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Analysis: Projecting 4-team playoff field, Georgia bowl destination

SystemSystem Posts: 10,700 admin
edited December 2023 in Article commenting
imageAnalysis: Projecting 4-team playoff field, Georgia bowl destination

ATLANTA — Get ready for some angry, shocked, ecstatic and disappointed college football fans today.

Read the full story here



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    dazzledawgdazzledawg Posts: 203 ✭✭✭ Junior

    FSU is gonna be pissed

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    dazzledawgdazzledawg Posts: 203 ✭✭✭ Junior
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    fanchmanfanchman Posts: 19 ✭ Freshman
    edited December 2023

    If Michigan plays Alabama, I expect them to choose the Rose Bowl to keep Alabama out of SEC territory.

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    busterchapbusterchap Posts: 82 ✭✭✭ Junior
    1. Michigan
    2. Washington
    3. FSU just because of the D
    4. Georgia or Texas No way Alabama jumps Texas! Ohio State was #6 but they didn't even win their division!
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    jackbmattjackbmatt Posts: 123 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Even less than no way Georgia jumps Alabama after losing to them.

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    ColumbusDawgColumbusDawg Posts: 534 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    No #1 team that lost a conference championship dropped lower than 4 in CFP history. And this was a very close game, UGA's best offensive players were playing well under 100%, Mims had to come out too.

    Then, what if the 4th and 4 catch that was not a catch had been overturned as it should have been? What if the fluke fumble did not gift a TD? UGA very likely wins without either of those plays. And, as stated first, best offense players(other then Beck)playing hurt .

    All that together says UGA is a top 4 best team. Chances may be slim the committee picks UGA though. But the 4 best are the 4 best. 1 loss team not conference champ included.

    Just like 2021. WHEN the loss was in the SAME GAME, and was not even close. This one was and should have been a UGA win or OT at worse.

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    DallasDawgDallasDawg Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    For Georgia to get in, BOTH Texas (with a convincing road win over Alabama) and FSU (an undefeated conference champion) would have to be left out, since the committee wouldn't take UGA and leave out Alabama. There is NO WAY the committee takes UGA, as sad as that is. And it should take FSU. It took TCU last year when no one thought they could beat Michigan. But they did -- and then we boat raced them in the Natty. Let FSU play and if they get beat, they get beat. But who knows? They just might pull the upset. Their defense is certainly National Championship caliber.

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    Gibroni88Gibroni88 Posts: 413 ✭✭✭✭ Senior
    edited December 2023


    You are so obtuse, it is hilarious.

    Alabama is NOT getting in the playoff over an undefeated ACC champion Florida State.

    Aint gonna happen.

    All that happened last night is Alabama eliminated any SEC team from contention with a 3 point loss by Georgia in Atlanta.

    You cannot jump a 1 loss Texas over and undefeated ACC champion FSU, and you DEFINITELY can’t put a one-loss Alabama OVER a one loss Texas when that Texas team WHOOPED Alabama in their own house by double digits!

    And it doesn’t matter if it happened in week 3 or week 1 or week 12.


    1. Michigan
    2. Waahington
    3. FSU
    4. Texas
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    PerroGrandePerroGrande Posts: 6,150 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    If they ignore the results from the field, why do we even play the games? Alabama lost to TX by ten points in Tuscaloosa! They came close to losing several other games--Auburn, Ark, USF, and TAM. FSU beat LSU, their one common opponent, by a larger margin than Alabama. This Alabama team is the worst in the last 15 years; they are statistically average, unlike past Alabama teams. Auburn got whipped by NM and then came so close to beating UA. Alabama looked like a different team one week ago. I guess Corrigan picks and chooses which games he wants to emphasize? Corrigan should consider that FSU won every game on the field. They won a P5 conference with a freshman QB. To ignore an undefeated season and place a one loss Alabama team in the slot they earned is highway robbery. Is it College Football or is it Alabama's Football league? They can't ignore the results from the field in good conscience.

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    DawgTattooDawgTattoo Posts: 415 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    You hear the committee say over and over: "eye test" and "best teams". Yes, Conference Champs is a factor, too. But what if Alabama played FSU? Who would be favored? Alabama, of course, because they are a better team. Even Georgia and Ohio State would be favored over FSU. I don't envy the Committee. This will be the hardest selection process ever.

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    PerroGrandePerroGrande Posts: 6,150 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    I think you have to use on field results, not subjective opinions. How many times have underdogs won games? Results matter over subjective opinions; otherwise, why do we even play the games? Texas beat Alabama at home by a lot. They threw it for 349 yards and 3 TDs. Alabama also should have lost last week to Auburn. They barely beat a Georgia team that had between 5 and 10 key players injured! Bama and FSU have one common opponent: LSU. FSU beat LSU by a higher margin than Alabama. FSU is an undefeated P5 conference champ! The results on the field demand that they are the third, not the fourth spot in the CFPs! The battle is between Bama and Texas, two one loss conference champs.

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    Louis8478Louis8478 Posts: 168 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited December 2023

    Top 4 should include Texas and FSU. It's only fair. OSU won the title in 2015 without their starting QB. Give FSU a chance too. Texas beat Alabama in their house by double digits. Also should consider OSU because they are ranked #6. I hope they don't let Nick Saban intimate them. I hate that my Dawgs lost but right now, they probably don't deserve to be in the top 4. Should have taken care of business against Alabama. But if Georgia does make it in the top 4, I'm sure the committee has valid reasons.

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    RS289RS289 Posts: 18 ✭ Freshman

    It is a shame we lost to Bama. Conference Champ is a consideration. I don't think Washington , FSU, or Michigan could beat OLE Miss, LSU, or Missouri. If you go with best team Alabama and Ga. should be in.

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    GoodOlDawgGoodOlDawg Posts: 451 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    OSU has no argument for making it in! Texas and Alabama are going to jump past them, and UGA will not fall past them. That will make them ranked 8th.

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    reddawg1reddawg1 Posts: 3,664 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    THe problem is where the teams are now today is not where they were weeks ago. BAMA has been getting progressively better. Texas while remaining a good team could not IMHO go into to Tuscaloosa and beat todays BAMA team. They caught them early in the season before MIlroe's development.

    TOday's Fla St couldn't beat ORegon, Texas, UGA, BAMA, MIchigan, or Ohio St. So to put them in would not be the best 4 teams. IF you put BAMA at 4 then UGA looses to the number 4 team, not the number 8 team, by3 points. WHEn it definitely didn't play it's best game.

    Texas lost to Oklahoma. Is that a better loss than #1 UGA losing to a now #4 BAMA by 3 points? NO!

    WHy should a number 7 or 8 jump to number 4 and the number1 drop to 5? It doesn't make sense other than they(Texas) won their conference, OK, FLA St did too, but you're saying they arent good enough. THey are all 1 loss teams UGA, Texas, and BAMA. COuld UGA have gone into Tuscaloosa when BAMA was unsettled at QB an won? SUre we could have!

    Don't see how you drop the number 1 team all year pretty much out of the top 4 for a 3 point loos to a top team. BUt I guess Ohio St. would have the same argument!

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    MontanaDawgMontanaDawg Posts: 1,887 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The Dawgs are still one of the 4 best teams, but they will get left out of the playoffs. We should know by now that you can't make costly mistakes against a Saban coached team like Bama. We did, and we lost. We never gave up, but the better team won yesterday.

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    JTM22JTM22 Posts: 69 ✭✭✭ Junior

    We may very well be one of the best four, but all we needed to do was control our destiny with a win. I still don’t think Alabama is better but a win is a win. Props to them. Go Dawgs!

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