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Georgia ‘would be favored over everyone’ in CFP, per renowned oddsmaker



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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,766 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 4

    UGA D was scored on 1st in 7 straight games this season against what was the weakest schedule in memory. Was that the young players? Or a sub standard D?

    I draw nothing from the UGA/FSU game. That wasn't FSU. FSU had 5 players this year w/5+ sacks. Not sure any played vs UGA. W/the pressure the AL D put on CBeck it would have been worse w/FSU and MI (6 sacks vs AL to ? for UGA in SECCG?).

    Sometimes the truth is not always positive in the real world. It was bad that LM, BB and Mims were hurt. Season wrecking. Hey guess what? Guy's get hurt. (Ask FSU). When you have (primarily) freshmen depth you get a drop in play and unpredictable results when starters get hurt. The only thing you can be sure of is that players will get hurt. Blame CKS/CMB for calling TE sweeps vs Vandy in a game that BB didn't even need to play.

    "If Kirby had played the "best players"...in every game...on every play" @BigDawg61 Kirby would have a lot more front line players injured and a worse team.

    "The CFP based their final four on hype * style points. Plain and simple. " @BigDawg61 Wrong. 2 undefeated Top 3 teams. Plus BIG12 Champ. Plus SEC champ. TX#3 beat AL#4 beat UGA. It was that simple. Head to head and conference championships matter. Clearly.

    Here's some more bad news for CFB. Saban is feeling the heat from CKS. Saban is going to coach AL until he drops to try and add more rings. A legacy of being the GOAT is important to Saban.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,425 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 4

    Figures. Lol. Read the guy's post below yours. That's the kind of stuff, I've been hearing across the Eastern and Northern regions of the Country.

    @JBMDawg46 Is 100% correct. You should listen to him, if you won't listen to me. Tide Fan? Lol...just sayin'.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,425 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 5

    Beginning to think, you may be right about Saban. The more everybody speculates Him leaving in various ways...the more he seems committed to staying. I don't know, if "he" knows when he's leaving.

    I don't see him bailing on Bama, till he gets the program back to where he once had it. I think he would admit...that he let the "standard" slip some, over the last several years. His coaching hires haven't been what they were.

    If Kirby doesn't stay on top of it...the same thing could happen in Athens. As a life-long Dawg, Jacket and Falcon Fan....I take nothing for granted, when it comes to football. Seen too many Heartbreakers...Lol

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    We had a massive amount of injuries this year. Both ILBs played injured and it really showed with JDJ. Our DL was injured most of the year (TID, CM, JJ, JH). The guys we had left to fill the gap were playing 50 percent more snaps then the starters last 2 years because of that.

    On offense Ladd was out or hobbled half the season and when it counted during the SECCG as was Brock who was probably at 80 percent. Lost Branson for the entire season and Kenny was injured half the season.

    To go 13-1 with all those injuries is pretty amazing and still we were 3 points away which was in my opinion due to poor coordinator gameplans and not the players Even with all that we should have won. I place that on the coaches.

    Had we made the playoffs like we should have we would have won it all again because we were the healthiest we had been for 5 or 6 games as Kirby himself said.

    I mean we beat FSU 63-3 playing backups for half the game. We put in our backup walk on qb (season 5th or 6th teamer) and were playing our 7th string rb...

    It was a great year but you need a little luck to win it all and part of that is staying injury free.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,425 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    "It was a great year but you need a little luck to win it all and part of that is staying injury free."______@BigDawg888

    You said it all, right there. For the last couple of years...the Dawgs were "good enough" and "deep enough" and "healthy enough", to outplay, Bad Luck, Bad Officiating and a poor gameplan.

    This year....they were too thin at some critical positions, to beat Lady Luck. "The **** be fickled"....Lol.

    I think...before all is said and done...UGA will be named Co-National Champion. It's never been more obvious.

    This week....for the first time this year [that I recall]...Bill Connelly's ESPN FPI [Power Rankings]....moved UGA into the #1 spot....and dropped Michigan to #2.

    The signs are there. Just sayin'.. Don't give up the ghost, just yet. 1 loss, doesn't break, anybody. But....If you have your mind right...it can make you better. As you [and everybody else] saw against FSU....UGA is a much better "team" than the one that started the season.

    So is Bama, for that matter. Both teams belonged in the CFP, and everybody can see that. Undefeated Championship seasons don't happen very often. It's not a realistic or achievable goal, to expect your team to go undefeated every year.

    Perfection is the goal...yet unachievable. So, why pursue it?....Because the pursuit will make you the best version of yourself. That's CKS in a nutshell. I enjoy watching those boys coach the game they love, at such a high standard.

    They ALL, players included, felt that loss in their bones. It'll fuel next year's "pursuit of perfection". And, I for one, look forward to next year's version of the UGA Bulldogs. Let me go ahead and ruin the surprise....they will beat the living hell out of Bama and Texas on their home field. I would bet my left arm on it.

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I guess the best news out of this is everyone knows we are still the best and we got the sympathy card back for next year. Certainly, people were getting tired of us winning all the time. This reminds me a little bit like the 90s with Nebraska winning 3 of 4 and the USC teams. People are sick of Bama - gosh I know I am.

    Next year we will definitely have to earn it. We are probably 1 of only 3 teams that could survive that schedule. Here's to going 10-2 or better and making the playoff.

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,425 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 7

    "Certainly, people were getting tired of us winning all the time. This reminds me a little bit like the 90s with Nebraska winning 3 of 4 and the USC teams. People are sick of Bama - gosh I know I am."______@BigDawg888

    Unfortunately....there's a lot of truth in that statement. That should not influence who plays for the Natty, though.

    It's not an "Award" like the Oscar's or Golden Globe....it's a trophy that goes to the "best team", no matter who they are.

    If you're tired of seeing em win it all...then, get better....and beat em. That's the way I see it, anyway.

    That didn't happen this year. They were "pencil-whipped" by a Committee of power. Not on the gridiron. So, I got no particular respect for the winner of the CFP, in that regard [championship].

    I DO respect the winner's undefeated season, though....even Michigan's. I think Washington is gonna beat hell out of Michigan in the finale.

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