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Kirby Smart keeps Georgia drama short-lived in complex world of recruiting commits



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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,439 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    And I can’t help your narcissistic view of your football knowledge and objectivity. I haven’t as you said “ piled on anyone”. You talk about MY reading comprehension, perhaps you should take a little gander at your own. I stated over and over Whoever and Whatever is best for the Team.

    And I made no secret that Yes I am a Gunner Stockton fan AFTER being a Dawgs fan. And Yes I Try to take All my meds everyday as I Have to. Be Very glad that you Don’t have to take meds. And YOU were the person that said Clearly “to many cheerleaders on here need more objectivity”. Well Mr. Objectivity let me tell You something, No One likes to be talked Down To. Like we’re grossly inferior to You, Oh Great Sir.

    I’ve Never tried to proclaim or present myself as a CFB expert, or a Coach, or have Insider knowledge. Just a long time fan nothing more nothing less when it comes to this site. Now I can tell you this from my little time of nearly 67 years on this planet, Nobody likes a Smart Azz. I don’t think there’s a soul on here that appreciates You referring to them as “ you people” or implying that outside of YOUR objectivity everyone else are merely Cheerleaders. And it doesn’t take much reading comprehension ability to see that’s Exactly what You implied.

    And We ARE the Best, and when fully healthy and firing on all cylinders No One CAN compete with us, and lastly and I know you really hate this one Go Dawgs !! Sorry you find Dawgs FANS cheering for the Dawgs TEAM to be so monotonous !! No more so than your Vain attempts at being so called “objective”.

    The Truth is if you were half as smart about CFB as the Legend In Your Own Mind you’ve become you’d have a Job in it and wouldn’t be on here Lecturing us underlings that you seem to think of us. You know the “You People” crowd. Now I need to make sure I take all my meds.

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    BigDawg888BigDawg888 Posts: 1,501 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Not sure how I got dragged into this morass of molasses. Geesh..guys.

    Anyways, 61 you know we get along as does Navy and I. I usually do not see eye to eye with Fake Dawg Dad. He is occassionally right about something (2 in 100 type of thing). That being said I try to be cordial and objective and give him an occassional up vote when he is correct. Now back to the topic of conversation.

    This kid is not cut out to be a Dawg if he commits and leaves next day. I never really thought he would be qb1 anyways and Kirby I'm sure was very honest with saying look "we never thought Stetson Bennett was going to be qb1 let alone a Heisman finalist but he kept grinding and it happened"

    What else can Kirby say?

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 10

    Chief you are the expert at feeble attempts. That's your home run swing. LOL If I have shadow accounts why is there seemingly only 1 account that is as objective (objectionable apparently?) as I am? Why don't those "shadow accounts" ever question some of the other knuckleheadedness that I do? You really are clueless. @BigDawg888 is a little more tactful in his criticism and frankly has a little more football knowledge than you do. Though both of your responses are too steeped in cheerleading. So , in retrospect, I don't think you have the chops to pull off his responses. Most fans responses would be more interesting to read if they examined the situations from all sides and provided more thoughtful, objective ideas.

    It's a business? Still a young person trying to make a life decision. Did I say "attack"? I don't think I said that. I have seen a pretty fair amount of criticism. And not just this kid but any kid that flips. Really petty and unnecessary. Many of the people here didn't want him in the first place.

    What can I write now that will "influence CKS". That's pretty funny.

    @WildmanSlayer 72.4% 1st year of game playing experience. Don't forget SBIV had a year at UGA and a year starting in JC (and another year at UGA?) before he started at UGA. SBIV had much more game playing experience before Beck's 1st start this year. My point was, when comparing QB's GS and Maiava, that tall QB's can usually see the field better. And that usually translates into higher completion %. I saw Maiava listed at 6'5" 227 lb. GS is not much more than 6' tall. I will say this. EVERY time SBIV dropped back to pass I held my breath. EVERY year. I didn't find myself doing that at all this season w/Beck. He just saw the field better and usually didn't put the ball in harms way.

