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Bubba Watson discusses why he joined LIV

SystemSystem Posts: 10,693 admin
edited July 2022 in Article commenting
imageBubba Watson discusses why he joined LIV

Bubba Watson, perhaps the most famous golfer to play at UGA, has revealed his reasons for joining the Saudi Arabia-backed LIV Tour this week.

Read the full story here


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    MontanaDawgMontanaDawg Posts: 1,887 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Why? Duh...M-O-N-E-Y.

    $50M for Bubba to sit on the sidelines....not bad.

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    UGA66UGA66 Posts: 4,159 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I've watched this former UGA golfer for a long time...sorry to see him leave the PGA. He has not won a tourney for years...I guess he couldn't make the house payments. His choice. Money always speaks loudly. The LIV will eventually fail...IMO.

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    busterchapbusterchap Posts: 82 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Bubba who? 😴

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    ColumbusDawgColumbusDawg Posts: 533 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I cannot agree with your opinion on the LIV eventually failing. Especially if the PGA does not change its ways. I think the PGA will change its ways though. LIV just started however and will get much bigger short-term. If LIV gets some big TV money over the next couple years, that will be a game-changer and it may last forever. Bottomline is that it all comes down to how much money they will keep spending and how many top golfers they can entice to join their tour. They already got DJ and Koepka and more!

    If the PGA does not make BIG changes to keep their top players and others happy, especially the already disgruntled ones, the PGA(which IRONICALLY itself was formed or merged, because players were unhappy in the 1960's with the other tour I believe), may become the inferior attraction. Whichever side is the ones where the players are the happiest, is the side that the majority of players will "eventually" end up, IMO. And lots of money makes people very happy!. So does having fun, less stress, more respect and less BS to deal with. Whichever tour pays and caters to the players wants the best, will likely win this battle.

    Until now, it was the PGA way or go somewhere else. No more. PGA MUST change or their existence is severely threatened. My hope is that the PGA will change and the PLAYERS will have much more influence, run the league or run a new league where the players are the owners of the league, at least to a major extent and their input matters as much or more that the powers that currently be.

    In the end of this, however it turns out, the players will be better off(Not that they were doing bad to start with!) PGA better watch out though. Not just for the LIV, but now, the players thinking of forming a players union. Or their own tour.

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    BubbaBillBubbaBill Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate


    We love ya Dawg, but we also know it is all about the $50,000,000 plus huge payouts in tournaments. So you sold your soul, but for what it’s worth I would have done the same…..especially if I hadn’t won a tournament in the past 4 years. Go Dawgs!!!

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,442 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    LOL...Like the NCAA with Football players, the PGA decided to go to war with LIV. Not smart. It's a war they're gonna lose, cause, when money talks BS walks.

    As far as LIV being sponsored by the Saudi's...I could give, not one, but, two craps less.

    When ESPN and the rest of the hypocritical Mainstream Media start chastising and condemning the NBA, DISNEY, NIKE and the others for doing business with China, I might take em a little more seriously.

    ESPN, Disney, Nike and the NBA are all in bed together.. ESPN and other media groups owned by Disney and Nike, don't want to bite the hand that feeds em, so they go after easy prey...Golf and LIV. LOL..seriously? Either apply your high-powered judgement to your own trespasses or shut-the-hell-up.

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    HunkerDawgHunkerDawg Posts: 76 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Golf is what these guys do to earn money. I don't get the vitriol.

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    cbp1947cbp1947 Posts: 51 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Please. Nike uses **** labor in China and many golfer are sponsored by Nike. Same goes for Addidas. The Chinese persecute and kill those who refuse tot stop following their faith. So spare me the righteous indignation. You know who else is sponsored by Nike? I’ll let you contemplate that and then get back to me with your best guess.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,442 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    LOL...That's right! The PGA and many of their golfers.

    They had to see this blow-back coming. Or did they think the public is actually as ignorant as they try to make us, with their partial reporting.

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    BetheredgeBetheredge Posts: 200 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Bubba, you da' man!!! Free agency has finally made it's way to the world of golf. The PGA rode the backs of golfers like Tiger, Phil, Bubba, DJ, etc... For decades. Their greed & unwillingness to shed their Blueblood, snobbish ways has finally caught up with them. If not for **** political issues that prevented it, I would have sold out to the Saudi's to take care of my family years ago. More power to these guys.

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    dazzledawgdazzledawg Posts: 203 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Bubba, you da' man!!! Free agency has finally made it's way to the world of golf. The PGA rode the backs of golfers like Tiger, Phil, Bubba, DJ, etc... For decades. Their greed & unwillingness to shed their Blueblood, snobbish ways has finally caught up with them. If not for **** political issues that prevented it, I would have sold out to the Saudi's to take care of my family years ago. More power to these guys.

    So, you don't have a problem with what Saudi backed terrorist did to our country on 9-11 and you would have sold out to the Saudi's too.

    All because you believe the PGA tour is snobbish.

    I sure don't want you in a fox hole with me Betheredge.

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    Bulldawg90Bulldawg90 Posts: 537 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2022

    Anyone that votes down people that oppose a Saudi funded golf league are MAGA cult members. Golfers are self absorbed greedy white elitists. The very people that MAGAs pretend to hate. Except if the self absorbed white elitists are angry old white guys like themselves.

    ”My wife loves it!” says Bubba. Oooh. Makes total sense now! That crummy old PGA tour was such a sweat shop. Just like a Nike shoe factory.

    Nike doesn’t have s**t to do with an individual decision to take blood money. It’s straight from the MAGA playbook: “Me? What about you?”

    Play #1: ignore personal accountability

    Play #2: Dismiss anyone that disagrees with you by insulting them

    Play #3: Anything said by people that know actual facts and truths must be declared as fake news and the people that agree with facts and truths are sheeple.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,663 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I understand it's all abou tthe Benjamins. BUt don't tell me that you guys that are criticizing those who feel somewhat betrayed by some of their favorite golfers jumpiing ship for the Benjamins wouldn't be butt hurt if your favorite NBA Basketball stars or NFl players or even Braves players jumped ship to go play in say, Japan. LOL!

    As far throwing MAGA into the conversation, how pathetic.

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    KaseyKasey Posts: 28,956 mod

    Probably because it’s blood money from a regime that helped fund the 9/11 attacks.

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