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Georgia football 2024 SEC schedule announced



  • David1David1 Posts: 811 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    How did bama get Vandy and they keep complaining? And poor Vandy, they might not win a game in the sec next year.

  • zonadawg61zonadawg61 Posts: 432 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    I like it. Kirby needs these games to get the players lathered up. Mission accomplished. Better for the players, and better for the fans.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    The '24 season is gonna be tough on the Dawgs...with Clemson, Ga Tech, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee and Auburn. Then throw Texas in on top of that...smh...they may have the toughest overall schedule in the '24 College Season.

    Good thing, they won't have to play LSU & Carolina that year, too. Ole Miss should be an interesting match-up, assuming Kiffin will still be there. And, there's no-telling how good Tech will be in two years, after last year's coaching change.

  • ugachrisugachris Posts: 24 ✭✭ Sophomore

    There is still an unwritten rule that the Dawgs can never, ever visit College Station, TX

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
  • DawgCrazy76DawgCrazy76 Posts: 568 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Tough and hard is what we like, iron sharpens iron the Dawgz will be ready. Sic'em. 😎

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    They don't have to worry about "sharpening" the blade anymore. Much to TCU's dismay, UGA was upgraded to "Vibranium", after the OSU game last year. 🤣🤣

  • Oldddawg76Oldddawg76 Posts: 393 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Just when I thought it was safe for my Larry Munson trained self to go back in the water...

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We definitely are up there in the top 5. Thankfully, Florida is continuing to burn and GT is now like Vandy. We've got Tennessee at home and MSU at home both most likely victories. Actually not too concerned about Clemson. They are just not a line of scrimmage team anymore. Barring a complete meltdown we should beat Texas and we have a fair chance to beat Bama.

    This is all assuming Beck or Griff is our qb. If our qb is not one of those guys then that changes everything imo.

    With Beck or Griff 10-2 or 11-1.

    Without Beck or Griff 9-3 or 8-4.

    Experience and maturity matters especially on the road.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    IMO...by the time 2024 comes around...Bama's program could be pretty close to, what Clemson's Program is, right now.

    Whether Tide fans, like it or not...the "Saban retirement rumors" are having an impact on Bama's recruiting. Yeah...they still get the "4 and 5 star athletes"...but, unlike previous years...they aren't necessarily the "4 and 5 star athletes" that Saban wants. That's bigger than most people realize....just ask Jim-Bob Fisher. Lol

    As far as Tech and Clemson...it's a little hard to see what they're gonna have in '24, right now. Mostly due to direction change and restructuring. We'll see during this season, which direction they are headed in, and whether that upward/downward trajectory will continue in '24.

    I think SC is gonna take a big step forward this year, with Spencer Rattler at the helm...but, will that improvement continue into '24? Who knows. Lol...you could say that about virtually every team, but a handful. IMO.

    For instance...we know that UGA, LSU and Bama, will field competitive teams, just based on recruiting, coaching stability and recent history. Everybody else has elements of instability in their programs. With a Coaching Staff overhaul...Bama could actually be one of those bubble teams by the time the '24 season rolls around.

    BYW...Frankly, I don't believe it's gonna matter who the QB is, as long as he doesn't make a lot of mistakes and give the ball and the game away. Lol...I don't think the Dawgs have a quarterback, like that...so, no problem.

    Defense, running game, Defense, running game, Defense, running game...uhoh...pass. That's the ticket to the CFP. Lol

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Saban did sign like 9 5 stars so they will be loaded for next 3-4 years regardless. So not sure how much of a fall off there is. Regardless, Dabo, Sarky or some other very successful coach will take the reigns so I'm not convinced much will change there. I still think Saban coaches another 4-5 years and wins at least 1 more. The teams that benefit the most when he retires is Auburn and Tennessee.

    I would bet even odds of Texas winning the SEC or going 6-6 in the next 3 years. Just not sure how that is going to end. I feel like OU also will most likely struggle. In 2024 the SEC gave them a pretty favorable home schedule but imagine if you flip those homes for aways in '25. They might get crushed. Something to think about and not just for them. Florida looks like they may get crushed in '24 and that will be it for Napier. LSU has the best schedule of the top teams. Auburn is going to get crushed again and it is just fine with me.

    There is no easy path for anyone but if I were to predict the 2 in the championship game in 24 I would say LSU and the winner of the Georgia Alabama game.

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    I get what you're saying. The question in my mind, is...'did he get the 9 5-stars (& 4-stars) that he targeted'. How many did Kirby get, that he wish he had...and, vice versa.

    Also, the guys on that team, right now...are guys that were recruited and signed by someone not on the team anymore....O'Brian (OC) and Golden (DC) & Co..

    Nick is virtually starting from scratch. I don't care how many "camp exercise videos" the Alabama PR Department distributes, desperately trying to stop-the-bleeding...there's no way, I'm going to believe he has the same "fire" that drove him to excellence at Mich St, LSU or when he took over Bama in 2007. Neither do most recruits and their Mothers and Fathers.

    To add to the workload, he doesn't have the defensive support that he had during his last OC/DC "transition". He missed on those 2 hires and still wound up with an 2 SECC and a Natty....so, I don't put ANYTHING out of Nick Saban's reach. Lol...Nothing. IMO...Saban and Smart are both originals...one-of-a-kind. Neither one can be "replaced" in their respective Programs.