    My recollection of the Beck commitment timeline was 1) committed to AL, 2) after apparent AL de-commitment, visit FU, receive offer hint at commitment, 3) soon after visit UGA get offer commit. CBeck has said it. He wanted an (committable) offer from UGA and used FU's interest to leverage an offer from UGA. Not my words, his. CBeck used FU offer for leverage to get UGA offer. Maiava used UGA "commit" (not sign) to get a raise in NIL dollars/ guarantee of start from USC. Not sure I see a significant distinction. Not saying it is the right thing to do to use leverage in either case. Most people use leverage every chance they get.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yeah I have Zero problem with it not that it would matter if I Did have a problem with it. I’m not a high $$ private jet owning fan of UGA 😂 Just an ole po folks fan Lol. So it ain’t gonna matter an H E double hockey sticks What I think or my opinions !! 😀

    ALL I’ve said over and over is that IF Kirby gets a guy out of the portal and IF Gunner perceives he’s gonna be outdone he Might hit the TP. Which would put us right back at Only 3 scholarship QBs. Yes I’m a Gunner Stockton fan, SECOND to the Dawgs Team. I’ve said Whoever and Whatever is Best for the Team, repeatedly stated that. Let me ask you do you see anything Offensive to You or you think any Dawgs fans in my comments ??

    OK to proceed I DID call into question Maiava’s stats by saying they MIGHT need to be taken with a grain of salt as the Mountain West Conference is a Far Cry from the SEC. Do you find That offensive ?? Think any Dawgs fans should find that offensive ??

    These are the things I’ve stated. And like many other Dawgs fans have Questioned on here, wondering Why is not Beck, Gunner, Puglisi, and the preferred walk on Ginn sufficient. Mike Bobo has touted Gunner so I wouldn’t be prone to think something’s wrong with Gunner in the direct sense.

    And myself and quite a few others here are thinking that Ginn could handle being the 4th guy and handle the practices assigned to him. Ginn has a pretty impressive in my view HS record of his own. Anything offensive in those comments ? 😂

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    CHDawg54CHDawg54 Posts: 362 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    The NCAA caused this mess. Don't expect anything to be done to rectify it. If anything the NCAA will pile more lunacy onto an already out of control 4 alarm fire.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yep. And you’ve Always (as has BigDawg61) treated me with respect and dignity which I Deeply respect. I’ve Never tried to portray myself as the sharpest knife in the drawer about football. In fact there’s been Many times that I’ve clearly stated that even though I’ve been a long time fan, I’m always learning. H e l l I never played organized football, to busy working from a Very early age trying to help support our family.

    There’s TONS of stuff I Don’t Know about football and many other subjects. I Really admire Confidence, both You & BigDawg61 have that and I have Allot of respect for Yall and allot of other fans here. But I despise arrogance. I’ve never met any people who have much appreciation for a Smart Azz.

    I Try to be as cordial and respectful to others on here as I know to be. But something crawled into the person being referenced bloomers and He started out the gate all snarky at me and others. Maybe he’s having a bad day. I Know he’s always fancied himself to be a football guru, always seems to be talking Down to people rather than Across.

    I tried to ignore that till today. But I guess he wrongly thought he could just treat me any ole way he wanted and I’d be obliged to take it. Wrong !! I’m as friendly as people will let me be, but way to old to let people just crap on me. Nope. Don’t Need it. Don’t want it.

    But I’m very Thankful for Yours and BigDawg61s as well as allot of other fans friendship on here. I come here to Escape the pressures of life, to have fun with like minded people. I don’t come here to be treated like I’m inferior. Always good hearing from you !! Go Dawgs !!

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,439 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Objective? Objective, in what way. You are wrong about virtually everything. If ignorance is objectivity....you got it on all of us. Lol

    Btw....your Boy...Nick Saban, just retired. What WILL you do, now? 🤣

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Yep. More than apt your spot on. They usually don’t fix things they make them worse. This thing is already way out of hand !!

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,439 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    The NCAA is nothing more than a glorified "figure head" at this point. They've been neutered by the SCOTUS and abandoned by Congress. As with everything else in our Country, these days....it's a chaotic mess, due to lack of leadership and vision.

    I just wonder how bad it will get, before Congress steps in to get their share of the "booty"....er, I mean fix the problem. Lol

    From what I see..."Nobody" is calling the shots for Div1 CFB. Anything goes while the money floods the landscape. Frankly....I find it **** and off-putting, to watch greed destroy the game i love.

