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Georgia wide receiver De’Nylon Morrissette arrested on multiple driving related charges



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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,766 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I assume your comment about this "young man" is in response to my statement. As usual you missed the point.

    Like I said my 1st thought was to let him go and make a statement to the team. UGA is deep at WR and DMO is way down the depth chart. But I really don't have a strong opinion on it. It is not my problem. It's CKS's. And that's not CKS's style. So I didn't weigh in either way.

    Based on the last year I do agree w/ @CandlerPark , a statement needs to be made. What UGA football leadership has been doing is obviously not working. I can count 6 arrests, off the top of my head, in the last year. And 2 tragic deaths. Is this the incident to make the statement on? Probably not.

    Your statement about a marijuana smoker being a "one off" incident is truly laughable. Guys don't smoke pot once and quit.

    Times are changing but I do believe if you are a pot smoker on the UGA team your days as a UGA player are numbered.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,423 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Your statement about a marijuana smoker being a "one off" incident is truly laughable. Guys don't smoke pot once and quit.____ugadad

    Lol...As usual...you misquoted what I said. I didn't say a particular drug..."marijuana"...cause, I don't know...and, nether do you. How would you know, whether "guys don't smoke pot once and quit"? Lmao....which guys?

    Sure they can hit it once, and quit. Clinton did. He said so....oh, wait...HE "didn't inhale". Nevermind, I can't think of anybody else...other than people I know.

    Listen...this has been fun. But, I actually agree with you. Let's just wait and see what comes of it, before we torch the guy...or defend him. That's all I'm sayin'. Seems a little reactionary. Or...MAYBE...over-reactionary...at THIS point...in HIS case. We'll see.

    IMO...If anybody can can figure this out...and straightened it out...Kirby can. He has an uncanny connection with this age group...and more particularly, the guys in his Program.

    I don't believe for one minute, that this "youth problem" is isolated to Athens, Ga.. it's going on all across the Country, in one way and another. Because of their success...UGA's little problems stand out, cause they're under a microscope. So, now...UGA "has a culture problem"??? I don't buy it. Not with General Smart, in Command.

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    Bdw3184Bdw3184 Posts: 12,727 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    “A person that will do something so incredibly stoopid like this must not value their football scholarship very much. I'm certainly not hating on this young man, not at all, but he has to learn that what he did has severe consequences here at UGA.”

    Agree with this statement 100%!!

    I’m not sure that kicking him off the team is the answer…..at least, I don’t know enough about the situation to say that he needs to be kicked off…

    And, I agree that Coach Kirby will give this young man all the “help” that he can (he has certainly shown that he will do that), whether it is educational help or disciplinary help, or both…..

    But after that, the young man needs to step up and understand that he is a part of a team…that his actions affect his teammates both on and off the team and that to think otherwise is truly selfish.

    THAT is the lesson that I hope is learned by him and all his teammates and I trust that Coach Kirby and his staff will drive that lesson home!

    Go Dawgs!

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,766 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    "youth problem"? So if this is "going on all over the country" then it is okay? UGA should aspire to this? UGA should just fall in line with this trend? You think CKS is okay doing that? I thought CKS was about building the best program.

    Name another program that has had 6 arrests and 2 resulting fatalities in the last year.

    "UGA's little problems". What a ridiculous comment. Tell that to the 2 families that buried their children.

    You do realize that UGA staffers were shuttling players (and possibly recruits) from a **** club the night of the fatal accident that resulted from racing. That is the definition of lack of institutional control. The fact that UGA will be paying out on this proves it. I wonder what Sammy Brown's mom (and other recruit mom's) think of UGA staffer's taking recruits to a **** club?

    "UGA's little problems". But then most of your post's contain ridiculous comments. I wonder what the percentage of pot smokers is who smoke once and quit? LOL You can bet the house it as close to zero as you can possibly get. Ridiculous, as usual.

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    truthtellertruthteller Posts: 228 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Time to take away all driving from these kids! Use Uber!

