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NIL deals help fuel supercharged cars involved in Georgia football speeding incidents



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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "Going forward should a player have an egregious (> 15 mph over?) speeding ticket/arrest dismissal probably should be in order."

    That is really what your policy would be? Anyone who gets a ticket over 15 mph over should be kicked off the team for their first offense? Really?

    I simply think that is over the top. Well I guess you answered the question which is what I asked. I am frankly shocked at this admission.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm not arguing the stipulated facts....I'm arguing that the conclusions drawn from limited factual information is flawed. Some of the assumptions and speculations, are being presented as fact...so, they can be referenced as "fact", and not as the "opinions" that they are. That's how the media works, now.

    You, yourself used words like "assume" and phrases like "must be" and "indications of". Those aren't facts...they are conclusions. I'm just saying that unwarranted "conclusions" are being drawn based on one News organization's research and reporting. Actually....one "reporter's" research and reporting.

    If they really think there's an issue at UGA that is unique to UGA...seems like they would lay the facts out there, to show that. Just reporting on traffic violations by UGA Football Players over an 8 year period, tells me nothing without something to draw contrast against it.

    Like filming an airplane against a solid blue sky...vs...filming that same plane against a backdrop of clouds, to show relative motion.

    Or, taking a picture of a 10 foot Rattler on a backdrop of asphalt without holding a ruler, or hand, or dollar bill next to it for reference.

    Or...taking a photo of a fish while holding up in front of the lens and standing back. Lol...makes the fish look bigger.

    If that kind of faulty perception and alternate reality, can be formed with photographic arts...it can be done at least twice as easily with the written arts.

    I'm not going as far as saying the conclusions drawn are "wrong". I WILL say it's too soon with too little information, to draw any solid conclusions.

    All we can do, is "assume" and "speculate". It's one thing for you and I...and others on Dawg Nation to sssume and speculate. But, in my mind, it's quite another thing for the media to do it with their megaphone under the guise of "well researched truth & fact". Especially, when they refuse to address and, continue to ignore, relevant information.

    Like you said...you can only "assume" that 74 violations in an 8 year period is bad. Why are we left "to assume" that. It wouldn't take that much more, to go ahead and verify it....IF, they could.

    Just look at other programs over that same time frame. Is it "Less than", "Greater than"...or "equal to"? That's not too much information to ask for, in order to add context and corroboration to the assumptions flying around. Otherwise...what are we talking about it, for? Lol

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I wouldn't pay him any more attention on this issue. He has made it obvious that he wants to punish the hell out of every player for any offense and kick off everyone possible so we can be a clean program. You will never convince someone who wants to kick off a guy for a first time offense of 15 mph over the speed limit. With that low threshold applied to the entire university we would be losing a thousand kids a year from UGA. These other kids that wiz by me all the time in far less expensive cars. So I don't think it is just an expensive car issue either.

    Just kick everyone out from everything until we all drive the speed limit again. Problem solved.

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    GtheGreekGtheGreek Posts: 980 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Back in the 50's and 60's when Disney made movies that were worth watching, because they were entertaining and they taught useful lessons, I learned the answer to today conundrum...Bad Press. The Dawgs are the kings of the hill, top of the class, the pentacle of perfection and as such easy marks for take down. Today's media is on a sinking ship. Of course they will always shoot their lifeline at the highest possible target....The AJC airing The Dawgs dirty laundry is to be expected, along with the ESPN pundits, anonymous D-1 coaches, Gator fans and idiot Bama call ins on the Finebaum show. Yep, I remember it like it was last Sunday night. My mom, dad, brother, sister and Penny the pointer hanging on every word from Walt Disney's lips. It was Pinocchio and Jiminey Cricket was singing "Accentuate the Positive". To that end I'd love Dawgnation to highlight charitable endeavors of our DAWGS...starting with the DGD Fund!


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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023


    Problems are not unique to UGA. But having a similar problem at another institution does not excuse UGA from having a problem. They have a problem so we can have a problem is not setting the bar for excellence. UGA is trying very hard to set the bar for football excellence. At the expense of developing the teams standard for excellence off the field? After we leave the locker room we really don't care anymore?

    IF 74 speeding violations in 7.5 yrs IS accurate then that is a problem. None of us care what goes on at other schools. Only how UGA is dealing with what seems to be an ongoing problem. IF you have 10/yr you are not fixing the problem.

