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What comes next for Georgia quarterback room after Carson Beck returns, Dylan Raiola flips

SystemSystem Posts: 10,649 admin
edited December 2023 in Article commenting
imageWhat comes next for Georgia quarterback room after Carson Beck returns, Dylan Raiola flips

ATHENS — In the span of about an hour, Georgia got clarity on its quarterback room.

Read the full story here



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    HenddawgHenddawg Posts: 728 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Awesome to have Beck back for another year. He is a very solid QB and I am excited to see his progression into next season. Like CB said, let’s finish the season strong in Miami. Go DAWGS

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    SnakeScott13SnakeScott13 Posts: 97 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Doesn’t want to be a cog in a machine so I’m guessing he wants to be the machine . For some reason reminded me of Marinovich so I looked him up to confirm the spelling and what a coincidence. His dad was a lineman and captain for USC .

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    DoggoneDoggone Posts: 103 ✭✭✭ Junior
    edited December 2023

    Glad Raiola has finally decided (hopefully) that Nebraska is a better fit for him. Nowadays if it doesn't work out for him there next year, he always has the portal to land somewhere else and then somewhere else.

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    zonadawg61zonadawg61 Posts: 424 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    That graphic Raiola released is an insult to the UGA team that he "loved" and recruited for the last year plus. This kid will languish behind terrible O-lines and become another talent that Nebraska wasted in 7-5 seasons. He could have just said nothing and flipped, but the shot at UGA reeks of an arrogant kid believing in his own greatness before he's done anything. I know he's a kid, but his parents don't seem to be giving him good advice. Each to his own. Best of luck to him in his future.

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    GoodOlDawgGoodOlDawg Posts: 447 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    “No longer a cog in some powerhouse machine,”

    What makes this kid think he was a part of any machine? He’s not even a part of the Nebraska machine yet! That “powerhouse machine” over in Athens Georgia will be just fine without this young man.


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    TransplantedDawgTransplantedDawg Posts: 58 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Well, there you go- flipped on two schools, moved his family across country for one year only to change his mind at the end AGAIN- no, he doesn’t have issues. 🙄 the minute this all started I was done with him. I don’t care how he turns out- this is a drama queen I don’t want to hear about every year.

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    Georgia67Georgia67 Posts: 149 ✭✭✭ Junior

    Great news Beck is coming back! His experience and leadership will be critical for ‘24. Maybe this news will convince Bowers and McConkey to stay. We can always hope. 🤞

    We dodged a bullet with Raiola. He’s a flake and his parting comment proves he thinks he’s bigger than the team. Good riddance.

    Go Dawgs!!

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    First off Thank You Carson Beck !! I think you made a very wise decision for yourself and the Dawgs !! Thank You Gunner Stockton for staying at UGA !! Thank You Ryan Puglisi for staying rock solid in your commitment !!

    I don’t understand why Raiola felt the need to get snarky at UGA in his decision. Did he feel insulted that a B2B Ntl. Championship program offered him a scholly to come play here ?? And what happened to all the “I Love the Dawgs” stuff ?? It’s His life he certainly has a right to make the decisions that he feels are best for him, that’s fine. But to get all snarky about it is cheap and petty in my view.

    Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. He can be loaded with natural athletic abilities, but if he’s arrogant and self centered that could be very toxic in the locker room. I think he just made a Terrible decision as Nebraska is a road to no where. If he stays there and doesn’t hit the TP, in a few years people will be going Dylan Who ??

    I don’t wish him any malice but the respected and decent thing to have done was Thank UGA and move on without all the cog in a machine stuff. From a character standpoint I’ll take the Ryan Puglisis of the world that seem to understand what Commitment means. You can certainly add Beck and Gunner to that list to !!

    Oh well with the three fine QBs we have I doubt he’ll be missed by the big Red & Black machine !! Go Dawgs !!

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    Silver_BritchesSilver_Britches Posts: 1,250 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Hell yeah! Thank you Carson Beck! This young man has shown us what a TRUE DGD is! He stuck around these last few years when he could've easily left and started nearly anywhere else, and for him to stick around for another year shows how much he loves being a Dawg! Another year at Georgia will only better prepare himself for the NFL. And if Beck can have another season just as good as this one next year, dare I say he may end up being the #1 pick in the draft? Glad to have Ballin' Beck back!


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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    kylnmeg10kylnmeg10 Posts: 528 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    1 or 2 seasons for raiola to transfer out and try become a cog?🤔

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    After reading just a couple of paragraphs on his parting words and actions....I had to shake my head and thank God...that UGA, Athens and Kirby Smart avoided this "Prima Donna" head case....I mean headache. Don't need the drama. Lol

    Beck...Stockton...Puglisi...what am I missing...UGA's not missin' a darn thing. They got what they need, to go back and get another Trophy with matching Rings.

    Either way...they'll be exciting to watch, in this new SEC. Where Championships and Fame are the "carrots"...competition and hard work are the "sticks".

    "The S.E.C & UGA"!!!......Like Porsche....there are no substitutes.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    Lolol...PERFECT!!! Man...I gotta save that.

    Oh yeah...ya got one with Clark Gable [Rhett] telling Vivian Leigh [Scarlett], that he just "didn't give d_mn."?

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    Bdw3184Bdw3184 Posts: 12,727 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited December 2023

    Raiola flipping!?

    Revenge tour, baby! Unfinished business!

    Go Dawgs!

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