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Georgia transfer Adonai Mitchell helps lead Texas over Alabama, former teammate Jermaine Burton



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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Great and in my book Accurate comments on your part !! I don’t knock Any Dawgs fan for having constructive criticism and being objective. As fans us dissecting every element of the game is part of the fun. But FOR ME being worried sick each and every game is not much fun.

    At some point I had to come to Total Trust in Kirby. That does Not mean he won’t make mistakes. He’s a human being so no matter how good he Will make occasional mistakes. But For Me I totally sold out after Ntl. Title number two.

    Kirby especially in the last say four years has Really taken this program to an Elite level. No longer is he inferior to Nick Saban, at a bare minimum he’s equal to Saban at this point. I personally believe he is now superior to Saban.

    Now that said I Know all True Dawgs fans want a 3peat in the worse way. No Dawgs fan that I know of wants that any more than I do !! And I honestly Believe we have an Extremely high possibility of doing just that. But even and I sure hope not, but even if we miss and don’t pull it off, we Will have come very close when it’s all said and done.

    AND Kirby and his Dawgs will be right there in the mix come 2024, 2025, 2026………. As a Christian in My faith if the Lord don’t come first we’re gonna Continue to see KS and the Dawgs either win Ntl. Titles out right or be right there knocking on the door !! Kirby is a young ambitious HC that has with help from his supporting cast built an Elite program at UGA.

    He’s no where even vaguely close to his prime. Where as whether Bama fans want to accept it or not Nick Saban has indeed aged and I believe is now on a downward trend. That doesn’t mean old Slick Nick won’t go down kicking, clawing, and fighting, he has to much ego and pride to go out with a whimper. He and his Bama boys Will win games. And as much as I dislike him ( I don’t Hate anyone and really don’t like even using that word on a personal level) and enjoy every loss he has, I Have to respect what he’s done as a HC going all the way back to Mich. St. The man has reached the loftiness heights.

    But correct me if I’m wrong as with my memory I can be, even Saban hasn’t won B2B less alone 3peat ?? So I have No problem with Dawgs fans being critical of elements of our team, And even being nervous and worried some about certain opponents. But stuff like “No way we win a Natty with THIS team” crawls up the back of my neck. Sure people have a “Right” to say anything, that’s Not the point. But I also have the right to call them out on it to !!

    What’s perversely humorous to a degree is some of those same folks with the “NO WAY we win a Natty with This team” are the Same ones that when we do win Will chest thump and say “ Oh I knew all along we were gonna win it all” 😂 Hope you and All my fellow Dawgs fans have a Great season with your families and friends. God Bless and Go Dawgs !!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Bwahaha !! 😂 Good one my Brother !!! Put a big grin on my u g l y mug !!

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    GtheGreekGtheGreek Posts: 992 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "We saw a similar type of effectiveness against Ball State. The Georgia front was getting back there, but the QBs had the presence of mind to at least get rid of the ball when that happened, whereas Milroe looked like he was trying to figure out what to do when the pressure was on. Although, Georgia's defense got three interceptions and didn't allow any touchdowns, so maybe turnover-prone Milroe had the right idea to just eat the loss of yardage."......BINGO, E_Roc......a quick release and fairly accurate.....once again Our HC claims that two of our INT's were luck....Not So Fast Kirby, let's give credit were credit is due.....our D-Line pressured BS's QB to throw quick to receivers that were covered well by our DB's that were focused/completely tuned into the game.....as I've stated before....luck would be me or my blind mother in law making the INT! Quick releases mean NO long bombs that explode for 6 in the end zone! Milroe is a great "backyard" QB....he doesn't trust the the fat slugs on his O-Line so his first option is to use his feet at which he is really good......very easy to defend, always use a spy who hits that leave a lasting memory!

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,525 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I don't know if you understand how we call our defense. Ball State's quarterback had a lot of success running the ball and doing bootlegs against Kentucky. We had a problem setting the edge in game 1. The goal of our defensive front 7 against Ball State was to keep the qb in the pocket and NOT let him run. I thought we had a lot of good pressures AND we contained the qb.

    I think our defensive line played great and within the system just as designed. Do you agree now?

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    KudzuKudzu Posts: 358 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Kelly's Heroes reference for the win!!! From Oddball, no less 😁👍

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