    74 violations over an 7.5 yr period IS bad. It shows that there is a problem that is not being addressed. It smacks of a coach that is looking the other way and "boy's will be boy's" mentality. It is a problem otherwise it would not be against the law. Now IF (IDK) UGA had 25 in '16 and 20 in '17 and 15 in '18 and 5 in '19 etc etc we could say that UGA is improving on solving the problem.

    Yes I am tired of talking about it. I am sure CKS is tired of talking about it. Obviously the UGA lawyers are tired of the AJC talking about it (how UGA runs their program). CKS/UGA has been forced to address PERCEIVED issues with the program. So much so that lawyers have gotten involved and CKS has discussed some changes and steps w/in the program to minimize any future issues.

    The biggest misstep would be if tragedy doesn't drive some positive change in the program.

    Is it being blown way out of proportion? IDK. It is not my problem to fix/program to run. CFB, in general, has a pretty **** reputation for under the table payments, win at all cost programs, negative recruiting, mistreatment of athletes, etc. CFB is not the high water mark for ethical behavior across the University educational system. We love our football. Maybe not enough people are asking "is this CFB or minor league NFL?" What is the price for building a winning program?

    But I am betting that CKS has learned a lesson about the spotlight at the top of the mountain. Expect some additional coaching and oversight over the program going forward.

    Watching the UGA/AJC duel play out over the last 5(?) weeks of the offseason (if it does) will be something to watch until the football starts.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    How would you know the difference between "excellent", average and unacceptably below standard....if you don't know where the bar is set, to begin with. That's kinda my point, right there.

    Lol...I look forward to that preseason game, myself.....UGA vs AJC.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,655 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    10 speeding violations per year on average among 100 players is a problem? 41 million Americans received speeding tickets last year. Bascially 12% of the population. 10 % of the UGA football team received a ticket per average. Looks like they're below the National aveage.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    From SDS today. Matt Hayes (the MG of SDS) :

    "You would think after a Georgia player and staffer were killed in January while speeding and recklessly racing, that would’ve been the moment Smart planted the flag and declared that the next person arrested for racing or reckless driving is off the team.

    But there was starting wide receiver Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint last week, pleading guilty in an Athens, Ga., court to driving 90 mph in a 45 mph zone — 2 months after he was cited twice in Florida for speeding 60 in a 40, and 71 in a 40.

    That same day, 5-star freshman recruit Samuel M’Pemba was ticketed for driving 88 mph in a 55 mph zone.

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that starting running back Kendall Milton has been ticketed 5 times since 2022, including 92 in a 64. All-American safety Javon Bullard has been ticketed 3 times, 1 that came with a DUI charge in 2022 that eventually earned a 1-game suspension.

    Redshirt freshman defensive lineman Christen Miller was ticketed in March for 95 in a 65."

    If that doesn't read like a problem that is not being addressed I am not sure what else I can say.

    IMO MRJ should have been kicked off the team and Milton too. Who else wants to speed? Not sure how people can keep their licenses with 3 and 5 excessive speeding tickets.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,655 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    What about you get what the Law says is the proper punishment? ANd let that be enough? Why should they be held to a higher standard than the Law?

    I seem to remember a certain QB who stole some Lobster or Crablegs and was accused of rape and missed one game and basically the local law enforcement didn't even pursue it. This is not that. THis is not a nothing, but is being made into a really big something. Somewhere lower on the reaction scale is what it deserves.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    So you aspire to have UGA be like FSU? Gotcha. Personally I think if you talk the talk about the standard of excellence you should also walk the walk. I am actually pretty shocked that CKS let what was reported today on SDS go on as long as it has. For his attention to detail everywhere else he certainly turned a blind eye to speeding/racing.

    Please tell me of another person you know who had 5 speeding tickets in the last year? Go ahead I'll wait.

    Based on the embarrassment caused to the university and the football program, clearly CKS's comments, and subsequent actions taken, show that he recognizes that there is a problem even if some fans refuse to admit it.

    Do you really want to continue to defend this as being okay? Hopefully no one else dies.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,655 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You obviously didn't comprehend what I said, I just used a total fiasco by way of comparison to speeding tickets, which according to a little research stated that 41 millions Americans received speeding tickets last year. That's 12% of the population. UGA guys received tickets according to what you posted at the rate of 10 %. THat would put that small sample size below the National average. Want to respond to that?

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,779 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "somewhere lower on the reaction scale is what it deserves". Tell that to Willock's and LeCroy's parents. Tell that to victim's parents of the next speeding/racing wreck.

    I will say it again so you can comprehend it. BREAKING THE LAW IS NOT OKAY JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE DOES IT! DUH! Is that clear enough for you?

