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Georgia quarterback Stetson Bennett arrested early Sunday morning



  • StiffneckStiffneck Posts: 83 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Hopefully this is a wake up call.

  • edubbedubb Posts: 61 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Yep, power and success can combine to allow one to self destruct. As the man in Hang them High was being hung he told the crowd that Demon Rum led him to this point. It seems Stetson like much of our present day society thinks one can not socialize or have fun without the presence of alcohol. When the reality is you can do both and enjoy it more without the crap.

  • 78Dawg78Dawg Posts: 182 ✭✭✭ Junior

    He's 25 with a 15 yo mind. Someone needs to hold your hand Stetson. Keep it up and it will be your cell mate. You just insured you'll go undrafted and it's all on you. i hope this is the last article I ever see on here about SB. Let's please move on.

  • KBPKBP Posts: 384 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Age really does not correlate to wisdom,and maturity.

  • CandlerParkCandlerPark Posts: 788 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    So frustrating to see the program going through so much tragedy and controversy since the celebration.

    Of course, the car crash was in an entirely worse category. But RaRa's alleged crime and now Bennett's arrest come on the heals of that terrible event and precisely when the spotlight is shining brightest on the Georgia program.

    From an admittedly selfish perspective, one could see it complicating recruitment. That would be ironic because, by all evidence until now, Kirby Smart has run a tight program that puts a high premium on caring for these athletes and helping them grow into complete young men.

  • CandlerParkCandlerPark Posts: 788 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The qualities that helped him to overcome all the naysayers and to rise to the occasion on the biggest stages may also have contributed to his combative comments and heavy partying. Namely: confidence to the point of cockiness.

    I'm not disagreeing with your comment, rxmaster (I really don't know about some of that stuff), but I just wanted to point out that his success and his recent controversies could be two sides to the same coin.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Well said Navy.

    I see a lot of our fine Dawg Fans, skipped Church this morning to take another bite out of Bennett. Lol

    Dude!!! It was public drunkenness, for cryin' out loud. Half our team could've been arrested for "public intoxication" at the 1980 & 81 Sugar Bowl in New Orleans.

    Why don't we wait and see what happened. Sounds like a funny story in the works, to me. Maybe a little prank on Bennett, that got out of hand. Which is going to make it even funnier.

    As for all the T-totallers out there, in Dawg Nation..."let, he who is without Sin, cast the first stone"...from behind your computer firewall. Lol...losers!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    It never has. You would know that, if you had ever been to College...or been in the military. Not, specifically, "you", but "a person", "one", etc..

    It's called, blowing off steam...and we all have our "steam blowing" methods. I imagine, there's a lot of Dawgs, right now, that are "decompressing", after living in the pressure cooker, UGA has become.

    Winning the UGA way, through intensive training and pressure, with zero downtime...comes at a price. Kirby may have to do, what the military started doing 50 yrs or so ago...offer a transition program to guys leaving UGA. To bring them back to the real world. Bennett has actually shown some signs of PTSD.

  • PhilunderwoodPhilunderwood Posts: 1 ✭ Freshman

    Please do not fulfill Ainge's "punk" identification.

    Please do not think Manzell 2.

    Please listen to your Mom today.

  • SpdawgSpdawg Posts: 362 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Whether it was SBIV or John Doe, is this really the best use of the Dallas Police Force? Was there any danger or property damage? How about calling a cab and sending him home? Especially after the tragedy in Memphis, how about we have a little more common sense on behalf of law enforcement?

  • GtheGreekGtheGreek Posts: 1,106 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    STET, the "cinderella ride" ain't over yet....stay seated, stay focused, and as mentioned before: LISTEN TO YOUR MOM! I can smile a bit at an AGGIE F-Up BUT you are so much more talented than Johnny Football.

  • UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,879 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    Not only does this not reflect well on SBIV but it does not reflect well on the UGA program. The RaRa situation. Add these to the tragic death of 2 young people. After the very high of go for 2n'22 it seems all the positive 'vibes' have been **** out of the off season.

    CKS has been proud of creating a "player lead" program. Which is great.......to a degree. Great to have player leadership. But the players are young and young people make questionable decisions. Clearly, "the kids get it" is erroneous and misguided thinking. They will always need leadership. It is time for CKS to take a look in the mirror and get more involved with player leadership.

    Negative recruiting is already evident on other team pages. People are wondering if recruits were also with other UGA players on the fateful night in another vehicle. Rivals will say that this is only the tip of the iceberg. A whole can of worms could be opened during the ensuing investigation.

    Recruiting in '23 is an unprecedented opportunity for UGA. First, UGA is coming off back to back CFBNC's. Second, there are 16 Top100 HS recruits (10 of the top 41 -Rivals) from the state of GA. Plus the #1 player/QB in the class.

    A lot at stake. Not the kind of headlines to make after the high of consecutive championships.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,153 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    First let me say a sincere Thank You for your comments earlier. I saw something on another news site about additional details about the car crash that were very troubling. I won’t go into those here, because Media can be and is wrong sometimes. If people want to know they’ll have to dig into the Internet themselves. Not trying to wear out the track but I want to say very clearly I made Plenty of foolish mistakes, especially in my younger years. I’m sure not holier than thou. I wish I could go back in time and change those mistakes. But that’s not possible. So for Now I just wish so much that I could get people especially younger people who are just starting to gain life experiences to Stop and Think before Doing !! Let’s say for example a good friend pulls up and says Hey let’s ride over to see another friend. That friend only lives 2 miles away. We’ll drink some cold ones ( beer) on the way. So I get in the car with my good friend, well unbeknown to me he’s Already polished off quite a bit of beer. So we start to our other friends house and just as we enter into a blind curve there’s a Big piece of a blown tractor trailer truck tire lying in the road, as he starts to swerve into the other lane to miss it, a tractor trailer truck moving at high speed pops into that other lane seemingly out of no where. Now Even if absolutely sober this is now a deadly situation, but with my friend having polished off quite a few beers that’s now X10 !! There’s a Very Real possibility that he and I are either Dead or in critical condition, not to mention the truck driver !! I know some on here will laugh at me, some will quickly punch the down vote button. In neither case I don’t care, because those things don’t hurt me. But reading about a precious young life being snuffed out needlessly Does hurt me !! It hurts me deep. Because I’ve lost close friends that way. And that could be My adult children or grandchildren or friends. I’d probably get punched in the mouth but it just makes me sometimes want to grab them and say Cant You See ?? Hey STOP !!! THINK !!! Use the brain God gave you !!! Some will say well by your own admission You did foolish things and yet You survived. Only by the Love and Grace of God !! I can’t explain it !! By all rights I Should be dead many times over !! I have been SO VERY Blessed !! I was able to walk away. But some didn’t !! They died. I’ve lost friends by foolishness. And I’ve lost friends by living right. Two shipmates ( One my best friend) Killed in the line of duty. I came Extremely Close Twice to losing my own life in the line of duty. Sure we’re All gonna die some day. But I honestly believe that a person can cut their Own life short by living foolishly. Don’t tempt Death as it’s Already waiting. All this is not directed at you, it’s just in general and maybe it’ll benefit somebody. I sure Hope so. It’s sad when a good elderly person dies. But it’s a hundred times worse when it’s a young person in the prime of life. It’s a thousand times worse when they die as a result of being foolish. But alas I was young to a long time ago, and I Know young people tend to think they are invincible. Thanks for allowing me to vent. And Thanks again for your kind comments earlier.

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