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,423 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Lol...when did you hear me say, "it was OKAY, cause everybody else is doin' it"? YOU DON'T L I S T E N, do you? Too busy trying to think of what you're gonna write, next...to pay attention to what you're reading??? Lol

    Let me break this down, for you, so that it's easier to consume, my little brother (Lol)....

    My point was....

    GIVEN: All Programs deal with these "off-field issues"

    GIVEN: All HC's & AD'S have a program to "intervene, educate & influence" each Student-Athlete. A "Prevention Program", if you will. The military has a ton of em, too.

    if the issue was studied with respect to other SEC programs...with an honest accounting of all off-field issues at all 14 (16) Universities...

    I would bet Kirby Smart's "Prevention Program" is one of the most successful out there, despite some recent events. I don't know if these things are quantified for evaluation...but, if they are, UGA's probably in the bottom 25%, with respect to "number of issues per student-athlete per year". And...that's a "good thing".

    Nobody is going to be able to keep 100 high profile "kids", with overactive chemistry going on in their brains and bodies, living in a pressure-cooker...from making an occasional mistake. That's an unreasonable expectation for the Coach and the Kids.

    These type things..."The Morrissette Issue"...aren't REAL crimes. They are, were and probably always will be...part of the "growing up process".

    I'm not excusing it...NOT condoning it. Just pointing out it's not as bad as it seems. It's life in College for a "Young Man" trying to find his way in the world. And, this incident will...should, go a long way in helping Morrissette and his teammates, become Men.

    That being said...I AM a little shocked, that it happened so soon, after "BlackJanuary"...when the Dawgs lost Devin and Bowles...and JDJ's racing charge.

    I can't explain that...except to say...there may be a shift in the mentality of young people, brought on by recent events that took place during the Pandemic. I never had to sit out a year or two, when I was in HS, due to an "apocalypse". Lol. Any News Channel you turned to, had a body count...and, "We're all gonna die...if you leave your house, you're a Murderer"...Yada, Yada, Yada.

    Kids today have a unique perspective and mindset. One that you and I can't possibly comprehend, because we have nothing to compare it to...except a Zombie Movie, maybe. Lol

    When we were kids...we thought we were "invincible". These kids today, were exposed to their own mortality much sooner than the rest of us...so, I'm not sure what brain malfunction allowed Morrissette to do what he did, 4 months after his teammate died....but, I guarantee you Kirby is trying to put HIS finger on the pulse of the problem, as we speak.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,423 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    UBER!!!??? Lol...they've got enough money to own a fleet of cars WITH professional drivers, to drive these players wherever they want to go.

    So...yeah! I absolutely agree. Remove that ONE constant from the equation and you cut your problems in half.

    BUT...how does that help these "Kids" become "Men"? You have to allow young people a choice and hope you did a good job of educating them to make the "right choice"...the "adult decision". If they didn't learn anything from the education...and, they survived "the mistake"...they'll hopefully learn from "the mistake" and after-treatment. That's part of the human condition. Lol

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Just my humble opinion yall. Honestly I sure don’t have all the right answers, maybe not even one right answer.

    But To Me, speaking For Me, institutions whether it be a school or a business or what ever, have limits to their level of responsibility for an Individual’s actions in life. Now many, many times that level of responsibility can be Very high.

    For example if I’m a business owner I can be sued because of one of my employee’s negative actions. So it would as a business owner be in my best interest to have an established set of standards and/or rules that my employees Must abide by as terms of their employment.

    Similar things can be said of educational institutions. Even religious institutions. So when a person fails to adhere to those standards and/or rules, ALL we as the person in charge or owner etc. can do is administer the level of punishment that we have established that is commensurate with the infraction, what ever that might be.

    SO will that Stop other people from making infractions ?? Will that Stop the person that has Already committed an infraction from doing so again ?? In my opinion the answer to both scenarios is NO, not necessarily. All it will do, Hopefully, is Limit the number and severity of violations.

