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COVID-19 Check-in



  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I never said that I was conceding to this thing; I am not going to pretend it doesn't exist. At the moment the only tool we have to fight back is to deny it from spreading. As the population as a whole is not prepared to do their part it will continue to thrive. Young people (and others) may think that they are unlikely to die from the virus so have no problem taking a risk they need to realize they are responsible for stopping the economy from recovering. Strange thing is that 16-19 are the least likely to die from the virus but are the most impacted with 23.2% unemployment!

    Following previous post the graphs from UK (who probably handled it the worst of the European countries) show what can be done without a vaccine.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Sorry if I misunderstood the words in the manner you wrote them.

  • Canedawg2140Canedawg2140 Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    Plan = deny it from spreading. Absolutely good plan. In a country of 50 semi-self-governed states under one flag and 1736 combined cultures it's a little complicated.

    So, problem is how do do so without:

    Forcing FREE business owners to go bankrupt.

    Denying service industry people from jobs and forcing them to the unemployment line.

    Causing irreversible harm to school-aged kids by denying them the education experience all experts feel is best (citing recent article from American Pediatrician Association).


    So, plan should include masks, social distancing WHERE POSSIBLE, washing hands.

    But, WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to social distance and not interfere with the above, a choice HAS to be made and not kicked down the road for ___ months wishing for a vaccine...

    And, we all get it - Europe is in a better place TODAY than SOME PLACES. That may change in three weeks. And they were in awful shape not long ago. Outside of NYC and a couple of places, they still blew it in comparison to about 95% of our country.

    And, nobody knows yet what effect their longer lock down will have on their economy and mental state moving forward.

    The good people of Union County SC to our east have had 83 cases and no deaths. And they are facing a year of no sports and a greatly modified education system. Their teetering economy is about to collapse due to a threat that does not exist to them and statewide decisions that affect all they know. Not sure how many on this board know what poor Southern cultures and economies look like, but most people are a paycheck away from going hungry.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Those results do not prove that they have handled this the correct way. It is believed the spread in Albany GA occurred because of a small handful of people from NY who attended a couple of funerals. It doesn’t take many cases to multiply in to a bunch. Does England have zero cases now that they are reopening? Or do they still have cases that will be likely to multiply? With that in mind - are you prepared to have EVERYONE hunker down until we get to ZERO cases?

    If contact tracing were really that effective then we wouldn’t need a flu vaccine

    Quarantines have also shown evidence of being incredibly unhealthy. This is a no-win situation. The solutions being attempted are not only incredibly destructive, but also complete folly.

  • LowcountryDawg21LowcountryDawg21 Posts: 3,404 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    “Deny it from spreading.” Precisely. I don’t believe an open economy and denying the virus from spreading are mutually exclusive. Having both at the same time turns on people doing the things that help deny the virus its ability to spread- proper masking/hygiene/distancing. If people won’t take it upon themselves to do this voluntarily, I’m not sure what we expect the government to do, other than take steps to restrict human interaction and/or impose masking requirements.

  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    Florida has finally got it's dashboard back up after a 10 day gap,

    9488 Cases today

    The median age of cases has dropped resulting in the 35% in the 55+ range to 21% average the last 10 days. Prior to the current stretch of 27 days setting new records of cases (7 day average) the cases were 750 per day of which 250 were 55+. The average cases for the last 10 days were 7,450 of which 1,560 were 55+. Therefore although the young have increased disproportionately the cases of 55+ have still increased to 6 times what it previously was!

    Hospitalizations today were 341 which passed the record set just yesterday of 325. The 7 day average now is 215, the first time exceeding 200.

    deaths were 67 for the second straight day bringing the 7 day average to 45 which is 50% higher than the low point of 30 on 6/18.

    July does not look good for either hospitalizations or deaths and something needs to be done now to prevent August also being bad.

  • flemingislanddawgflemingislanddawg Posts: 597 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    I didn't mean him specifically I mean the collective whole. May be hard on some to take this advice.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    July 3rd Georgia new Covid case reports

    10-17 57 cases , 1 hospitalization, 0 deaths

    18-29, 954 cases, 1 hospitalization, 0 deaths

    30-39, 535 cases, 22 hospitalizations, -1 death (subtraction)

    40-49, 398 cases, 16 hospitlizations, 1 death

    50-59, 324 cases, 30 hospitalizations, 0 deaths

    60-69, 160 cases, 25 hospitalizations, 2 deaths

    70-79, 80 cases, 22 hospitalizations, 2 deaths

    80+ , 67 cases, 16 hospitalizations, 3 deaths

    Again, this is not a complete total because I ignore child and infant cases. THere was a drop today over yesterday, which makes one wonder if perhaps some visiting protesters didn't return home and are being reported sick in other states????

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate

    What is the life loss at which you are okay with such protective measures? Are we supposed to start living this way in a year when the flu vaccine is a dud?

  • Denmen185Denmen185 Posts: 7,453 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    Or maybe it's because the number of test results dropped from 28K to 18K. The positive rate increased from 12% to 15%.

    July 1-3 saw an 83% increase in the average tests/day over June but cases increased 169% due to more positive results (up from 9.3% to 13.7%).

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
  • JayDogJayDog Posts: 5,560 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    I have a general question for everyone--when we talk about "death rate" and "hospitalizations" what numbers are we using? I've read medical people saying they were coding a death as "Covid" when there was not enough evidence to support it. Do we believe those medical people? If you do, then "death rate" is not a valid number. How do we know if the death rate numbers were not under inflated as medical people failed to recognize covid in the first month or two? I'm conservative also, but I don't believe we have proof of much right now. We are using research over a 4 month period--all of which is suspect.

    Given this, how can members of the public act as if they know anything? Seems to me caution is the better path. I wish the **** government would just make it law to wear masks and social distance and keep everything open as much as possible. That is the compromise position and I think a relatively safe position given the alternative of shutting down our economy. It is also the socially responsible and moral position to take.

  • BankwalkerBankwalker Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭✭✭ Graduate
    edited July 2020

    @JayDog You are correct.

    For starters, the CDC is just guessing. They really have no freaking clue. For instance, I’ve linked to a CDC document below dated June 25. This is what those clowns put out on why this disease impacts people of color at a disproportionate rate. In my opinion, this is a flat out racist and ignorant document when they start talking about “living conditions” for ethnic groups and minorities as a cause for increased susceptibility. The people who wrote this apparently think all of black America lives in the conditions we saw in the TV show Good Times. What’s sad is that these people are likely right here in Atlanta but have never visited south Fulton to see the gorgeous and wealthy neighborhoods that are almost entirely black. Yet these same people are also getting extremely sick. People of all races live pretty tightly together in the big cities. Blaming the effects of this disease on “systemic racism” instead actually trying to figure out a true medical cause is just lazy and a total failure on the part of the CDC.

    The CDC basically says Native Americans experience more severe symptoms because they don’t have plumbing and don’t practice good hygiene. This makes me think of the claim photo ID voting laws discriminate against people of color. The Chuck Schumers of the World claim minorities either don’t know how to obtain an ID or some other silly and offensive reason. Yet go ask a black person on the street if they have an ID. Ask them if they know even a single adult that doesnt have an ID. The implications should be offensive.. That is essentially how the people in charge of this situation think. Black people get sick because they all live in housing projects where no food is available for purchase??? Really helpful. That’s our CDC. The so-called “experts.”

    Now if only someone who believes the CDC’s explanation would please explain why the overwhelming vast majority of the doctors who have died from covid in the UK were people of color. It sure as heck isn’t due to their lack of access to quality healthcare or their impoverished living conditions.

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