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BREAKING: Elite WR commit Ny Carr has decommitted from Georgia



  • navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,109 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    With the QBs that UGA will have next year this young man might Really regret this decision. Strong friendships are great, but he might should’ve stuck with his initial gut feelings instead of letting his friend talk him out of coming to UGA.

    But in honesty and fairness UGA has also benefited from such friendships. I realize that. Just keep posting the W’s and whether it’s HS, JUCO ranks or the TP, Kirby and his staff will land solid WRs to UGA.

  • busterchapbusterchap Posts: 94 ✭✭✭ Junior

    You could see this coming when the other kid flipped! I f you don't want to work don't come here!

  • DAWGHOUNDDAWGHOUND Posts: 27 ✭✭ Sophomore

    This is to Ny Carr and all the other people that have made commitments. It is a very serious thing to make a commitment or it used to be, whether it be to a school or a bank loan or whatever, the old saying "your word is your bond". Now days these young kids haven't been taught that. There are exceptions that can be made such as the coach you wanted to be trained by left for another position. Some things that you haven't even thought of is when you committed you took a spot that coaches allocated to a position and that froze anyone else being considered. Some one who was really hoping to get a scholarship to Georgia but wasn't quite as far up the chart as you now has to look for another school to go to because the position has been filled. Think about it long and hard before you commit it is not just about you, a lot of other people are involved in your decision. GO DAWGS

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    There are some kids who really want to push themselves to be the best and embrace the grind. Others not so much. Sometimes the talent can get you through but eventually it will catch up to you and if you don't have the right habits you will fail. A lot of kids think they can coast and have the good life and when it comes time to grind they can just turn it on. Unfortunately, that is not how it works. Many times they don't figure it out until after they get cut in the league.

  • DawggyDawggy Posts: 346 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited September 2023


    Like Coach Richt used to say, "I only want players at Georgia, who want to play for Georgia."

  • thadecthadec Posts: 611 ✭✭✭✭ Senior


    You do realize that schools pull offers from decommitted recruits all the time, right? Most of the time they do it informally. They ghost the kids and stop sending/returning calls and emails. When the kid wants to come for a visit they get evasive, or maybe they let him come but they bring up stuff like switching positions, being a greyshirt or preferred walk-on etc "just in case". Normally the kid is supposed to get the message - or his high school coach or someone else in his camp breaks it to him - and the kid announces that he is "reopening his recruiting" as a face saving measure. But if the staff bungles this process i.e. decide that they don't want the kid too close to signing day or the kid presses the issue, at times they have to flat out tell the kid that they are withdrawing the scholarship offer. Again, even when it gets this bad, most of the time you never hear about it. I guess you can say that early signing day has practically eliminated it ... except that (grades notwithstanding) with a good percentage of the kids who don't sign on ESD and "decide to hold off until signing day" that isn't what happens.

    Every school does it. Including UGA. So when you get as mad at UGA - and yes this happens/happened under both Kirby and Richt - "not honoring their commitments" as you are 15-17 year olds, let me know.

  • ColumbusDawgColumbusDawg Posts: 547 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Why? Tell us please? Hoping players read one persons comment so they do not choose to come and play for UGA? Wow.

    Just almost always bringing bad hatin' vibes, bad energy, aren't you man. This was the lowest, dimmest and was obviously an uh-oh, unforced error, outed your own self moment.

    A UGA fan, you certainly are not and never have been truth be told, since day one. So obvious.

    You really stepped in it this time though(for the 100 the time) Nothing you can scheme up to say can undo this truth. But you will still try lol

    Just showed your TRUE colors, you're true agenda (as always suspected) and...your brilliance. Not.

    Was just FINALLY starting to gain a LITTLE credibility back on here from your past transgressions, fibs and bs too

    Credibility is forever shot now on this site.

    Every site has one and you are ours. Time to go root for Auburn or UF where you belong.


  • reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,735 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    NExt recruit up!