    So what then ?? It boils down to Individual Personal Responsibility. When the rubber hits the road, no pun intended, only YOU can Really control YOUR decisions and actions !!

    This is something our govt. either doesn’t know or refuses to accept and/or both. They can set down all the well intended laws they want to, but Some people will Still violate those laws. Even when a person has violated the laws to the point either by number of times or severity of infraction, that they are removed from our society, ( incarcerated) many times those persons will violate the law Even Again !! Though thankfully many will have finally got their life together and won’t ever violate the law again.

    What then ?? The Reality is that Some people No Matter how hard their parents and mentors, peers, preached to them, and no matter what standards and rules were set in place, Are going to Violate them !! It is what it is.

    ALL we can do as a society, parents, mentors, peers, etc. is Preach what’s right, Pray and Hope. ALL that various institutions can do is set down practical, well structured, reasonable standards and rules, And ENFORCE THOROUGHLY those standards, rules, laws, and Hope to Limit the number and severity of violations.

    And when those standards and rules are violated put in action the punishment commensurate to the number and/or severity of the violation or plural there of.

    When we as a society and parents, mentors, peers, institutions, set down standards and/or rules, and the punishments for violations of those we Should be Extremely Careful that we don’t punish or impose on the lives of Law Abiding people !!

    One thing that I’d love to see in our society, Especially by our government, is the Thorough Enforcement of all the laws Already on the books, rather than in a knee jerk reaction, And to give the appearance of “doing something” simply enact yet Another law.

    Our govt. in my opinion is a vivid example of enacting To Many laws that have spilled over into imposing on and limiting the lives of people who have tried hard to abide by the law and those who have no intention of violating the law.

    One last thing in my Novel here. I think we should be careful about calling YOUNG Men and Women, kids. No they might not have reached full maturity, that’s very true. Different people mature fully at different ages. But we’ve had countless Young men and women serve in our military, many in combat at age 17 !!

    As y’all know, and this has been in place for years and years. A person with their parents signed consent, Can enter the military at age 17. Many have done just that !! Some have actually Died at that age in service to their country.

    TO US that are older, Yeah they are kids. But we need to be careful about saying that in front of them, and especially instilling that Idea in their minds. Because If and When they do get in trouble they will quickly use that as an excuse. They’ll say “Well after all I’m just a kid”.

    NO !! If you are old enough to make your own decisions, and old enough to partake of the Good from your decisions, then your old enough to accept responsibility to Abide by standards and rules, AND accept responsibility when YOU make the decision to Violate those standards and/or rules.

    Many of these young men are given and accept a scholarship to one of the finest educational institutions in our country, maybe even the world, the UGA.

    When they are being recruited they are treated like grand potentates or dignitaries. There for they Must accept the standards and rules that go with such a Wonderful opportunity. And if They CHOOSE to violate the standards, the rules, the civil laws, then THEY have to accept the responsibility of their Negative actions, just as they Gladly accepted the Wonderful Opportunity when THEY made Chose to accept a scholarship from the UGA. It is what it is.

    We ALL have responsibilities. That’s just life. When we fail to accept and abide by those it Can be death. Sorry so long !! P.S. It is Personal Individual Responsibility that is Terribly lacking in our society !! People want ALL the good things that life has to offer Given to them, with No sense of responsibility, and feel they are being treated unjustly when THEY Choose to violate standards, rules, laws, and Then face the consequences of Their negative decision. Fortunately that’s not ALL people, but sadly to many.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,766 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    @BigDawg61 Now you are going to blame it on the pandemic? LOL Do you really believe that "isolating" at home with their families, cell phones, TV's, video games, internet, snap chat, tik tok , etc etc has caused young people to make bad decisions or become brain damaged in some way?

    You never fail to make a post without a ridiculous statement.

    Let's see if I can connect the dots for you that are so obvious Stevie Wonder could connect them.