    According to your stat's, UGA football is a % or 2 better than average. So you find it acceptable to aspire to being slightly better than average for UGA football players in any aspects of the UGA football program? If the team was 6-5 this year you would be satisfied with that?

    BTW nobody said you kick everybody off the team. Have you ever heard of weighted average? You have guys on UGA w/5 excessive speed tickets in a year and 3 excessive speed tickets in a few months time. Tell me Ace how many of your 41 million tickets meet that criteria?

    UGA administration and CKS have already acknowledged that what has been happening is NOT acceptable and NOT up to UGA program standards. THEY have acknowledged it has been a problem. Why can't you?

    In the future I would suggest that the Dawgnation Forum select another representative to defend its position. Every time you post something you look dumber.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    Okay....you could've said the same exact statement...10, 20...30 years ago. WHY IS IT A STORY, NOW...That ONLY highlights Georgia's problem.

    Particularly, when the problem obviously exists and has existed...EVERYWHERE, since the advent of the automobile and speed laws. Lol

    Why UGA? Why now? What do you expect a Head Football Coach to do about it, outside of the laws, rules and regulations that already exist. Anything else could constitute a Civil Rights Violation...especially in the "NIL/TP era". Bet that would make the AJC and ESPN front page.

    Maybe that's what they're trying to do to Kirby. Drag him into their WOKE world, where anything is justifiable as long as it can be "graded as a positive" for the "common good"...Including...ruining you, your name and everything you've built and hold dear. Through a constant barrage of negative publicity...downplaying and minimizing the positives. I recognize the method.

    They're ruthless and they're trying to take a bite out of Georgia...just like they tried to do with pulling the 2021 MLB All-Star Game from Atlanta.

    Or....maybe I'm just paranoid. Lol...my military training coming out.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Speeding isn't as "frowned on" as some of you seem to think.

    There are entire communities along the I-95 corridor and some inland US Routes, that have "speeding fines" built into their budgets. They count on it for revenue. In fact there are traps set to catch "unsuspecting speeders".

    Let's get real..."Speeding" and "fast automobiles" are as Americana as Apple pie and baseball.

    The Europeans built an Auto-Bon that allows for any speed you can handle...legally. Why haven't we, you ask?. Just read that 2nd paragraph again, to get the answer.

    As far as dying...nobody in their right mind sits around hoping for death. Nevertheless...we all have an appointment. The question you have to ask yourself, is..."Do I sit around, ringing my hands, worrying about it....or, do I shelve that thought...and get as much out of life as I can take?". That's a personal decision.

    Just like with anything else in life...decisions have results and consequences. As long as you are the only one that has to pay the price...I say, go for whatcha know. But, placing innocent people in harms way, to get your jollies is not okay with me.

    In that vein, I don't like what these kids are doing, with the racing. But, so far, I've only heard about 2 instances of "racing". The "Wiilock, McClendon, Carter thing"...and I think it was Dumas-Johnson...charged with the same thing within a couple of weeks of the Carter/Willock incident. The rest were speeding, right? Or, did I miss something.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,655 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I can't reason with someone who takes what you say and twist and turns it to prop up their argument. If I say, according to National Stats that the UGA guys are receiving tickets slightly below the NAtional average, that according to you means I'm saying speeding and breaking the law is OK. Sorry, but that's just wrangling my words and makes it where you're just saying anything to save face. FOr emotional affect you bring up the Chandler LeCroy death. That was sad and I have said as much. It's sad when grown ups make foolish decisions to speed while perhaps being intoxicated( I havent heard the report) and race each other through the suberbs. THat's not CKS's fault. At some point you have to own up to your mistakes.

    I would dare say that if CHandler had good parents(she probably did)then for years and years they told her not to speed, or drive while drinking, or race your car with someone else, or don't drive wreckless! IF she wouldn't listen to her parent's voices in her head in a moment of weakness or temptation,then how is CKS supposed to weave his magic wand and get in her head and stop her?

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Haters going to hate. At some point you just have to stop responding to that poster. Obviously, here to stir the stuff....

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2023

    That's my Boy's, right there. You guys get it. To some, it's just about, "being right" or "winning the argument". "Inventing evidence" and "twisting words into different thoughts, than intended"....is just part of the process.

    Lol...a process that takes you further and further from "The Truth". So far from "The Truth"....that even the originator doesn't recognize or agree with their own argument and you can turn it around on em.

    Like....Tim: "No" Jim: "Yes" Tim: "No" Jim: "Yes" Tim: "Yesss" Jim: "No" Tim: "Okay"

    That's how ole Tim gets his way. End of story. Lol

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