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Georgia football injury report: Injuries continue to hinder running back oom



  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,107 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    You are right as rain my Bro. !! Soon and Very Soon there won’t be any place or venue or what ever for Men to enjoy being Men !!

    I mean we live in a country where people are Confused about what gender they are !! 🤪 I’ve seen things in the last 20 years of my 66 years on the planet I Never Ever dreamed in my worse nightmares I’d see !!

    For Me CFB is an escape from all the pressures that life has, Especially these days. And now Im seeing it headed to being SO revised and regulated it will bear little resemblance ( Already Has in many ways) to the sport I grew up loving, though I didn’t play it.

    I got my first Full Time job at age 14 and never looked back. First Part Time job at age 8 and had one every year until I went Full Time at age 14. So the only sports I was able to fit in was two years of Little League baseball and two years of Junior League.

    I barely graduated HS though if I hadn’t been a clown fooling around I think I could have done at least some better.

    Worked after graduation for about six months after graduation then went into the military. Frankly Im disgusted make that Sick of the direction our country is headed in.

    But I could go on and on about that. Bore Y’all to sleep !! 😀 It is what it is, I’ll just have to learn how to live and survive in it. No other options really. It’s ALL in God’s hands I’ll trust in Him !! Go Dawgs !!

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I remember playing football with guys who 'speared' all the time. It usually was smaller guys who knew it was a dang weapon and you learned to do the Ol' Torero move on em. I remember thinking boy that guys going to break his neck one day. I remember spitting on guys after tackling them and blowing snot on them and grabbing dudes on the inside of their leg on the pileons (which is quite painful by the way). We had guys get many broken noses when you had the helmets with or without the crossbars because some of the crossbars were not big and their was plenty of room to get your hand in there. I had my nose broke a couple times and I had stiches on chin where a guy hit me almost unconscious on a kickoff team. I had my finger broken and my shoulder separated. And I played through all of those injuries and enjoyed it. I had great friends and memories and not once did I think I would rather do something else. We had the sliding in mud every year where we filled the field up and dove head first, etc.

    Great times and friendships from that. Some injuries. We never complained about getting our bell rung or a a guy getting knocked out. It was just considered part of the sport. Take a minute off and go back in. These youngsters now ....

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,107 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Oh Yeah !!! Y’all was doing it the ole fashioned Good Ole Way !! I boxed in Non-Official Boxing in HS. Back in my day that was allowed. My record was 12-2. But those two I lost, I lost Bad Lol !!

    My older brother broke my nose Twice in separate personal fights we got in !! In fact my doctors believe that a “ nasal cavity” I have might well have come from that !! I get sinusitis Really bad from foreign matter collecting in the cavity and getting infected.

    Like You I was rough and tough and strutted my stuff !! And Enjoyed it !! I think it’s a Terrible Tragedy that we now have so many boys that are not even sure what sex they are !! And it’s a proclamation of just how depraved our nation has become.

    I’m the middle brother of three with no sisters we fought Hard all the time !! 😂 And my Bro. you couldn’t keep us Inside the house !! Rain sleet, miserable hot, freezing cold we were gonna be Outside doing something Active.

    Now kids are so addicted to these smart phones like I’m holding or Vid games their bodies are in Terrible shape !!

    One of my grandsons is Grossly over weight !! But his single parent Mama ( my daughter) only gets extremely pissed when I Try to say something. Her older son quit HS. He’s got a job at Dunkin’ Doughnuts. He’s deeep in the Goth stuff and his face looks like a bait & tackle shop !!

    Now my other two grandsons by my Son and his wife are Heavy into sports !! Baseball and Football !! Both of them Love the outside !! I Love ALL FOUR, I just feel sorry for the ones by my daughter. But I’m not allowed to say anything to them. She and I are estranged from each other by Her choice. Just wish I had all the baskets of $$$$ I sunk into her Before she made the declaration she hates me !!

    My Son and my Daughter-In-Law get along fine. I wouldn’t change a thing about how I was raised, good, bad, or in between. My Daddy ( deceased) was my Hero and Yeah he beat my azz. Should have beat it allot more !! My Mama would beat our azzes to. And I Love Both of them with All my heart !! I’m glad they are together in Heaven !!

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,107 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    @UGADad20 @BigDawg888 Sort of off topic but indirectly related. When I was HS nearly every guy that drove a pickup truck had a shotgun or rifle or both in the window rack. Some guys had pistols in their cars & trucks. As far as I know school officials knew cause you could very clearly See them in the window racks !! Yet they Never confiscated any !! Never went around checking vehicles!!