    AGilbert drives a MB AMG63 600 hp (wrecked in '22 on campus - see aTm parking garage racing)

    Jalen Carter drives a Jeep Trackhawk 700 hp

    Morrissette Dodge Charger 300 to 700+ hp

    Now sure what JDJ drives but chances are good it has 400+ hp.

    I bet every UGA player has seen all the Fast and Furious movies. AND have seen more than 1 episode of the TV show Street Outlaws.

    Name another program that has had 6 arrests and 2 resulting fatalities in the last year. Go ahead I'll wait.

    "UGA's little problems". What a ridiculous comment. Tell that to the 2 families that buried their children.

    I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall of President Jere Morehead when he called Kirby into his office after the accident. It could not have been too pleasant for Kirby. It won't be pleasant for UGA when the cases are heard and settlements paid.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @UGADad20 NOT talking about the debate part between you and @BigDawg61, but there is Truth in allot of what you’ve said. But I don’t think Kirby and UGA have a permanent problem vs other schools, key word “permanent”.

    He and they do at this moment in time, but it’s only a matter of time you (we) will start hearing about equally if not more so problems at other big schools.

    I’m Not saying that Kirby and UGA can’t do more. Maybe they can. Maybe they should. But in the end it’s all about Personal Individual Responsibility. You can’t force Some people to stay away from trouble.

    There’s always gonna be those who just won’t listen, just won’t open their eyes to see. So all Kirby and UGA can do is Try to limit the number and severity of infractions.

    I will say that like our govt. he and they should Thoroughly Enforce the policies already in place before adding “new” standards, rules, regulations etc.

    Any new policies should be Very carefully considered and examined so as not to stifle the freedoms of players who have Not got in any trouble nor have any desire to.

    But realistically Even if they enforce the rules with maximum punishment, you’ll have Some that will come back and pull Another stunt !! That should be a situation that No Matter how talented, No Matter how popular with the fan base, you show that player the door !!

    There are Allot of great young people out there that never have and never will get in trouble. But Some will get in trouble no matter how hard we preach to them, no matter how much we try to counsel them.

    NOW when those that get in trouble do so. NO don’t just throw Em away. Pray for Em. Continue to Try to help them. But DONT let them become an infectious cancer to the rest of the program (young men).

    As painful as it is, they Must, they Have to accept the Responsibility of their negative actions, just like the Happiness they had when they made the positive decision to accept a scholarship. And we shouldn’t let them off the hook by saying “ Oh it’s all OK, after all your JUST a kid”. NO !!

    So as not to be a blaring hypocrite I to Did Stoopid things, BUT I paid out the nose for them all by myself, and I didn’t Expect or Demand sympathy from no one. Plus I finally got the message in my Bone Head, but at terrible costs.

    No I never killed anyone or raped or molested or done time. But I did do some very bad and Stoopid things, some of which I probably Could have done time for. So by the Grace Of God goeth I.

    Had I been let off the hook though more than apt I would have saw that as acceptance by people in authority and done More bad and Stoopid things. Those in authority badly fail when they send That message !!

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,423 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    Lol...do a little research, why dontcha'. Debating your brain, is like fighting a one armed man. Use the logic side, this time.

    If you think we sauntered through that "Pandemic period" with no effect...well, you can just standby, with most of the other mental midgets that allowed kids to be kept home, to keep em from gettin' a darned cold. On, the computer and phone, no less??? Now, who's being dense? Lol

    And, I'm not "blaming" anything on "The pandemic". Just pointing out, it is and will be, a prevailing factor....and, one that we've never experienced before. It has nothing to do with a particular "action"...but, translates more to "mindset".

    The likelihood could be "higher" or "lower", that a kid living through that era was negatively effected. We won't know, for probably another 10 to 15 years...in hindsight. It also depends on "the kid" and "the environment".

    "LOL Do you really believe that "isolating" at home with their families, cell phones, TV's, video games, internet, snap chat, tik tok , etc etc has caused young people to make bad decisions or become brain damaged in some way?"____ @UGADad20

    Now, who's making "ridiculous statements"? Good job!

