what’s going on is we can’t eat out for lunch so we take ours. We are working 12hr days. Hope every one is doing good.

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    scooterdawgscooterdawg Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @Kasey There's an episode of UGASports out now with just Coach Donnan and another guy...no Radi. It might help ya to listen to some wisdom from the Coach.

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    Bulldawg1982Bulldawg1982 Posts: 4,573 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm waiting on results but showing symptoms. I was tested yesterday evening. If ya haven't been tested for covid-19 yet, this is how it's done...

    Crazy because I could've sworn they were just swabbing mouths in South Korea.

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    CaliforniaDawgCaliforniaDawg Posts: 674 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    As we think about global responses to Covid-19, there will be much to be learned from this graph. Today, we don't have enough information on most countries. In one month, we will. This graph will tell us which countries responded well to Covid-19 and which ones didn't.

    I think it will be important for us as a world to look at best practices in the countries that did respond well and use this knowledge to respond better to the next pandemic. I'm very curious what South Korea has done as they seem to be the country that has best managed the Covid-19 outbreak.

    What's scariest on this graph is the average across countries of a 33% increase in deaths by day. That is a staggering statistic. I wish all the party goers on the beaches in Florida would have it beaten into them (not literally) that their actions today affect all of us tomorrow.

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    pocoyopocoyo Posts: 2,573 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    razorachillesrazorachilles Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I liked it - but LOVED the commenters tearing into him because it's inconsistent with what they read elsewhere. Literally laypeople criticizing a layperson for presenting a different pespective other than what they see on Twitter...the author may be wrong on some (or most) of his conclusions, but I would argue that the blanket rejection of new ideas during this period is not the best way to respond.

    One point one of the commenters made which I haven't seen published yet but have heard raised with colleagues in some of these countries/regions is the impact of smoking history. While being older with a weaker immune system almost certainly puts one at higher risk, the fact that a majority of people over the age of 50 in Italy and China were regular smokers for most of their lives certainly could be a contributor to the higher death rates vs other countries.

    Granted - many more Boomers smoked for longer periods of their lives vs the younger generations, so the same principle would apply here in the US for that generation but is interesting to consider given the relatively low # of cases in under 50s.

    In simpler terms - a patient who already has reduced baseline capacity will likely be more severely impacted once the virus triggers cytokine storm syndrome. Admittedly a hypothesis, but certainly reasonable to suggest.

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    Bulldawg1982Bulldawg1982 Posts: 4,573 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    When you say "smokers" do you mean all of the above or just tobacco/nicotine smokers?

    ....asking for a friend.

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    DestinDawgDestinDawg Posts: 637 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    USA is on the same trajectory as Italy

    We have to ramp things up

    We need the testing kits

    we need to protect our front lines now

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