    Now there might have been and some how I just missed it but I don’t recall hearing or reading or seeing on TV about Any school shootings in Ga. Or for that matter the entire SE part of the country !! The Only shooting that I recall back then but it was a Bad one, Terrible was the Texas A&M Bell Tower Shooting.

    I don’t even recall anyone pulling a knife on anyone at my school. There Were some good fist fights though !! So what happened ?? To Me that’s proof positive that inanimate objects ( firearms) don’t just get up go out and kill people !! As I said earlier I’m one of three brothers.

    When each one of us reached age 12 Daddy bought us a .22 rifle for Christmas. After giving us a very detailed and lengthy Repeat of Safety Rules he had preached heavily before he’d give us the rifle and One box of ammo. He said as long as you bring in rabbit and squirrels to eat ( course we had to dress them out) you get ammo when you Need it, but if you go out and ping it all up, your on your own !! You buy your own out of $$ you make !!

    I’m So, So Thankful I was raised like I was. Now I’m living in a world that I don’t understand at all. I have PTSD from losing Two shipmates only a month apart, both only 21 yrs old. One was my best friend at that time, we had just celebrated his 21 B-Day in Athens Greece two weeks before he was killed in the line of duty. I came Very, Very close to losing my life in the line of duty Twice.

    And now days I find myself asking Did my friends and So Many others that died serving our country, Die In Vain ?? Our country is falling very fast and it breaks my heart into a billion pieces !! Oh well what will be will be I guess. I feel like a Stranger in my own country.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I'm sorry about your friends. I appreciate your service. My brother in law has PTSD from being blown up by a mortar round in Afghanistan. I am his venting phone call buddy. I just listen.

    I hope you are getting VA help and have someone like me to listen to you and support you.

    Best wishes brother. I recommend Jesus for all people but especially for war vets as the best way to find peace. I'm still working on my brother in law but like a lot of vets (my Dad) also it is hard to reconcile what humans can do to each other.

  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,107 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My Bro. words cannot express how much I appreciate You and your kind comments. I’m a Saved Christian but not in Church at this time. I Need to Got to get back in Church. There are vets and people in general By Far worse off than me, so I really shouldn’t be whining and complaining.

    But I also have a literal multitude of physical health problems to including CLL ( Chronic Lymphocitic Leukemia) and serious pain issues.

    I very much embrace your friendship !! I don’t have any male bonding friendships really, we just moved to our current location a little over a year ago. But honestly and it’s a looong story I haven’t had a male friend that I can vent to, and share my deep feelings with, you know, someone I’m bonded to as a great friend in over 14 years now.

    It’s just me my Awesome & Great Savior the Lord Jesus Christ, my very precious, wonderful, awesome wife, and my german shepherd dog.

    That’s Why I try, sometimes I fail, not to get in arguments on here !! I need to Make friends not lose them !!

    I always very much Appreciate your reasonable and well thought out comments. You sound like my kind of people !! And there are several guys on here like that.

    I really love DN and this site DN. The Dawgs are my little reprieve from the realities of a harsh life this country has come to. If you either work for a living now or are retired or had to leave due to health issues, in my book your a great American. Because you Are or Did serve. It wasn’t meant for everyone to be in the military. Hard working Americans are Also hero’s to me.

    I Pray and Hope that your Dad and Brother-In-Law can get Peace in their lives. I want to Thank You with all my heart for being my DN friend !! And I mean that !! Although there Shouldn’t be in 2023, there’s still a bit of stigma about people suffering with mental health issues. People still use terms to describe US like nutcase, loon, moron, fruit basket, etc. etc. But I wouldn’t wish it on Anyone !! I have PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety. I can’t count the times I’ve had well meaning people ( Some not so much well meaning !!) tell Well just get a grip. If it was as simple as just asserting your Will Power I’d have stopped seeing mental health doctors and taking medications years and years ago !! But unfortunately it’s Not that simple !!

    Anyway because I’ve had these issues a long time I have a much greater empathy and even sympathy for those who suffer in similar ways. You have a kind and generous heart. I can tell you meant what you said, and I really appreciate you reaching out to me a stranger and offering kindness, compassion, and friendship. God Will Bless you for that !! We Reap what we Sow !! You might not get rewarded on This earth ( then again He might) but you Will be rewarded in Heaven and That’s where we’re supposed to be storing our Real Treasures !!

    I sure hope that You, and UGADad20 and so many others will get the Awesome pleasure of seeing our beloved Dawgs 3Peat !!! Would be So Great !! Thanks again my Brother !! Look forward to seeing your comments and UGADad20 and several others on here !! Go Dawgs !! GATA !!

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