    Nick has "none" of the coaches around him, that helped him succeed at Bama over the years. And, there have been many good ones....Smart, Pruitt, Mel Tucker, Scott Cochran. And, that's just a few, in a small window, on the defensive side. Same, on offense, with the likes of Lane Kiffin and Sarkisian.

    Who does Saban have now, to help him guide Bama back to where he HAD His team...and where Kirby HAS His team. Keep in mind, we're talking about an intense amount of focus and work to create a culture of leadership with an attitude of "patient aggression" and "team first brotherhood"...by EVERYBODY on the team.

    Saban knows how to build a winning organization...just like Kirby. Knowing how and putting in the work to make it happen, are two different things. He has two new Coordinators, he has to train, now...along with their support staff. The team lost their best and brightest leaders, in the draft. With Young, Anderson, Gibbs and the others, gone....who'll step up?

    The odds are not in "Saban's favor", this year. And, if he doesn't "HIT" on these 2 Coordinator hires and a quarterback...next year and the next, aren't lookin' so good, either. In fact, they are against him. That probably scares the hell out of everybody...but, Kirby Smart. Lol

    I'll remind you that the two guys you mentioned for the Bama job, should Saban step down...Sark and Sweeney are both facing issues of their own. Sark has been wallowing in mediocrity in Texas and Dabo's doing the same, now that his Defensive Coordinator's gone. Fisher...Lol...'nuff said.

    Sarkisian, Sweeney, Fisher...all were LUCKY (IMO) with their timing and recruiting, during a fairly short window. Teams built on a "single concept offense" and "a world class QB" (uninjured), with "world class receivers".....and, defense.

    Sweeny was "lucky" to have Pete Vinables (or, however it's spelled) running his defense. Dabo's a heck of a recruiter, though. He got "Lucky" with a string of great QB's. Looks like Lady Luck said "see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya" after the 2020 season....when he lost Vennables and his last great QB (Trevor Lawrence).

    Lol...I still remember the Dr Pepper commercial with Clemson's new QB headlining the ad campaign. And, I'm shaking my head, thinking........

    "Seriously???...this DJ kid only played 1 game, last year...on the flip side..."UGA's Daniels" STARTED for USC during the 2018 season...plus a game in '19, before getting injured. He almost pulled off an upset win, against a highly ranked (& hyped) Notre Dame team looking to make the playoffs, in 2018. And, he did it in the last game of the season. What did DJ Ukalali...or, whatever his name is..."DO", to earn this kind of publicity other than make all the ESPN HYPE SHOWS?"

    Lol...haven't had a Dr Pepper, since.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I think Nick has another run or 2 in him. It is hard to screw up that many good players. Like many, after his next one I think he hangs it up. Then you can find him hanging out at Lake Burton or out fishing somewhere in the gulf.

    I do agree on Dabo though. I think he struck lightning and with Venables as his DC he had the defense to complement the 2 great qbs. Could it happen again for Clemson? Sure, but I doubt it.

    Dabo might be an 'interim' solution for Alabama as HC after Nick retires. Something to ponder...

  • BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,486 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited June 2023

    As far as Saban goes...I really hope you are right. Superman has his Lex Luther...Batman has the Joker....and, as long as Kirby has Nick. The world is in balance. Lol

    I look forward to seeing those two face off on opposite sidelines for years to come...unless. I don't know...this just feels like "dejavu" all over again, with Bear Bryant, in the late '70's. And, I just can't shake the feeling, that Bama's program is headed in the wrong direction and "Saban retirement rumors" aren't helping. That's a new problem for Nick. Let's see how he handles it.

    BTW...in '77-'78...people were saying the same stuff about The Bear...and he answered with an SECC and Natty in '79 running out of the wishbone, with a heck of a defense. Saban seems to be cut from the same cloth as Bear...so... hold on to your hat...this MAY be his "Swan Song Year". If it is, he and Kirby could very well face each other twice...again...in the SECCG and CFP.

    That being said...The Ole Bear had more to work with at the time than Saban does now. So...take it with a grain of salt. Lol

    I think we'll all have a better idea of Bama's direction, about halfway through this coming season. Right now, we're just spit-ballin'. We don't know if Bama has even bottomed out, yet.

    When I say bottomed out...I'm talking about, like the Dawgs during the Goff Era...or like the Dawgs during the Richt Era. Either, a perennial 4-5 loss team...or a perennial 2-3 loss team, that misses the playoff. Bama...being one of ESPN's "darling favored ones"...likely, won't miss a shot at the Natty due to 2 or 3 losses the way Richt did.

    The truth is...Saban is very fortunate, NOT to have 4 or 5 losses over each of the last 2 years. By all rights, Auburn should have beaten them in the final game of 2021...and they should've missed the SECCG. But....they got "Lucky". It happens.

    I think Saban's luck has turned. I believe in "the law of averages". Saban & Bama are due for a few "down years"...and UGA's due for a couple of "up decades".

    Lol...coaches strive to control and mitigate the effects of "bad luck", with hard work, preparation and depth (among other things). However...you can never completely eliminate or disregard "the luck effect". IMO

    Again...I really hope you are right about Saban. I've been watching him real close...and, I'll tell you one thing..."I bet he's a helluva Poker Player". Lol

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    2-3 losses in the new conference schedule won't necessarily be an eliminator. So the change in format may extend Saban's time.

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