    Giving you full credit for the words above....my resounding answer is....not yes...but, HELL YES!

    Every family didn't have a bunch of phones, or two or 3 computers to share...or a Parent to stay home and make sure the kids were doing what they were supposed to do. Some couldn't afford food, rent and utilities...much less internet or phone service.

    They don't talk about "those people" on the news. You only hear about the success stories...because that's politics, baby. And, in this day and age...that trumps everything, cause it's all about maintaining "The Narrative"...not the truth. It's like we're living in some twisted matrix. Lol

    But it's wise to keep it in mind and measure pre-pandemic criminality against post-pandemic criminality. Cause and effect.

    My bet is on "negative effect", particularly on the kids of that era...but, that's just me. I've got a brain that can access both sides at the same time. Everything is not "black & white". There's a LOT of grey, right now. The impact of the "Pandemic Lock down" on the kids of that generation hasn't even begun to come into focus, yet. But, there is clearly a "different mindset", among our youth. How could there "not be"? We just aren't sure what it is, yet. IMO

    But, to say that it has "nothing to do with it"...is asinine and short-sighted. Why you would even want to debate that point, is beyond me. But, I'll listen.

    One more thing...you think Morehead...a mere Administrator...called "Kirby Smart"...multimillion dollar, 2-time National Championship HC...into HIS office? Lmao...what planet do YOU live on? The Athletic Director and HIS staff are more responsible for the deaths of Willock and Bowles than Kirby Smart. It was HIS department's vehicle and HIS staff member driving. If he DID call him in...it was to apologize. But, it's more likely Morehead visited Kirby's office along with the AD...or Skyped him. Lol

    I'll take this time to point out...Willock and McClendon did "nothing wrong". For all we know they were asleep, when the whole thing happened. It's far more likely that Bowles and Carter just got a wild hair on their way back and bad stuff happened. I'm so sorry for their loss it hurts. I know what their family and friends are experiencing. But...it was an ACCIDENT!

    It's not like they were "throwin' down" or "drifting". If they were...there are better places to do it, where there's no traffic. Put two and two together...use your head.

    BTW...as for other Universities...see Alabama. 1 death, in February...2 players arrested...not to mention Eli Rick's being arrested, this time last year, for virtually the same thing they charged Morrissette with. And, that's just off the top of my head. Lol

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,642 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    So i get down voted twice for saying get him some help? Lol! I should of said I suppose don’t get him help. Let the upvotes begin!

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,766 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 2023

    @BigDawg61 there is too much ridiculousness and lack of reality in your post to take any time to refute it. It would be useless to try and reason with you.

    UGA is way bigger than football. CKS was definitely talked to about what the multiple football indiscretions has done for the reputation of the University of Georgia. They have cast a very unfavorable light upon the entire University. A University of higher learning. Not a University of football. I am sure CKS was embarrassed before he was even talked to.

    So your god, Kirby runs and is above everything at UGA but the death of a football player and a football staffer is the "AD and HIS staff " fault? Okay, gotcha.

    Oh and they were "asleep" in a racing car going over 100mph? (AJC story). Ridiculous.

    We are talking about the incidences of UGA football players. Not the masses below the poverty line. That's when I know you got nothing when you grasp at straws to defend another ridiculous statement. BTW UGA players live like kings in their on campus world. Have you seen their facilities? Before the pandemic. during the pandemic and after the pandemic.

    You wanna know why there is more crime now than before the pandemic? Way more than any pandemic effect is because the country is going soft on crime. If there are no consequences there is no reason not to.

    AL had 1 death and 2 arrests. I am still waiting for 6 (not counting AGilberts wreck) arrests and 2 deaths. Yeah that's what I thought. So apparently UGA leads the field in off field incidences. May be a time to look at changes in the program.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,423 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You don't seem to have enough brain cells, to pick up, what I'm puttin' down, without getting defensive. I think I'll just let this one go. Lol

    Go Dawgs!...and Lord Kirby. Lol

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