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Georgia quarterback Stetson Bennett arrested early Sunday morning



  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Lol...I wouldn't count on it. The NFL isn't exactly known for drafting and carrying Saints...well, maybe New Orleans. If you can contribute to a winning formula, they'll take you. Just ask DeShawn Watson, or any of 1000 other players that stumbled off their pedestal while playing in the NFL. Fans have a short memory, when it comes to their heroes...or their goats.

    Walker had a few issues, too...if I recall.

    And...after all...all we're talking about here, is "public intoxication". If it was alcohol...welcome to the club, Stetson. If it was drugs...dang...that was not a Smart move, there, Stet.

    Guess we'll find out in due time, with the steady drip-drip-drip of facts, coming out of Dawg Nation. Notice how the report was written? Designed to induce speculation and condemnation...before a single mitigating fact is reported.

    He was "arrested for public intoxication"....and, that's ALL we know. Nobody knows if he was "banging on doors". It wasn't in the police report. But, the layup is that the cops responded to a report of someone "banging on doors"...which resulted in them running across an intoxicated Bennett.

    The "door knocker" could still be out there, ready to terrorize a neighborhood near you. For the love of God, lock your doors tonight. Lol

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @BigDawg61 I can’t cast stones at him Bro. as I’ve done to many foolish things myself. And as much as it hurts to admit it I was slow to put away the childish things and grow up. I was about oh 22-23 before I started getting it together. And 24-26 before the process of Really changing my priorities came pretty much full circle. I hope he can get his life together.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I agree. My Father-in-Law was a 30-yr Deputy Sheriff and Federal Marshall. He would take their keys and make em walk home. They had to come to his house the next day, to collect their keys and get a lecture. Lol...or, he would give em a ride home (we didn't have taxi's).

    My guess, since we're all speculating, is that, when the cops got there...they came across Bennett. He was intoxicated, which they expected the "door knocker" probably was. When questioned, he denied knocking on anybody's door. They thought he was lying, so...they arrested him. He may not have even been the one they were after...but, we all know how cops are, when they feel they are being disrespected with a lie.

  • Louis8478Louis8478 Posts: 198 ✭✭✭ Junior

    There are so many different perspectives regarding age and maturity. @BigDawg61 I hear you. Take us to church. Let's hear more before we beat down this dude and throw dirt on his name. @navydawg, there is a process to maturity. Some people learn the hard way. I'm sure his family is giving him some life advice right now.

  • CClayC88CClayC88 Posts: 135 ✭✭✭ Junior



  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Ain't that the truth, Brother? When I was in my early 20's, I wasn't "Good"...just "Lucky". Lol...Stetson better get it through his head...he's not in Blackshear or Nahunta anymore. If he's gonna run with the big Dawgs, he might want to heed the advice of the South Georgia Old Timer's Association..."a hard head, makes for a soft ass". Lol

  • 1946Dawgshappened1946Dawgshappened Posts: 66 ✭✭✭ Junior

    You know Griffith will have a field day with this information.

  • 1946Dawgshappened1946Dawgshappened Posts: 66 ✭✭✭ Junior

    I just hope Griffith, UGADad20 and a few others here aren't on his jury.

  • kirkhilleskirkhilles Posts: 1,117 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I would seriously suggest that Bennett joins AA whether he has a real problem or not. If he were to do that, it could be a positive thing for his image.