    I barely recognize it as "football", when I tune in to NFL Games, these days. I don't know why, they don't just put "flags" on their waist and call it what it is....a semi-contact sport. Rule #1....don't be mean. Lmao

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    KudzuKudzu Posts: 358 ✭✭✭✭ Senior
    edited January 10

    Wishing all DN posters (and, at least as non-athletes, DGDs 😁) some peace and collegiality... time to go rock on the impending tidal wave of Saban-driven drama!!! 🤔🤣🙏

    PS: Yes, I know it's "escalated" but that's the best Ron Burgundy meme I had on hand! 🙃

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,439 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I assume that is a meme, of the face, of Joe "Bama" Fan....after getting the news?. Lmao

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Blessed are the Peace Makers. And I’m not talking about the Colt variety. I Try really hard to be as courteous and respectful to other posters here as I can be. I respect a person with Confidence. But I despise Arrogance. We Really shouldn’t be arguing and attacking among our own. There’s nothing healthy and/or productive to it. But I’d like for you to know that for My Part I was treated snarky to start off so I responded in like kind. Probably shouldn’t have done that.

    But I’m not a cigarette to be stepped on and ground into the dirt either. I have feelings. But I will ramp up my efforts to just consider the source and ignore the snarkiness. Your a great person and DGD for trying to defuse things and bring peace. I’ll Try hard. Maybe the other party involved will Also try hard to.

    Our rivals hate us enough to go around !! Hope you have a Great and Safe 2024 !! P.S. I Tried not so long on here to play the role of peace maker myself. Guess I blew it. God Bless You !! Go Dawgs !!

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    BigDawg61BigDawg61 Posts: 2,439 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I don't find you offensive, in the least, Navy. In fact, I'm one of those old-school people, that don't equate disagreement, with assault. Lol...I think it's necessary for growth.

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    navydawgnavydawg Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Oh you know I wasn’t referring to you. I probably shouldn’t have responded to the person I am referring to. And I confess I have a harder time these days restraining my temper.Like I said to Kudzu I admire and respect confidence. That’s a great thing. You have that.

    But I despise arrogance. And I greatly dislike being talked down to like I’m an inferior person. I don’t care how much a person knows about any particular subject, that doesn’t give them license to talk down to someone else. I’ve found in my life time Smart many times is where your standing. For example I’d be as lost as can be on the streets of NYC, but if I still had the ( which I don’t) physical ability to take someone from NYC down into some swamp country that I was very familiar with, they’d probably feel pretty lost to !! 😀

    Anyhow I’m gonna Try really hard to just ignore that person If he decides to make any additional demeaning comments at me. For the record He started the controversy, but I was the last to comment so I guess the yellow flags would be thrown on me !! 😂 Like I told @BigDawg888 I’m very Thankful for yours and his and Allot of other Dawgs fans friendship. The site is supposed to be for information And fun, not in fighting. So I’ll cease and desist on my end. Hope you have a Great & Safe 2024 !! God Bless !!

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    1SICemDAWGS11SICemDAWGS1 Posts: 1,824 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 10

    After Beck de-committed from Bama, Florida offered 1st, then UGA. So how was leverage used by Beck to get an offer from UGA? I could understand if Florida offered after UGA, and he gave Kirby a choice as a power play to get his wishes. So, unless you personally know Beck, Kirby, or Florida recruiting staffers, I'd say you are the one that's clueless. You sure like to throw around the term cheerleader a good bit. What makes you such a football " expert"? Listening to to CLOWNS in the media? Watching games as a fan? Watching the experts on TV? If so, you're as much of a cheerleader as anyone else you pin that title upon. Even if you are more knowledgeable about sports, or anything, it still DOES NOT make you any better than anyone else. If you think it does, you have a rude awakening heading your way. Just remember..you reap what you sow. Dont plant BS and expect roses to grow. Karma works in funny ways..what goes around, comes around.

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    WoodrowWoodrow Posts: 98 ✭✭✭ Junior

    100% @JoeClark if a compnay thinks I will not show other offers to get what I feel I need then they are crazy.

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    UGADad20UGADad20 Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited January 11

    Wow. That is hard to respond to w/o the appearance of insulting you.

    Maiava got an offer from UGA and committed. Maiava used his UGA offer (leverage) to get a better offer from USC.

    FL offered Beck. Beck hinted at a commitment to FL to get UGA to respond (leverage) with an offer. Beck got his better offer from UGA and committed to UGA.

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