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Hey folks - as a member of the DawgNation community, please remember to abide by simple rules of civil engagement with other members:

- Please no inappropriate usernames (remember that there may be youngsters in the room)

- Personal attacks on other community members are unacceptable, practice the good manners your mama taught you when engaging with fellow Dawg fans

- Use common sense and respect personal differences in the community: sexual and other inappropriate language or imagery, political rants and belittling the opinions of others will get your posts deleted and result in warnings and/ or banning from the forum

- 3/17/19 UPDATE -- We've updated the permissions for our "Football" and "Commit to the G" recruiting message boards. We aim to be the best free board out there and that has not changed. We do now ask that all of you good people register as a member of our forum in order to see the sugar that is falling from our skies, so to speak.

My daughter Margaret's 10th birthday!!!



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    christopheruleschristopherules Posts: 14,907 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2020

    @Kasey Mods, I have a question who DV’s a 10 year old (future dawg) little girl’s birthday photo? Do we still have trolls in here? That is the only thing I can think of, who else doesn’t like young kids growing up as DAWGS? Especially in here? SMH

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    ghostofuga1ghostofuga1 Posts: 9,051 mod

    Pretty sure it was a fat finger accident. Otherwise they would have continued to DV other post.... Probably didn't realize they did it.

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    christopheruleschristopherules Posts: 14,907 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @ghostofuga1 Thank you for all that you do in here for all of us. GO DAWGS!

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    looeyvilledawglooeyvilledawg Posts: 89 ✭✭✭ Junior

    DGD, that Margaret & her dad...

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    flemingislanddawgflemingislanddawg Posts: 590 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Happy belated birthday Margaret. Can we assume she takes after Mom?! I have 4 boys, not sure I could handle a daughter and dating. I loved the line from "Clueless" when the Dad tells Alicia Silverstone's Prom date "Just remember I have a gun and a shovel and nobody will miss you"

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