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MarkBoknechtMarkBoknecht Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
edited May 8 in Off Topic

There's numerous situations where you might want to tip. Usually a restaurant or when I get a haircut. How much? Maybe five or six bucks on a twenty-five dollar haircut. Usually 20% at a restaurant. But it depends. If it's lousy service or bad food, I'll tip less. Maybe 10% if it's really bad.

I know. It's not the server's fault if the food is bad.

But the other day, I heard of something totally preposterous. There's a movement by a few really cheap people that won't tip. Anything. They believe that by not tipping this will advance change in the industry forcing restaurants to pay their servers more. What a stup.id idea.



  • wpony714wpony714 Posts: 522 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    My tipping in CA has gone down drastically. I don't like to tip on turnkey food where you order at the counter, take your own food to the table, and bus your own stuff into the trashcan. What is the tip for?

    I appreciate places that don't ask or expect me to tip. In-n-Out and Panda Express don't ask.

    Change happens regardless. What I do know is that tipping will decrease when wages increase.

  • Michael_ScarnMichael_Scarn Posts: 1,536 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I just spent two weeks in San Diego and restaurant prices are outrageously high.

  • MarkBoknechtMarkBoknecht Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 8

    We don't order take out much. Same for dining out. Too many disappointments.

    Plus my wife is s a great cook. It also helps that she's retired and has the time to do it.

    Situations vary. If I'm eating breakfast and the bill is $15.50, I'll leave a twenty and tell the server to keep the change — a $4.50 tip on a $15.50 bill or a 29% tip. On the other hand, if Im a frequent diner, Ill probably tip closer to 15-20 %. Also, if I'm having breakfast and it costs me $20, I consider that a huge bargain compared to dinner that could easily run a hundred dollars or more. And where my tip will more likely be around 20%.

    And I agree with Chopper. Tipped more for takeout during Covid.

    As for delivery, such as Pizza Delivery we always leave a side-tip in addition to the delivery charge.

  • WtkWtk Posts: 629 ✭✭✭✭ Senior

    The person you tip did not cook the food. But he/her could spit in it?

  • DvilleDawgDvilleDawg Posts: 2,698 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I try to stay at 20% tip for everything. Haircut, dine in meal, or takeout. Sometimes I will tip more than 20% but it's rare.

  • mattmd2mattmd2 Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    ”Tipflation” is real. You’re now asked at almost any Point-of-Sale to tip and the default options are always like 15/20/25%. And that’s when you place your order / before you even get your food. What if you generously tip and then wait forever for bad food? Can’t get your money back.

    I generally don’t add tip for counter-order service.

    When it comes to dining out, 20% is my standard. I do adjust for expensive items like a bottle of wine or expensive cocktails, unless I’m following the servers educated recommendation. Why should they get more money for bringing me a $100 bottle than a $10 bottle? Same amount of effort on their part.

  • wpony714wpony714 Posts: 522 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    A lot of full-service restaurants out here have been adding on a mandatory service fee since 2020, similar to what they used to charge for large groups (10+). They were trying to stay afloat but those kinds of charges never go away and so even for full-service, I won't tip if they've already included the mandatory fee. And it's not like they ever announced it, people just started to look over the itemized bill and wonder, hey, what's that?

    There were other add-ons for things like sterilizing tableware, extra plates, etc.

  • BEACHDAWGBEACHDAWG Posts: 3,670 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Nobody ever got rich by tipping.

  • donniemdonniem Posts: 6,303 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    But they may well have gifted it to an heir or a worthy cause….or not.

  • Joe31Joe31 Posts: 1,477 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited May 11

    Yeah, I believe in tipping well. Especially if the server is trying and taking the job seriously. I was a server for three years of college and it is disheartening when you work hard to do a good job and you receive no tip. On the other hand, it feels great when you are rewarded with a generous tip.

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