    I still say that if a recruit doesn't want to come play at his home state school and play for CHanpionship rings and glory and be legendary in his community then let him go, either there's more NIL money blinding him being offered elsewhere , family ties or friendships tied to another school, they just grew up rooting for XYZ school, or they want to go to a school famous for putting their position in the League.

    The last reason above should be perhaps the least motivating, as the NFL draft has proven that if you ball out at your position then the League will find you. UGA, Ball St or Toledo, it doesn't matter.

    Even UGA sent George Pickens to the League and no doubt A.D. Mitchell will be a 1st day draftee.

  • ColumbusDawgColumbusDawg Posts: 547 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    If he don't want to be here, then we don't want him.

    If UGA is not in his heart enough that he cant stand up and tell his friend, hey bro I love you but you thought I would just follow YOU, but no I am not, so you better just come on to UGA with me. Time to be a leader, not a follower.

    Truthfully, though, Its best he not come to UGA. He is not all Dawg and then VERY possibly, he leave year 1 or 2 when the wind blows.

    You know the saying, if you love somebody set them free to see if they come back.

    Time to set him free. Maybe he will see what he lost.

    Before its too late and his spot is filled.

    He better hurry though. That bridge to UGA is going to burn fast.


  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We only want DAWGS!

    If money is all you are about then please do not come here. Our players get paid when they go to the NFL.

    Not everybody has what it takes.

  • shamymaxshamymax Posts: 24 ✭✭ Sophomore

    Recruiting classes don't mean a thing anymore. Until NIL is defined and actual signed contracts are required before payment chaos will reign.

  • thadecthadec Posts: 611 ✭✭✭✭ Senior


    Why get mad at me and not the person who wrote the original post? A lot of my posts merely point out that a lot of the "college football fans" love the schools and even love the coaches but hate the players. Yes, it is unique to college football. You don't see it with professional sports and you don't even see it with other college sports. And no, it is not unique to UGA. When I am on other sites I point it out on those also.

    I am sorry but if your problem is with the guy who points out that a huge percentage of college football fans resent and hate the people who play college football and not with, you know, the huge percentage of college football fans who resent and hate college football players then I suggest that your animus might be misdirected. But I will ask you: why should these teenagers show undying loyalty for and feel camaraderie with institutions who have fanbases that contain so many people that hate them? Why should they sacrifice their immediate financial prospects, personal happiness in terms of getting to play close to their families/with their friends/get desired playing time or position etc. or sacrifice their long term futures in a game filled with fans who hate their guts? Would you? I honestly don't think you would. Would you feel particularly loyal to a workplace where most of your customers couldn't stand you? Yes, you would stay there because you have to support yourself and all. But the second a better opportunity shows itself what do you do?

    Exactly. I am 100% in favor of college football players knowing how a huge percentage of college football fans actually feel about them and behaving accordingly. I just feel that "players knowing that so many fans hate them" is a smaller problem than "so many fans hating them." And I am unashamed about this fact. Because it hasn't always been this way. I have been a college football fan for a long time, and I have been on the internet since the early days too. All of this hateful vile nonsense being thrown at players is a new development. Especially since - get this - it isn't justified. Instead, graduation rates for college football players have never been higher. Far fewer college football players are committing felonies and getting into scandals off the field than ever before. What Stetson Bennett IV did this offseason? (When - by the way - his eligibility had expired and he was no longer a UGA football player anymore anyway?) Do you want to compare that to what went on at Miami and Oklahoma in the 1980s? Today's college football players are choirboys compared to in the past yet fans are more hostile to them than ever.

  • BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    So who is paying you to write constant negativity. I hope when Saban leaves you will be gone as well because you are NOT a Dawg fan. Just a troll with no life.

  • 1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,918 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Best of luck in your future young man..GoDAWGS!

  • JBMDawg46JBMDawg46 Posts: 439 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    Who knows where he’ll end up? Until these kids actually sign their name on the paper, their word is pretty meaningless. As my granddaddy used to say: “ A man is no better than his word.” The current generation no longer considers one’s word to be very meaningful. It’s a totally different culture nowadays. I hope this young man goes where he will be happy and grow in maturity.

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