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Report: Stetson Bennett attempted to hide from Dallas police, details emerge



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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,669 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Athletes drink-duh, athletes drink too much at times-duh. Most 25 yr.old NC winners, don't get arrested at 6:30 in the morning, in a strange neighborhood banging on doors, and when the cops show up, they hide from the police. It's like, he just can't handle his business. I love SB. But it's just a really bad look as to personal responsibility when you're about to, in essence, apply for the biggest job of your life.

    Think in terms of yourselves graduating with your degree and you're appying for your dream job and then you have to answer for this. Face palm.

    If not for that, if not for him being arguably "the face" of the Dawgs, then it's not news worthy. Just some regular Smoe not handling his business. SB screwed up a couple of times in recent days. Not as bad as JC did, but as has been stated, he is a few years older.

    Just my opinion, but I hope that I would have been advised to come out publicly and explain the situation, say how wrong I was and I will learn and grow from this experience and wham, it's over. Just confess over celebrating with friends and you're sorry for what you did. It's over.

    The silence does more harm than good, IMHO.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,444 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    What difference does it make, if he's 20 or 25? He doesn't have anymore true "life experience" than ANY of his teammates. He's been going to College, for 5 yrs...living in a Football cocoon, with tunnel vision and going to class. Which is what's required, to get your team 2 Natty's.

    Where's the support and gratitude?

    The kid was 19 when he graduated HS and turned 20 before he played the part of Baker Mayfield, in the 2017 CFP Bowl preparations. He's a late bloomer as most small town, South Georgia students ARE.

    His life experience isn't yours...so, don't judge so harshly. He just took your team to the Promised Land, two years in a row. How about getting in Bennett's corner, for a change? You know...actually provide the same "benefit of the doubt" you would want for your kid.

    Ask yourself this...What do I benefit from Bennett's failure? If the answer is..."it would prove me right about him, all along"...then I question your motivation for leaping to worst case conclusions.

    I'm sure, most of these accusations will be put to bed, when we get the whole story...IF we get the whole story. We are not "entitled", but, he would be well advised to get out in front of this ASAP. There may be a reason, of which we are not aware, that he hasn't done that yet.

    It's possible, he was involved with this "racing thing". It's also possible, he's morning the loss of 2 very close friends. We all deal with death in our own way. I say...wait till all the smoke clears and allow these boys to deal with their feelings...BEFORE we start piling-on. It will keep some of you from having to "eat crow", later. Lol

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    1946Dawgshappened1946Dawgshappened Posts: 66 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Based on your posts, I'm sure you believe you have all the answers. Shame you don't know how arrogant and dumb you sound.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,444 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Lol..."arrogance & ignorance" is a bad combo, alright. Reminds of an old quote..."it's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".

    In fairness...@UGADad20 comes up with some pretty good observations, every now and then. Lol

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    1946Dawgshappened1946Dawgshappened Posts: 66 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Hey UGADad20, I thought you said Stetson had a weak arm yet he just tied Will Levis, you know the guy with a cannon? So it seems like I was right, You really don't know much.

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