    He needs to show NFL teams that he is ready to quickly adapt and grow. Stubbornness is not something he wants to be viewed as.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    Could be. Not trying to chest thump cause it’s nothing to chest thump about. But I was Ga. Dept. Of Corrections for nearly 12 years. Though I worked at different facilities in different capacities I was primarily in Prison Boot Camp, back when it first started. Ga. was the first state to have a Boot Camp. I was tough but fair on the Inmates in my charge. I tried my level best to mentor them to go on to a better life after getting out. Several families wrote the Warden commending me for my work with the Inmates. I was commentated but the then Gov. of the State Of Ga. I dealt with young guys from the ghetto and rich little guys from prominent families, and everything in between. I had Two Inmates that had been in the NFL. Had one that I remember from Clemson and one from FSU. Also had at one time a former World Kick Boxing Champion. Earlier in my career I had Inmates for pretty much every crime one can think of. Many of the guys I had were just plain Mean, pure Wicked. But there were quite a few in for being just Foolish. Anyhow I saw with my own eyes and heard the stories of guys that just threw their lives away. I hated every second of it. But the back then they had the ole Don’t Forget Hire A Vet, well they Forgot. It was the best job I could get at the time. By the grace of God I was able to transfer to another State Agency where I put in nearly 15 more years, and ultimately developed allot of health problems and retired. I saw so many young men lives pretty much ruined forever. I actually ran into some of my former Inmates and the thanked me over and over again for trying to help them get things together. The ones I ran into outside the prison were the fortunate ones, who had probably got it together. Unfortunately the bigger percentage spend most of their lives in and out of prison. I sure Hope I made a difference. I didn’t powder puff those guys, I was tough on Em but fair to, I didn’t try to treat them like animals either. Allot of people just don’t relaxin how fast that circumstances can put them in prison. Wrong place, Wrong time, being with the Wrong people. That’s Why I preach the Stop & Think mantra so hard. I don’t mean to get on people’s nerves with that. It’s just my Hope that Maybe a younger person will take that to heart. P.S. I had some friends that were adults that Never grew up, their in the cemetery now. Course You Know all this is not directed At You, I’m just putting down thoughts. I have TONS of respect for You Bro. As I Know what a man has to be to do what You did in the Navy !! You were part of some of the Navy’s very best !! An Elite group !!

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,138 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    One of the many things in life that I would Hope we’d all want to aspire to, is Try as best we can to help others not to make the same ( or much worse) mistakes that We made. Course I know and appreciate that we have to be careful about preaching to people. Coming on To strong. People want to be free to make their own decisions. And being young doesn’t equate to being s t u p I d. I get that. I wanted to do my own thing a million years ago when I was young to Lol !! But don’t be to quick to brush off the ole folks advice either. Clothing styles change, hair styles, the slang words or buzz words, technology, etc. etc. but in many, many ways a young guy Now is similar to a young guy from 60 years ago or 80 years ago or more. Ole folks in the basics have already been where young folks have Yet to go in the basics of life. Give the ole folks an attentive ear for a little bit, and take the things they say to heart. You just might be glad you did !!

  • Run_Lindsey_RunRun_Lindsey_Run Posts: 51 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited January 2023

    @87dawg - I expect a ton of down votes so have at it. Herschel Walker is a huge embarrassment to UGA ... on so many fronts. I used to think otherwise. However, he has shown a continued pattern of bad judgement and poor decision making. These are not the makings of a GOAT. If you want to just carve out his college career and isolate it from the rest of his life, Herschel was a VERY good college player. Not even close to GOAT though. Exciting? Yes. Powerful runner? Of course. But it kind of stops there as starting in 2017, Walker has made the false claim that he had graduated from University of Georgia "in the top 1% of his class". In fact, he did not graduate, and left college to join the USFL. He did not return to complete his degree. No GOAT for you from me, Herschel.

  • E_RocE_Roc Posts: 1,248 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    A guy who came in on the portal like a week ago, and a guy who's not even on the team anymore getting arrested for being drunk a thousand miles away. Take deep breath, it's going to be ok.

  • khummelkhummel Posts: 903 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    I often agree with many of your points/observations, but not so sure about this one. I'm certainly not declaring Bennett is GOAT at Georgia, but to summarily dismiss the idea isn't being objective. I loved Herschel's playing days and extraordinary accomplishments (I was at all those games, and he dated my girlfriend's roommate), and it's possible no other college football player will match the combination of his pure athletic ability and work ethic. But let's face it, his playbook consisted of run up the middle, toss left/right, and leap over the middle. Arguably the best ever at that, but an average blocker and receiver, and not terribly complicated. Bennett, on the other hand, had a superior support cast, but someone needs to put those players in position to do their thing. Bennet had solid physical skills to both throw and run, but best of all used his football IQ to read defenses at the line of scrimmage and beyond... every game, every play, with every opponent playing their best and gunning for your top-ranked team, with similarly amazing results. I can make a pretty decent case for either dude as GOAT, and surely DGDs despite some **** behavior after their playing days were done. Go Dawgs!

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,484 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 2023

    Thanks, Man. You too.

    I didn't know all that about you. I knew, like me, you were a Vet...but, I had no idea you were a prison guard. You have to be tough...and have your head on a swivel 24/7 to do that job. Much respect, my Friend. How did you stay sane, surrounded by all that "evil"? Lol

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